Loo Loo Land

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After Belladonna got better Angel asked Alastor if he would watch her all day while he and Cherri go out for a while.

"Why of course my dear, I would love to have some one on one time with her." Alastor answered with his smile bigger than before.

"Alright, call me if anything happens and take pics." Angel told him.

"I assure you my love, I am perfectly capable of caring for my child."

"I know you are hon, but I just hate being away from her."

"We will be fine." Alastor promised. "Nothing will harm our child."

Angel gave Alastor a kiss on the lips before going over to Belladonna who was just finishing breakfast. "Ok sweetie, mommy daddy has to go out for a while so you're gonna spend the whole day with daddy."

Belladonna gave him a grin and nodded showing she understands.

Angel bent down and gave her a huge kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna miss ya but you'll have lots of fun with him."

'Love you.' Belladonna signed.

"Love ya too baby." Angel smiled before giving both his husband and child one more kiss before grabbing his purse and walking out.

"So my precious miracle, what shall we do today?" Alastor asked her.

Belladonna shrugged her shoulders.

"Hmm." Alastor tapped his chin in thought before snapping his fingers. "I've got it."

Belladonna looked down and saw what her dad made her wear.

Instead of high heeled boots she was wearing sneakers, a black T-shirt, and blue overalls.

"Don't you look adorable." Alastor cooed as he pinched her cheek.

Belladonna rolled her eyes and got up and signed. 'So where are we going?'

"You'll see when we get there my dear." Alastor said as he lead her outside and teleported them to a new location.

Belladonna looked up to see a theme park with a sign that says 'Loo Loo Land'.

"We're sure to find some entertainment here darling." Alastor grinned as he led her inside.

Belladonna looked around, she admits her dad picked a pretty good spot, she loves playing games and rides.

"So what do you think darling?" Alastor asked.

'You nailed it dad.' Belladonna answered.

"Huh?" Alastor asked confused as he tilted his head.

Sometimes she forgets how out of date her dad is, after all he still calls the TV the picture show. 'It means you picked a good spot.'

"Ah I see, you were using an expression!" Alastor said. "For a moment there I thought you learned a whole new word in sign language. I could have sworn you said you were nailing something." Alastor stopped himself when he saw his daughter's smile turn into a small frown. "Oh I am so sorry darling." Alastor and Angel both know Belladonna wished she had a voice so no one would get confused by her signing anymore. They've talked about the surgery a few times but keep deciding against it. It was too risky.

Alastor got out his phone and called Angel.

"Al you dumbass!" Angel picked up right away. "I've only been gone for twenty minutes and already you fucked up?"

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