Chapter 4 Second Time Shame On Me

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June: "Can you hurry up in there! Literally this the last time you use my shower."

Eunji: "That so called guess bathroom is wayyy to small for me. My closet is bigger than that bathroom. I"m going to give the manager a piece of my mind about this ugly layout of an apartment."

June: "Please don't. Theres not enough knowledge in that head of yours to give."

Eungi: "I do have shower slippers you know. Anyways I'm done."

June: "What's that smell?"

Eunji: "It's Chanelle Paris body wash. Smells expensive right?"

June: "Whatever, I'm using it."

June gets in the shower. Eunji gets dressed. Suddenly theres a knock at the door. "Well who could this be early in the morning?" She goes to answer it.

Eunji: "Who is it?"

Malchin: "Its Malchin."

Eunji: "Malchin? Wow! How you doing?

Malchin: "Oh, I didn't know June had company over."

Eunji: "Oh no no no, you're fine. Very fine. So how can I help you?

Malchin: "I was wondering if June could take me up on that breakfast date....I mean deal."

Eunji: "Well is there room for one more?"

Malchin: "Oh sure."

Eunji: "Good. We'll see you soon."

June gets out the shower and goes to her room to dress. Eunji opens the door and plops down on her bed. "So who's Malchin?"

June: "Huh!"

Eunji: "Don't huh me! You're hiding a whole beautiful and sexy guy from me."

June: "Hold up. How did you know about Malchin?"

Eunji: "He knocked on the door just now and invited me and you to dinner."

June: "He invited you?"

Eunji: "Thats not the point. Anyways we're going. Babydaddy is waiting for us. Also you're a fashion designer."

June: "Yeah...."

Eunji: "So what is that you're wearing?"

June: "What? Its vintage."

Eunji: "No. Please return it to the stone age where it once came from. Here, put on these. Now lets go."

(Knock Knock)

Malchin: "Come on in!"

Eunji: "Wow it looks so nice in here."

June: "It smells good too."

Malchin: "Thanks. You know the smell is just as important as the taste."

June: "Did your mom or dad teach you how to cook?"

Malchin: "Don't get me wrong. Mom could cook . But my dad actually taught me most of what I know now. He also passed his restraunt business to me after my mom passed."

June: "I'm so sorry. So you know she's gone gone."

Malchin: "What?"

June: "Like finished, not alive, not even in spirit at this table with us."

Malchin: "Um yeah."

Eunji: "I'm so sorry Malchin. I guess June is still waking up.(Eunji kicks June under the table)

June: "Ouch!"

Malchin: "The food is done. Let me set the table"

June: "Its looks so beautiful, so colorful like a painting."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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