Meeting the Others

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"Hello my friends." Alastor walked in with a dramatic entrance as always.

"Hey Al." Charlie greeted as she stood next to Vaggie with Husk and Niffty behind her. "Where have you been and have you seen Angel?"

"Angel and I have some exciting news." Alastor announced.

"Oh oh oh!" Niffty jumped around excited. "Did you finally ask Angel to marry you?"

"Ha! No." Alastor replied.

"Then spit it out already." Husk growled. "I don't have all day."

"My dear Husker you have all eternity." Alastor pointed out. "But anyways Angel and I have been blessed with a little miracle." He turned towards the door he came through. "Come in now darling."

Angel walked in with a smiles as he showed them the newborn in his arms.

Charlie and Vaggie's jaws dropped.

Niffty loudly gasped.

Husk was silent for just a moment before saying. "What the fuck?"

"This little darling is Belladonna." Alastor introduced. "Angel and I are adopting her."

"Oh my gosh!" Niffty shrieked as she speeds around them. "She's so cute! Oh my gosh! She's so little! Oh my gosh! Her head's on fire!"

"Angel, Alastor how did you get her?" Charlie asked curiously.

"You better not have used your voodoo you cheesy talkshow shitlord." Vaggie growled at Alastor.

"No no no dear." Alastor shook his head. "I was summoned to the land of the living and this child was given to me as a sacrifice."

"Oh my!" Charlie gasped covering her mouth not believing someone would do that to such an innocent little thing. She walked over and got a closer look. "She was just born today."

"Why yes she was." Alastor nodded.

"Fan fucking tastic." Husk growled. "Two or three years of hearing crying all fucking night long."

Angel's smile fell and Alastor twitched a little.

"You don't have to worry about the Husk." Angel choked out holding back a sob. "She's mute."

Husk actually looked surprised before he shook his head. "Well.... I uh."

"I'm so sorry Angel and Alastor." Charlie said sincerely.

"It's alright toots." Angel said hugging her tightly to him. "I'm just glad she's here, I've been wishing for a child since I've been alive."

"I agree." Alastor's smile widened. "Becoming a father is the best feeling I've felt in a long time. Besides there could be worse things than mute, we will give this child the best care we can provide."

"Speaking of which, would it be ok if we had a bigger room?" Angel asked.

"Of course." Charlie grinned. "Just about your floor is where I keep rooms for families."

"Charlie." Vaggie pulled her aside. "A baby in the hotel? Raised by a violent monster of chaos and a porn star?"

"Oh come on Vaggie, look how happy they are." Charlie nodded over to Angel who was cuddling Belladonna and Alastor who had his arm wrapped around Angel's shoulders while smiling down lovingly at his new child. "Besides this will be good for them, they'll behave, Angel might actually stop doing drugs, Alastor won't be up to any tricks, and where else where she go?"

Vaggie sighed. "I can never convince you to do anything when you're like this."

Alastor walked over to Husk and put his arm around him pulling him close until they were face to face. "Husker my friend, how would you like to be Belladonna's godfather."

Husker widened his eyes and spit out his booze in shock. "Are you shitting me?"

"Of course not, you are my longest friend and I trust you to protect my little darling."

Husk looked back at the newborn in Angel's arms before shaking his head. "Fine, but I'm not gonna be your full time babysitter."

"No worries my friend, Angel and I can't stand to be away from her for more than mere minutes." Alastor let go of Hust and back to Angel. "Well darling who do you wish to be the godmother?"

"I already know who I'm gonna pick." Angel grinned. 

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