The Wedding

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Mouths later it was finally time for the wedding. Angel's brother and sister were able to come in secret so their dad won't find out. Both of them loved their niece and was happy things were finally going right for their brother. Angel and Belladonna were wearing matching dresses except Angel's was a gown. He looked absolutely beautiful.

"So my little brother is marrying an overlord." Arackniss said as their sister Molly played with Belladonna.

"Jealous?" Angel smirked at him.

"You wish Anthony."

Angel paused and looked over at his brother with a hurt expression.

Molly looked over and knew an argument was about to happen. "I'll just take Belladonna out."

With them gone Angel looked at his brother. "Why are you always calling me Anthony? Even on my wedding. I haven't been Anthony in over 70 years and I'm getting tired of you calling me that."

"Lets not do this right now." Arackniss told him.

"No! Right now!" Angel insisted. "I thought you were ok with me being gay, I'm getting married to one of the sexiest demons in Hell, I have a baby who just heard you call me the wrong name. I'm Angel Dust!"


"There you fucking go again! It's Angel Dust!"

"Why the fuck would I want to call you Angel Dust?" Arackniss snapped at him.

"Well it is my name." Angel said lowering his voice.

"Not to me." Arackniss started looking so weak that Angel started to worry he was going to have a stroke.

"What is it? What's wrong with my name being Angel Dust? It's just a name."

"Angel Dust is that horrible shit that took your life." Arackniss closed his eyes to stop the tears that were about to fall from his eyes. "I caught you doing it so many times then I found you dead. Overdosed from it."

Angel teared up as well before he hugged his brother. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you felt that way."

Arackniss fixed Angel in his arms. "I held you just like this, but you didn't hug me back."

Angel sobbed in his big brother's shoulder never feeling so guilty. "I'm so sorry, you can call me Anthony."

Arackniss quickly dried his many eyes before he helped Angel up. "Come on, you're gonna be late for your own wedding."

"Arackniss... Will you give me away?" Angel asked as he dried his own tears.

Meanwhile Alastor was holding Belladonna to him while Charlie asked him questions. "Is it too much Al?"

"No my dear, it's perfect." Alastor assured before looking at his daughter. "Don't you think so darling." Belladonna was too busy playing with her father's bow tie making him laugh. "Thank you my love, my bowtie was a little crooked."

Molly giggled as she took her niece so Alastor can fix it. "Get in your spot Alastor, Angel will be walking down any moment."

Giving his daughter's head a quick kiss he want up on the small alter Charlie set up in the hotel lobby.

Molly put Belladonna into a small play pen they brought before quickly running to her place.

Belladonna hasn't walked yet but she was able to stand if she was hanging on to something.

Everything was going perfect, Angel walked down looking gorgeous with Arackniss's arm hooked with his. Giving Belladonna a smile before Charlie married them.

Belladonna watched her parents give each other a long kiss and wondered why everyone started clapping. Her parents kiss all the time and no one has ever clapped before.

Of course in Hell nothing good lasts forever.

The hotel doors burst open. "What the fuck is all this?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Angel growled.

"Is that anyway to speak to your father?" The mob leader Henroin asked.

"Yeah well, I'm pretty fucking rude." Angel shrugged.

"How dare you." Alastor glared at the demon that made his bride's life a living hell alive and dead.

"Don't worry Al, it's gonna be fine." Angel softly told him.

"HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU!" Henroin yelled shooting his gun and noticed his other kids were there. "What did I tell you two about hanging out with this disappointment!?"

Everyone in the room then glared at him.

"Fuck off!" Molly shouted at him. "We stopped being your kids a long time ago!"

"And Anthony is perfect just the way he is!" Arackniss added. "We're not gonna let you hurt him again."

Henroin growled then noticed that Angel's eyes would shift to the side now and then worried. Henroin looked and saw Belladonna for the first time. A baby with flaming blue hair and wearing a dress that was similar to what Angel was wearing. Angel knew right away what he was thinking, his father was always taking things he loved most away from him. "No! No! Not my baby!" Angel screamed about to run to Belladonna.

Belladonna saw what the new stranger had in his hand, she's seen Angel use guns many times. Of course she doesn't know what they are but whenever her mom/dad uses one, the person goes to sleep and doesn't wake up. Now one was pointed at Angel. No way did she want her mom/dad to go to sleep.

Everyone then stared as Belladonna's whole body suddenly burst into flames destroying the play pen she was trapped in before she started rushing to Henroin like a blood thirsty monster.

Henroin shot at her but she easily dodged each shot. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING!"

Belladonna then stood up on her two legs and took a couple steps before jumping on him burning his fur.

Everyone watched Belladonna attack her so called grandfather like a real monster until he used his claws to grab her and tossed her.

Thinking fast Arackiniss ran and caught her before she could hit the ground or the wall.

Molly pulled out her own guns. "Get out! And don't come back!"

"Belladonna!" Angel screamed rushing over to her.

"She's alright." Arackiniss assured as he gave her back.

Belladonna was now back to normal so Angel was able to hug her tightly as he sobbed. He can't remember the last time he was so scared. Quickly wiping his eyes after he realized something. "Belladonna, you took your first steps and saved me." 

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