Pinkie Pie

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Fluttershys POV:

Sunday. No school today either. It's my favourite day of the week. No, I don't like Saturday or Friday like everyone else. On a Sunday you have 5 days of school, yes I like school, to look forward to, but still nothing important to do. Also, it's the perfect day to hang out. While everyone else is at the church, you can go for a walk with you bestie.

The thing is, I don't have any bestie. Sure I got Rainbow Dash, but we hang out yesterday. I got Pinkie Pie too, but she lives another place. Wait! Pinkie. She is invited over today. Yay!

Pinkies POV:

Hurray! Today I was going to visit my bestie, Fluttershy. The train went fast, and before I knew it, I was there. She was waiting for me, smiling. "FLUTTERSHY!!!", I squeeled, and jumped on her. "Pinkie", she smiled back. "Any newww friends?", i asked, super excited for her. "Oh yes. Or... I think so." "THINK!? JUST THINK!?! Either you KNOW or there is NOTHING!!", I told her, VERY friendly (/s). "I THINK that Rainbow Dash is my friend.", she blushed. "Rainbow Dash?! Like in RAINBOW-RAINBOW DASH!!!", oh my gawd I couldn't believe it! Dash is one of the most famous high school people in the world! "If you with Rainbow Rainbow Dash mean blue skin, and rainbow hair." OMG! IT IS HER! If Fluttershy is friends with her, we sure can make some people notice her. Finally!

"Fluttershy!", we heard. It was Dash. It. Was. DASH! "Rainbow Dashie!", Fluttershy smiled. She smiled back. Aww, that was cute. I jumped to a conclusion. "I SHIP IT!", I screamed. They both were shocked. "Ship?", Shy asked. "SHIP?!", Dash stared. "SHIIIIP!!" I answered. "Oh my god!", Dash blushed angry and surprised. "What's 'ship'?", Fluttershy said again. Rainbow Dash putted her hand on my friends shoulder. "If a person ship someone it means she want them to get together, to say it easy.", she explained. "YES! I WANT YOU AND RAINBOW DASH TO START DATIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!", I shouted.

Rainbows POV:

I just wanted to say hi to my friend, but it ended up with that someone ships me with her. Seriously? Fluttershy is just a friend. Not to mention NEW friend. I barely know her! Besides, I got this crush on Applejack. I know that she is the perfect one for me. Applejack and I are ment to be. She is athletic, just like me, but got no chance to shine. The only difference between us is that I'm a star, and she's a 'loser'. But I don't think she's a loser...

This is why I hate Sunday. So many surprises you have to worry about for the whole next week. Does anyone actually like Sunday? If so, I hate that person. On a Sunday your parents push you to the church, and the only way to NOT go there is with denying to get up from bed. After that, you can run away, and not come back before evening. It's fun and such, but you always got that feeling you are doing something wrong.

"I'm NEVER going to date Fluttershy", I laughed, and putted my arm around her shoulder. "She's just a friend." Fluttershy looked down. Pinkie Pie went bananas. "NOT DATE FLUTTERSHY??! Who wouldn't LOVE to date Fluttershy!? EVEN I WOULD LOVE TO!!" She jumped around and screamed "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" That girl is totally crazy. "Come Flutters, we are leaving. Dash Rainbow doesn't deserve you." She grabbed Fluttershys arm, and walked away from me.

What was going on inside that girl?

Fluttershys POV:

"PINKIE, what are you doing?" Why did she drag me away from Rainbow Dash? One minute ago, she talked about how much she 'shipped' me with Dash, and now she wants me to keep distance from her? "Didn't you hear that? She said she was NEVER EVER going to date you!!! That girl ruined everything!" Pinkie Pie ruined it even more with taking me away from her, but I didn't tell her that. "W-what if we get some ice-cream?". I tried to change the conversation topic. Her face lightened up. "DID YOU SAY ICE-CREEEAAM???? More like ice-DREAM!! I'M IN!!!" 

Yay, I did it. I changed the topic. We ran of to get some ice-cream. I went with a plane vanilla. It's the cheapest, and vanilla is my favourite. Pinkie Pie went bananas AGAIN, just in a positive way this time. Chocolate, strawberry, raspberry, vanilla, blueberry, orange, chocolate chips, cookie dough, lemon, mint, apple, even the pizza taste! Seriously, PIZZA TASTING ICE-CREAM!!

When we was standing there, I saw something move close to us. I couldn't see what is was. "Ninja?" I asked Pinkie. "Nopie," she answered, and continued to command different ice-cream tastes from the poor seller. "Rainbow Dash?" I tried. "Maybe," she answered, not really paying attention to me. "That creepy scary lady who started the rumour?" Pinkies face turned in my direction. "Which rumour?" she wanted to know.

Was this when I  was supposed to be quiet, and not say anything. Or was the the moment I was supposed to tell her everything? For my sake, I think it'd be better to tell her. But for Dashes sake, option one would probably be safer. And... isn't that what friends do. Care about each other?

"Nothing," I said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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