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I splash water on my face, drying off with a towel. My reflection in the communal bathroom's mirror is one of barely any sleep and painfully obvious marks around my neck. The bruises are dark and tender to the touch. It hurts to swallow and I spent all last night unable to find a way to sleep comfortably. Part of me wants to blame it all on Natasha Romanoff, but most of me knows it's my fault. Still, the memory of last night leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I pack up my belongings. Even with mere hours of sleep, I have an abundance of energy. I don't feel in the mood to go down to the gym, so instead, I make my way down the rarely used stairs and out the side entrance of the building.

In the warmer seasons, I'd pass many people on a run, but not with today's cold and especially not on Christmas. I don't much like runs honestly. The lack of destination bores me but I love the way the wind feels against my cheeks and the way my runners hit against the cement. Running is good for staying in shape too as SHIELD likes to remind its agents. That's probably the only thing I got from the entirety of SHIELD health and wellness seminar. 

Boy was that a fun day; about a hundred agents all crammed in to be lectured about diets and fitness. The best part was probably when they said they'd be taking away pizza Fridays in the cafeteria and practically ever agent was ready to revolt. Needless to say, pizza Fridays are here to stay. Sometimes the rather mundane aspects of being a SHIELD agent make me laugh. The media likes to portray secret government agents as spending all day kicking ass, but most of the time it's just paperwork, getting lectured on protocol, and eating leftover pizza at midnight after a mission.

My feet halt and I come to a stop somewhere in the middle of a neighbourhood. With my hands pressed on my knees, I take a breather. My nose is numb and my toes are beginning to feel the bite of cold. It's still quite early in the morning and the sunlight hasn't yet reached the streets to melt the sheet of ice. I look around at the quiet street, noticing the way some of the homes are decorated for the holidays. Through the windows, I can see the twinkling of lighted trees and can almost hear the laughter and warmth seeping from inside. It brings a smile to my lips.

With a sigh, I stand up straight. I should get back soon before anyone wonders where I am. Besides, I really need like a barrel of coffee.

"Harper!" Spencer calls from behind me in the hall. I turn around, my snow-soaked runners squeaking on the tile. I raise an eyebrow and he jogs to catch up with me. "Where are you going?"

I take the last sip from the cup of coffee I have in my hand. "I was—" I clear my throat, trying to ignore the way my voice crackles slightly. "I was heading to get some breakfast and then I was planning on watching cheesy holiday specials, why?"

"I've been looking for you."

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know, just thought we could eat together. No said they had seen you around this morning so I assumed you went away with Agent Barton."

I cross my arms. "Oh, no, he flew home to be with his... family. I just went on a run— needed the fresh air."

Agent Spencer's phone rings in his pocket and he takes it out. "It's my sister," he whispers to me as he leans against the wall to answer, "Hey Jess, it's been a while..."

I sigh, turning around to chuck my coffee cup into the trash before walking the rest of the way down the hall to the elevator.

The cafeteria is where the majority of working SHIELD agents are congregated. The line for food isn't long with most having already settled in for breakfast. Though there are specials this morning for the holiday, I just get my usual: an apple and a blueberry muffin.

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