Lasso the Moon

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Song 17: Song for the Lovely Lady Earth by Del Water Gap

"Love's not simple here anymore

And I've gone mental over how to leave this world and go back home."


Cinder watched Earth from the throne room of Artemisia Palace, wishing more than anything that she was down on the blue planet rather than gazing at it longingly. It felt like years since she had been there, when in reality she had visited mere weeks ago for the Annual Peace Ball in the Commonwealth.

She wished that she could travel back in time— back to Earth and into Kai's arms. She wanted to be down upon the lovely lady Earth and know that she was home.

A ping sounded at Cinder's waist at the same time a small notification lit up on her computer interface. She was receiving a comm— one from Kai.

Cinder grinned, pulling out her port and accepting his call. Instantly his face lit up the screen and she was overcome with another wave of longing as she stared at his tired face, and the way his hair was a complete mess by the end of the day. He looked terrible, though still completely and utterly charming. It would have been aggravating if Cinder didn't love his stupid face so much.

"Hi," Cinder breathed, touching her fingers to the port as if to sweet his messy locks from his forehead.

"Hello to you too," Kai grinned. The background behind him spun, and Cinder knew that he was in his office chair. "I missed you."

"Missed you too," Cinder sighed, leaning against a marble pillar and sliding to the floor. "It feels like ages since I've seen you."

"Yeah," Kai grumbled, brow furrowing. "Do you reckon I could lasso the moon— bring you down here to be with me?"

"A lasso?" Cinder laughed, cupping a hand over her mouth. "What are you from, the second era?"

A blush tinted Kai's cheeks, and Cinder relented on her teasing, though the strain of not laughing pulled at her lungs. Sometimes he was just too impossibly cute.

"Lasso Luna down to Earth," Cinder said, her voice almost a hush.

"Really?" Kai asked. "You want me to?"

"More than anything," Cinder whispered. "Love's not simple here anymore. I've gone mental over how to leave this world and come back home."

Kai's eyes saddened as he looked at her. "Don't worry, love," he said. "Someday we'll be together again— I promise."

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