{Dust to Dust}

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"I-I think I messed something up" Sweeney mumbled to himself as he eyed the cookies that he had just pulled out of the oven.

The sugar cookies were a crisp black color and he could smell the burnt bottom all too well. Roslyn would be home any moment, this is bad. And to think that all he wanted to do was surprise her. How fitting that he mess it up. Sweeney sighed and grabbed the tray of burnt cookies. He walked to the trash can and slid them down in along with the parchment paper. Great, now she's going to notice that half of her baking supplies are missing he thought.

The bell that hung above the door rang and Sweeney groaned, he now had to explain to Roslyn why her entire kitchen smelled like a fire had been set.

Sweeney rubbed the back of his neck nervously "H-Hey love, how was town?" He sputtered, stepping in front of the trash can in an attempt to hide the evidence that was already hauntingly obvious.

Roslyn frowned, Sweeney was behaving oddly. "It was good... dear, how about you?" She asked, trying to peer around him.

Sweeney gulped. "Fine, just fine".

Roslyn sighed and placed her heavy bags down on the floor before making her way over to her husband. Suddenly the smell of charred cookies entered her nose and she frowned.

"Sweeney did the neighbors start another fire?" Roslyn's asked, kissing his cheek as she passed him into the other room.

Sweeney thought for a moment, he could blame this on the neighbors and never have to admit that he was simply a terrible baker. Or, he could continue to stay on his good streak and try to tell the truth, considering he was trying to change his ways. He scoffed at the thought of never slitting a strangers throat again, however what must be done for love must be done.

"Erm- I made cookies?" Sweeney mumbled, following Roslyn.

"Oh! Did they make it or did you burn them?" Roslyn laughed.

Wait did she—did she really just assume that he was naturally a terrible baker? She was right but... ouch.

"I'll have you know darlin'" Sweeney strode over to Roslyn. "That I am very capable of many things".

He tilted her head up so that their eyes met and smirked. Roslyn turned a deep red before smiling and turning away.

"And I'll have YOU know" Roslyn sat down on the couch. "I am very aware that my husband is capable of many things, but perhaps being a baker isn't one?" She chuckled before tossing a pillow at his head.

Sweeney dodged her throw with no effort and shot her a glare. "How dare you insult Mr. Sweeney Todd" He growled before tackling her on the couch.

"Sweeney- Stop that!" Roslyn giggled as he tickled her.

"Then admit it" Sweeney breathed heavily "I am too, capable of being a baker!".

Roslyn didn't give it another thought. "Sweeney I saw the cookies in the trash can, you can come out and say it now"

Sweeney stopped teasing her and sat up, his eyes softening.

"You got me" He whispered in her ear before grabbing her wrists and holding them above her head.

Roslyn squirmed under his weight but with no luck, she gave up moments later. Sweeney rose above her and slowly lowered himself  so that they were only inches apart now.

"But now, you've fallen victim to Mr. Todd" He whispered, planting a soft kiss on her lips.

Roslyn gripped his hair gently, pulling him further into the kiss. Their foreheads rested on another and they breathed heavily, eyes shut and lips once again, inches apart.

"Think you'll ever stop teasing me about the cookies?" Sweeney smirked.

Roslyn made a sarcastic thinking face before answering. "Nope!"

The song that I listened to while writing this is called "Dust to Dust" By The Civil Wars! I really love how light hearted Sweeney is here, he is usually breaking down so this was a big change for my writing! I love him no matter. Hope you enjoyed! Until next time x <3

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