{Nothin's gonna hurt you baby}

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The summer nights in London were always more eventful because of the street life. Sometimes you can hear two lovers singing to one another while other times you swear you can hear murders taking place. Regardless, enough of those happened here anyway. Roslyn glanced over at Sweeney, who was standing in his window most likely spotting his next victim. They were usually men who didn't have a family, and you knew exactly why that was. How could he do what was done to him? The thought gave him a sickening feeling of dread and anger towards the towns clown, Judge Turpin. Sweeney let out an exaggerated sigh and turned to face her.

"I think we should post more advertisements around town" Sweeney said, his voice was hollow.

So that's what this was about. Recent events had caused business to slow down to an almost full halt and Sweeney was driving himself mad to get his hands on yet another throat. Roslyn shot him an annoyed glance and he scoffed.


"You need to stop the killing, I worry you'll get caught, or worse, get taken again".

Sweeney froze up at the word again. How dare she bring up that memory? That absolute nightmare of a memory. His head filled with dark thoughts again. Kill her. Leave her. No, KILL HER.

"Shut up..." He muttered. How dare he think those thoughts? What was he? Some kind of monster? Perhaps.

That was when she spoke again, breaking the conversation he was having with himself.

"I am so sorry Sweeney- I didn't think" Roslyn stood up and made her way towards him.

Sweeney stood still, his fist grew into a tight grip around the blade handle. One more step. He heard his mind whisper. She is yours in one more step.

As if the ticking bomb in his head finally went off, Sweeney slashed out, the tip of his blade just nicking Roslyn on the arm. She gasped and staggered backwards. Holding a hand tightly against her bloody arm. Sweeney watched as she lifted it to reveal the gash he had given her. His eyes suddenly full of craziness, he backed away, the blade dropping from his grip. It hit the floor, suddenly the only sound in the room was their heavy breathing. Sweeney stared down at the blade, he was still unable to believe that this had all happened within moments.

"Sweeney... it's only a scratch love, please don't look so-so unhinged" Roslyn begged, stepping forward once more.

At this Sweeney snapped out of it. "No! No! Get back—Don't come close" He spat, backing himself away into the corner of the room.

Roslyn stepped over the silver blade, slowly nearing her husband. She knew that he was lashing out at his thoughts, he hadn't meant to cut her arm open, of course he hadn't meant that. She understood, she just wished that he would let her understand. The poor man was curled up on the floor in the corner of the dark room and all she wanted was to hold him, however after this incident he would surely never forgive himself. Hell, he would never trust himself after this and that was the sad truth about Sweeney, his self hatred only ever grew and if she could relieve him of that for just a moment, she felt happy.

"Sweeney..." She whispered, seeing his trembling figure across the room made her heart cry.

"Leave..." He mumbled, clearly his face was buried into his coat. "Please".

"You know I'm not doing that" Roslyn stated, she winced as her arm throbbed again. It had started to bleed heavier.

Sweeney glanced up at her and grimaced. "You are going to bleed out" He whispered, his voice breaking.

Roslyn frowned and made her way to him, sitting down bedside his now small figure.
"Sweeney that isn't how small cuts work I'm afraid you've got me for a while longer"

Sweeney looked at her then back down to the bloodstained floor. Images of the murders flashed before his eyes and he winced. Why did he have to remember... he didn't want to remember.

"Let me help you" Roslyn whispered, she moved forward so that she was pressing against him, he always liked when he could feel secure.

"I wanted to kill you" He suddenly spoke, his voice rough from the lack of water. "I would have killed you".

Roslyn sat still for a moment. "No, you wouldn't have"

"How do you know that?" Sweeney asked, sitting up further.

"I know you, more than you think, you would have stopped yourself".

Sweeney felt a smile creep onto his face slowly, the way she trusted him was never deserved, yet he received her anyway. He got all of her and she gave it willingly.

"I love you, alright?" Roslyn asked.

"I know, I do too" Sweeney replied.


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