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Roslyn met his side gaze, "Are you sure?" She asked, her fingers grazed his shoulder gently.

Sweeney nodded. "I want you to know me, really know me" He said, leaning into her touch instinctively.

"Alright" She whispered, bringing her hands down to the bottom of his shirt, she lifted it slowly.

Sweeney winced but quickly muted his pain, she didn't need to know that they still hurt. She didn't need to worry about him and he didn't deserve her care.

Roslyn breathed out in shock as she eyed Sweeney's back, her eyes watered and she blinked away the tears that had begun to well. She looked at each scar individually, creating scenarios in her head of how he had received them, but deep down she knew he had given himself these old wounds.

Sweeney breathed out quietly, he was so disappointed in himself but it wasn't like he could simply make them heal, they would always be there to remind him of his growing self hatred. He shot Roslyn a quick glance to see that she was carefully examining each scar. Every single one.

"This one..." Roslyn ran her finger along a scar on his right shoulder blade. "Why do you have it?" She asked.

Sweeney frowned as he tried to remember where that one had come from, god he had so many.

"Shower" he mumbled. "I burnt myself in the shower"

She held her hand onto the scar lovingly. "On purpose?"

Sweeney nodded, shame creeping up on him like a bad sickness.

"Well, I think they are beautiful" Roslyn said, still fighting the tears that threatened to fall at any given moment.

Sweeney's eyes widened slightly in shock. "Why?"

Roslyn grabbed Sweeney's shirt and handed it to him, she knew that he absolutely hated being so exposed for such a long time, not to mention that she had noticed his hands nervously working at the loose end of a sting from his pants.

"They show how much you've overcome love, they show your story and they show the pain that you will only faintly remember one day" Roslyn smiled softly.

Sweeney frowned at her words, he didn't really believe that pain would fail to exist and he didn't believe for a second that he deserved anything but pain. Slipping back into his shirt, he finally met Roslyn's eye contact.

Roslyn was rubbing his back with her thumb.

"Come here" She said, opening her arms for him to lean into.

Sweeney managed to smile slightly, his heart stuttered at her gesture like it always did and he obeyed, laying his head on Roslyn's lap. He knew that this is where they would end up staying for the rest of the evening and that was perfectly fine.

Roslyn planted a soft kiss into his hair and ran her hand through it.

"I love you"
"I love you too" he whispered.
I love you too

Fun fact!! I name my chapters after the song that I listened to while writing! This one is "Smother" by Daughter <3

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