On the floor

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Fluttershy Diary: 

Moving is hard. You loose all of your friends, and you have to start all over again. Also, going to a new school is weird. I don't know anyone here. There is this cool girl  named Rainbow Dash, but I'm not sure I can talk to her.

Trust me. I've tried!!

Fluttershy POV:

"I can do it!", I thought to myself. I walked up to Rainbow Dash, but when I was 10 metres away, I fell down on the floor in frustration. What if she didn't want to be my friend? Even worse... WHAT IF SHE DIDN'N EVEN NOTICE ME??!

I was invisible. I knew that very well. Even my best friend on my old school thought so. Her name is Pinkie Pie. She was always there for me. Risking her own happiness to make me laugh. I miss her very much, and I haven't even been away from her for 2 days yet!

Well... as I said. I was laying on the floor in frustration. Rainbow Dash was very busy with her own stuff. I dunno why I have this attraction to her. I've never seen her before, but she seem so nice. What if she isn't nice?? Everybody likes her. She gotta be nice.

Since I couldn't make talking to her, I decided to go away, and leave her alone for a while...

Twilight POV:

It was this girl laying at the floor. She looked very frustrated. What was going on with her?? 

"Twi?", my best friend  Sunset Shimmer asked. "What?", I replied with a soft voice. At least as soft I could make it in this speculation. "Your face expressions..." she commented. "What..? Oh nothing.", was everything I said. "You don't look too good.", my other friend, Starlight Glimmer, whispered. "Yeah! Something worriers you!!", Stars bestie, Trixie, screamed. "No, no. I'm fine.", I replied. "If you say so...", Sun said.

Trixie POV:

"Sunset??" "Do you really think it's okay??", I said, very loud.

How could she just say "If you say so..."? We are talking about her best friend! The friend she would have nothing without!! And she... DOSN'T EVEN CARE??!!

"I'm not her best friend, but I care more than you!!", I almost screamed. "Twilight. Are you sure you are okay?! Somethings wrong!! Tell me!!!", I kept on.

Okay... probably I overreacted a little. But who cares. Right?

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