{This is home}

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Roslyn stared at the counter in Miss Lovett's shop in sadness. Her eyes full of emotions and none of them happy. No one was at the shop but Sweeney and he was upstairs working, most likely killing the innocent man who had paid him for a trim. Roslyn sighed, even thinking of that left her feeling nothing. She glanced up to the clock, it was old and she was sure that it was a few minutes behind but the time was surly around 4:00 pm.

Miss Lovett had told Roslyn once that she was aloud to come to the shop when she wanted, so she did, quite often actually.

"What are you doing down here?" A low voice growled. It was Sweeney.

Roslyn jumped a bit, her eyes flickering into his before falling to the ground once more. He was so intimidating, not to mention that his suspenders were hanging down below his hips, blade in hand. Wow... Roslyn thought. Swallowing hard.

"I just came to get away from someone" Roslyn mumbled. She had never really exchanged a full conversation with the mysterious barber, though she'd always wanted to.

"That so? Who are you avoiding?" Sweeney asked, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. He was working hard at cleaning fresh blood from his blade, Roslyn gulped as she eyed his hand work.

"My boyfriend... I mean ex" Roslyn mumbled, still not able to grasp the situation entirely.

Sweeney scoffed. "Who's fault was it?" He asked.

Roslyn sighed, a tightness grew in her throat as she remembered the events that had played out. She remembered how he had swung at her and missed, but only barely. "His... it was his fault".

"That so?" Sweeney spoke.

He found himself wandering how anyone could so much as lay a single finger on this girl. She was so small and petite. How someone could hurt this precious creature was beyond him, and it quite literally made him sick.

"His loss" Sweeney said, not a single emotion in his voice. He had to make it like that, though he would already have this woman in his arms if he could, but he couldn't, no. She deserved a saint.

"Is it?" Roslyn mumbled, resting her head in her hands sadly. She let out a great sigh before slouching back into the chair further. Just wanting to sink into a black hole where no one would ever find her again.

Sweeney tucked his blade away and made his way to her where he knelt down "Yeah, it is" he said, laying his hand on her knee gently.

Roslyn gasped slightly, still unsure of his intentions she moved away a little, letting him know that she was scared. Sweeney frowned at her actions and refrained from going any further, however the urge to touch her, to hold her, it was becoming too much.

"What are you- what are you doing Mr. T?" Roslyn almost whimpered, her voice was soft and scared.

Sweeney's eyes sparkled, they stared her down like a hawk would its prey, like they would look seconds before attacking. She was so innocent, it almost sickened him, knowing how opposite of her he was. The way her eyes darted from his to the floor and back made something inside of him swirl, perhaps his dangerous side. He watched as she trembled beneath his figure, was she scared? Sweeney held back his smirk.

"Mr T.."

"Shh, quiet now" Sweeney hushed.

Resting a hand on the chair behind her, Sweeney brought his other hand to her face, gently brushing the back along her soft skin. Their lips were only inches apart, still she seemed to tremble beneath him and for a moment Sweeney nearly pulled away, he had a plan, if things here went wrong, well lets just say. He was never letting himself around another woman again, and definitely not this one.

Roslyn tilted her head so that she could look into Sweeney's eyes, they were full of danger and she knew that this was wrong. Or was it?

"Don't call me Mr. T" Sweeney growled, his lips brushing Roslyn's ear softly.

Roslyn nodded, her hands instinctively ran up Sweeney's back, causing him to whimper slightly. He had forgotten how good affection felt.

"May i?" Sweeney asked, hovering his lips over Roslyn's. She nodded, and then it happened. He kissed her but gently, knowing that if he had let himself do what he wanted to do, she would surly slap him and run out. No, this time he would take it slow, he would do it right, for her. For this little creature in his arms.

Roslyn breathed heavily after Sweeney pulled away. "Did he ever do that?" Sweeney asked, smirking slightly.

Roslyn shook her head, still in shock.

"Then he wasn't doing it right" Sweeney whispered, pulling Roslyn into his arms. She would learn, he would teach her what real love was. And she would teach him how to be gentle.

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