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(Another chapter inspired by Laz Briar on YouTube, credit for this chapter and future chapters goes to this incredible Angel Dust X Listener channel)

'Please don't be mommy, Please don't be mommy, Please don't be mommy.' Belladonna said in her head over and over as she heard Angel's high heels getting closer to her room. Sometimes it seems Angel is bipolar and has two sides when it comes to Belladonna. The mommy side is when he's a complete mama bear. Belladonna doesn't feel very well today and if Angel is in mama mode he'll freak out and nearly go into a panic attack as he checks her temperature which seems like every ten minutes and call every doctor he has saved on his phone. Daddy mode he's the carefree fun guy that always makes her laugh. She took a deep breath as she heard the door open and waited to see if luck was on her side today.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? You look like shit." Angel chuckled.

Belladonna sighed relieved, he was daddy today.

"Come on get out of bed, you've been in there all morning." Angel said as he walked to her window and opened up her drapes to let some light in. When he turned back he saw Belladonna's face. "Oh wait a second, you're actually sick. Aw honey I didn't mean that, I thought you were just fooling around. Shit, boy I take that back. I would ask if you're doing ok but that would be a really stupid question huh? Here, let me feel your head." Angel slipped off one of his gloves and carefully laid his hand against her head making sure he didn't accidentally scratch her with his very long red nails. Angel then bent down and carefully kissed her forehead before thinking for a moment. "104. Oh fuck, how the hell did you get sick?"

Belladonna remembered when she was in the backseat of a taxi while she waited for Angel to get them lunch from a nearby food truck and was ripping apart the driver back there. It was pretty funny when people saw the blood splatter all over the windows. But then she noticed all the used tissues in the driver's seat. The damn perv must have went to work while sick.

"Damn." Angel said after she signed the story to him. "Ya must have caught what that bastard had. Well uh, I was gonna ask if you wanna go down to the radio tower to see daddy and surprise him with lunch but this changes that plan. Well don't you worry, mama daddy will take good care of ya. Hang on I'll go fetch my old book." Angel quickly went to his room and came in with what looked like a journal.

'What's that?" Belladonna signed to him.

"It's a little journal I write shit in. There's a lot of quick fixes I have to get me up and going again from before I had you. When you do what I did you gotta feel good quickly after a long night of doing a video or some shit like that."

Angel told Belladonna about how Val treated him and he gave her the sex talk two years ago. Luckily Belladonna still had her V-card, she always killed the demons before they could take it away.

'What kind of stuff?' Belladonna signed.

"I don't know, I don't remember, but I promise on my six fucking arms that one of these things will probably make you feel better. Here, let me just sit right here." Angel sat on the bed and Belladonna was about to move over to make more room for him but he stopped her. "Don't get up sweetheart, now let's see what we got here." Angel looked over his journal. "A good morning egg, that sounds promising huh? I know you like eggs so let's see. One raw egg yolk, vodka.. Vodka? Oops, nope not that one."

'Good, I don't want to eat a raw egg.' Belladonna signed.

"Red rocket ice cubes for sinuses. You got any sinuses?" He asked her.

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