Without You There (Part 1)

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Song: Maple Syrup by The Backseat Lovers

Cinder woke with a start, her body chilled with the nightmare of burning. Her skin still felt as if the flames were licking her gently despite the cool air of her room.

Immediately her eyes fell upon the picture of Kai she still had taped to her wall—there despite their separation. It broke her heart to see his smile as he looked down at her. They had been happy then; they had still been together.

She dragged herself from bed and had to restrain herself from calling him. They were the kind of nightmares that he used to talk to down from. She missed the way his voice soothed her back into sleep.

Every day she thought of him and wondered what it would be like if they had made it work—if she had managed to get herself off the star-forsaken moon. It was tantalizing to think of as she watched him from afar, talking in press meetings and dancing at balls. It broke her heart.

She went to her closet and pulled out the gray hoodie he had left on the moon just for her. She almost put it on—but she knew it would still smell like him. That sweet scent of all things clean. She couldn't bear to smell him without actually being by his side.

"I'm sorry I lied," Cinder whispered, bringing the hood up to the tip of her nose and inhaling the fragrance for just an instant. "I'm sorry I lied when I said we could make it work."

She shut her eyes tight and tried to forget him—but he had always been unforgettable. "I wish I would have kept my word."

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