Chapter 3 Surprise Surprise

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June gets out of bed. She goes to brush her teeth. Looking in the mirror, a sudden realization comes upon her face. Her grip around the toothbrush untighten. It falls to the floor. " Oh shoot. I'm pregnant! What do I do? I mean, I know what to do but where do I start. First and foremost, books. I need lots and lots of books." Leaving her apartment, she goes to the library.

June: "Now where's the baby book area. Found it!"

Librarian: "Shhhhhhh."

June grabs a small basket and begin grabbing books. She reaches for one on the top shelf and ends up knocking a pile of books onto the floor. As she bends down to pick them up, a hand reaches over her and helps pick up the books. Looking up, a familiar face appears.

June: "Oh. Nosebleed. The elevator Malchin."

Malchin: "Yeah that' s me, elevator nosebleed guy."

June: "Cute. I'm just teasing."

Malchin: "I see. Wow thats alot of baby books. You have a friend or family member thats pregnant."

June: "Um nooooo. Actually its me. I'm pregnant."

Malchin: "Oh, wow."

June: "Well its my first day of pregnancy."

Malchin: "Really. Well your husband must be really happy."

June: "Oh boy. Whooh . Well umm. You see I got a sperm donor."

Malchin: "Wow."

June: "Thats alot of wows."

Malchin: "And thats alot of ummmms.."

(June starts chuckling)

Malchin: "By the way I didn't get your name."

June: "It's June."

Malchin: "Sooo June. Now that we're acquainted, can I help you with your books. It seems alot for you to handle by yourself."

June: (talking to herself in her head) OMG. OMG. Hes such a gentleman. And that smirk is a whole mood. And the way he smiles with his eyes. I cannot. June chill. Act natural. "Sure. Whatever."

Malchin: "Okkk."

June: (Nailed it.)

Malchin helps June checkout and take the bag of books to her car. June locks eyes on Malchin's arms. She can't help notice his veins popping out. Her mind immediately wonders. (OMG his biceps are huge. He is literally showing off right now. And the white see through top does him no justice. A whole snack.) Malchin notices June staring at him. (ABORT! ABORT!) Malchin gives off a suddle smirk.

Malchin: "I don't mean to oppose on you but it's a beautiful day. Would you like to have brunch with me? I thought it'll be cool for me and you to get to know each other. We do live in the same hotel and are technically neighbors."

June: "Sure."

They both enter a dog cafe and order food.

June: " I'll like grilled short ribs with a side of cold cucumber soup."

Malchin: "I'll have omurice with radish strip kimchi."

Waiter: " Okay your food will be ready shortly."

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