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I have been waiting for an hour. A whole hour where I could be doing literally anything else. Like, for instance, studying for my history final. It's probably my fault I'm going to fail anyway. I really should not have procrastinated. Still, I have been waiting in a boring, fluorescent-lit room for the past hour, wasting time by staring into the mirror across the table from me which was probably one of those two-way mirrors from the movies. I hope there's someone on the other side. Otherwise, I'm just glaring at myself and that's a waste of energy.

"Can I please get some water or something?" I yell at the mirror. Leaning back in the frigidly cold metal chair, I yawn. The only thing keeping me awake at this point in the night is adrenaline and spite. "Can I at least talk to someone? A lawyer maybe?" I have a lawyer, right?

There's a click from the door behind me, but I don't bother looking.

"Ms Harper Hagino," a man's voice greets, both sharp and gruff in tone, "Or should I call you GhostTyper23?" As the man makes his way in front of me, I try to fight a grin.

"Whoa cool eyepatch," I mutter. This was the kind of man you probably didn't want to cross but I can't help myself.

"Indeed," he sighs, dropping a file on the table and pulling a chair scraping across the floor. I don't meet his eye. "The name's Director Fury."

"What are you directing?"

"The same organisation you hacked into only this afternoon." He opens the file, fingering through the pages so that I can glimpse my picture clipped to the inside of the file. It's the ID picture I took during my first day at university. I'm even wearing the same school hoodie I am now. Then there's another; one of me at the greyhound bus stop I remember from one of the handoffs I did last year.

"Is that my-"

"We've had our eyes on you for a while Ms Hagino."

"Well, that's not at all creepy," I mutter under my breath. It isn't any less creepy coming from a guy who looks like a vampire pirate and has the likeableness to rival an angry bull.

"We here at SHIELD don't take pride in making people comfortable."

I lean forward with curiosity. "Shield? Is that like the FBI? The files I looked at didn't really really explain what you guys do."

"We're much, much worse," Director Fury smirks. Is that a smirk? I feel like that's a smirk.

"You know, I was hoping I was on the FBI's watchlist," I sigh sarcastically, "I've always wanted to see them kick down a door. And their look with those suits and earpieces— very cool."

"Trust me, Ms Hagino, you're on everyone's list," he says, leaning over the table so that he's an uncomfortable distance away. I freeze, closing my mouth. This seems to be the desired effect because he does that smirk thing again. Man is this guy hard to read. "The only question is how a kid like you gets wrapped up with about four different criminal groups and one very nosy group of activists."

"You have to pay for college somehow."

He sighs. "Ms Hagino, I don't think you're taking this as serious as you should be."

"I've seen the shows. You can't keep me here without talking to my lawyer."

"We can do whatever we please. You hacked the most secure intelligence agency in the world and having that kind of information makes you our jurisdiction to do what we like. Just be glad you're not being charged with domestic terrorism and locked away somewhere you'll never see the light of day."

Most secure intelligence organisation? He should try hacking into the Pentagon's servers. That was one hell of a long night. Even though I should probably stay quiet, I can't help but scoff.


"Can I get some water actually? I've here for a while—"

Director Fury glares at me. "Ms Hagino, did you hear anything I just said?"

"Loud and clear," I say, "But what do you want me to say? I'm sorry?"

He shakes his head before turning to the mirror. "Send in Agent Barton," he tells whoever is on the other side. So I am right. It is a one-way mirror. If not for the whole being kidnapped by the government thing, this would be really cool.

A few moments later, Agent Barton enters. In the fluorescent light, I can see his messy blond hair and the up-turned smirk he has plastered to his face. He's not nearly a terrifying as he was when I met him in the alley. In fact, he looks a little like a golden retriever.

"Sir," he greets Director Fury.

He stands from his chair shuffling the file back into place. "Agent Barton, why don't you show Ms Hagino around."

My mouth falls open. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I'm offering you a job," He clarifies.

"Oh no, no, no," I laugh, "I don't want to work with a bunch of up-tight government suits. I have stuff to do and a history final on Monday."

Director Fury holds up my file. "Ms Hagino, I have your whole life written down right here in my hand. I know you're on probation from your performance last semester, and from the looks of how bad you say you need to pass that test, I'd say you won't be in university for much longer." I cross my arms, biting my lip. "From the what I see, your life only heading in one direction and that's a prison cell. Maybe you get sent to a cosy minimum security prison if you're lucky where a nice girl like you will get your ass kicked." I watch him as he moves to the door, a lump forming in my throat. "It's up to you Ms Hagino. I can call your lawyer and get those charges of terrorism laid out, but if I were you, I'd take Agent Barton up on that tour."

The door bangs shut behind him, and all I can do is turn back to the mirror and stare at my reflection. My eyes are red and hang with bags from being awake so long into the night. I smooth my fingers through my dishevelled hair, trying to get is to lie neat and flat like it always did. I'm aware of Agent Barton watching me from the corner of the room, but I don't care much. After meeting Director Fury, he's not nearly as threatening. Right now, all I want to do is go back to my dorm and sleep.

"I'd like to tell you that he's not always like that but I'd be lying," Agent Barton says.

"What do you mean? He's delightful," I groan, "Doesn't everyone love when they're told their life will amount to nothing but prison?"

"I refuse to believe that your life will amount to nothing."

"Your boss disagrees."

"He's not always agreeable," Agent Barton sighs, "But when I told him about what an asset I think you could be, he didn't turn me down."

I raise an eyebrow. "You what?"

"Don't look so surprised." His smile sets into the wrinkles on his cheeks. It's a kind smile and a genuine one at that. "Anyone who can hack into probably about anything is the kind of person I'd want working for us."

"Well, not anything."

"Your file says you've hacked the Pentagon's servers."

I tuck my hair behind my ear. "That was more just to see if I could do it."

"Tell you what, I'll give you the room to think about the arrangement Fury set out, and when you decide, I'll be outside."

Agent barton is almost out the door when I turn around, having already made up my mind. There's a chance what I'm about to do is one of those bad decisions I'm so fond of, but from the looks of everything, it is the only real decision I have. Part of me just wants to do it for the hell of it.

"SHIELD, does that stand for something?" I ask Agent Barton.

He pauses, satisfied by my change in heart. "Strategic Homeland Intervention and Logistics Division."

"Strategic Homeland Inter— what?"

"It's a mouthful." He opens the door all the way, gesturing me to follow. "Now, come on. I need coffee."

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