Chapter 1 The Inevitable

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V: "Seriously Jae, I mean it's not like I'm asking for alot here. Just a little company at the clinic. I mean your my best bro. Who else would I ask to do this with me."

Jae: "Yaaa! If you wanna go shoot up sperm in a tube be my guess. But don't drag me into your crazy thoughts and ideas."

Ugh June. A total disaster month. It's been raining non-stop here in Seoul. Sup. I'm Jae, and that crazy person ready to fire in the whole is none other than my best friend V. We've been friends since kindergarten. He's been there for me since before I became the famous rookie actor Lee Jae Wook. My career is just starting to take off. My first hit show" Extraordinary You" did very well. It made its debut as the number one most watched TV show in Korea. I'm supposed to be celebrating, but no. Instead my dear best friend dramatically called me over because he said it's urgent. Being the most loving friend I am, I dropped all plans and rushed over to see if he's okay. Surprise, he just wants me to accompany him in making a serious decision for a complete stupid reason.

V: "Come on Jae. I mean let's face it. I'm going nowhere. Your acting career is taking off while I'm being left in the dust. A complete nobody. I mean your name is going to be remembered by many. May I present you Oscar Award Winning Lee Jae Wook."

Jae: "Please please. No pictures (starts laughing). V you think way too much of me. I'm just Rookie and Best New Actor in TV 2020(dramatically claps for himself)."

V: "Way to cheer me up bro. Listen. Here me out. I may not be able to leave my footprints in the world, fuguretivly speaking. Don't mean my offspring can't."

At this very moment I should have walked away. I mean even the stormy weather outside; seemed to foreshadow that something crazy and inevitable was about to happen.

Jae: "V you do realize the words that are coming out your mouth. You can leave your mark if you...."

V: "If you what? What. Jae I really don't want to settle down. The marriage thing is not for me. I mean I love kids, don't get me wrong. But I'm a bachelor. I mean look at this face."

Jae: "V your only twenty-five years old. You have your whole life ahead of you."

V: "Jae I'm not asking you to lecture me. Just to be by my side. It's all I'm asking. Please with cookies, strawberries, bananas, whip cream....."

Jae: "Alright. Alright. But just this once."

V: "Yes!! I purple you."

Jae: "Yeah whatever. But you have to schedule around my work time."

V: "Yayyyy!"

Jae: "Ugh that boxy smile gets me every time

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Jae: "Ugh that boxy smile gets me every time. I'm going. See you later."

Jae Pov

It's been two weeks and V hasn't got back to me yet. Maybe it's for the best. He needs time to rethink things over. It's really gray outside right now. I'm in the midst of preparing for a new drama role. It's a romance. I was kind of iffy about doing another romance kdrama , but working with the lovely actor Gohara was pretty fun. Plus my fans seem to love me in types of dramas like this. Apparently me playing the bad guy is kind of a no no for them. Zzzzz. Shoot! Where's my phone.

Jae: "Hey V. What's up?

V: "Hey I checked your schedule. The appointment is Monday at 9:45 am."

Jae: "Wait your actually going through with this."

V: "Um yes. Don't tell me you've changed your mind about coming with me!"

Jae: "'s just...nevermind okay. I got it, Monday at 9:45. See you then."

Well there's no turning back now. I can't imagine a bunch of V babies running around. Seriously. He makes my life a kdrama.

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