{People help people}

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Sweeney turned over, grumbling a bit as the sunlight kissed his pale skin. He had fallen asleep early last night, remembering the day he had he understood why. His anxiety was far too exhausting some days, he was lucky he had Roslyn to comfort him, she helped him more than she would ever know. She even told him a few secrets to ease the feelings when they hit him like a brick. God he loved her. He let out a tired grown, pulling the warm covers over his head a bit more so that only his eyes were seen, though they were closed tightly due to the sunlight.

"Morning sleepyhead"

Sweeney smiled, her voice was always so nice to hear early in the morning, he felt that hearing her as soon as he woke up gave him good luck. Maybe it did.

"Morning" He replied, he heard her chuckle softly, most likely at his morning voice. She seemed to like it quite a lot.

Roslyn took a small sip from her tea before getting up. Making her way to him where he lay, curled up tightly from the cold morning air. She smiled.

"You look adorable" Roslyn said, crawling into the bed next to him.

Sweeney groaned at her complement and hid his face. He was never as soft and gentle as he was on mornings like these. The mornings where he wouldn't have to work, the mornings where she was already awake and up for the day. It motivated him to get up. Shivering as Roslyn slipped her arms around his waist, Sweeney turned over so that he could face her.

"You feeling better love?" She asked, rubbing circles on his back with her thumb.

"I think, I don't really know yet" He whispered, his voice still rough from the nights sleep.

Roslyn nodded, "Well, if you want to, just stay in bed today, no harm would come from a lazy Sunday day" Roslyn  hummed softly.

Sweeney shook his head. Staying in bed would surly only make his situation worse. The laziness seemed to make him more depressed. Maybe a walk around the square would help. "No, I need to do something, can we take a walk?" He asked, kissing Roslyn on the forehead.

She grinned, returning the affection by brushing his messy hair out of his eyes. "Sure, you just get dressed, I will grab my coat and we will be off" Roslyn said, sliding out of bed.

Sweeney sat up, the cold hitting his feet as they hung out of the blanket. He shivered a bit, but as soon as his eyes landed on where he had laid his clothes, he quickly jumped up to put them on. He hated being cold. It was rather ironic however, that he hated the cold, as he himself was such a cold and closed off person. Not all the time though, he glanced at Roslyn and his heart stuttered.

"You ready?" She asked, smiling at him from across the room. She held his coat in her hands and he smiled. So that's where it was.

"As ill ever be" Sweeney said, taking his coat from her and slipping it on. He shivered again, the inside was cold from the lack of body heat. That would soon pass however.

They walked out and Sweeney turned to lock the door, he didn't want the nosy people who lived among them to find any of his rather sinister things. Including the cleaning products. Roslyn lifted her arm so that he could hook his around hers, they were linked by the hip as usual.

"So, where were you thinking?" She asked, her breath flew in front her her and she watched as it disappeared into the cold air.

Sweeney thought for a moment, he hadn't really thought this far. His eyes darted around, trying to pick a direction to go before she got angry and picked for him. She had never gotten angry at him, so he wasn't quite sure why he was worrying. But as each second passed, Sweeney found it harder and harder to think, soon he was just a flustered, anxious mess. What was the matter with his brain these days?

Roslyn squeezed his hand gently, she frowned. The poor man was already an anxious mess and they weren't even past the shop.

"Tell ya what, I have some money left over from my extra shift, I think you deserve a treat so until you think of where you'd like to go, let me take you to my favorite bakery!" Roslyn said, her voice instantly soothing him.

Sweeney nodded, "Yeah, that sounds fine" He mumbled, still angry at himself for freaking out over nearly nothing.

After walking for a brief time, they had arrived at the corner bakery where Roslyn had once worked. Sweeney watched as she brightened up upon entering the warm smelling room. He scolded himself for taking her away from this place, it was far nicer than Miss Lovett's.

"Here we are" Roslyn exclaimed, removing her coat she looked for a place to be seated. Her eyes landed on a booth, she loved those because they were far more comfortable than the tables, plus knowing how anxious her poor Sweeney was recently, she knew he would rather be in a corner than in the middle of the room.

Sitting down, Sweeney leaned against the window, he was just trying to avoid eye contact wish strangers. He glanced up at Roslyn who sat contently across from him. How she was so cheery and wonderful he would never fully understand. Still, it would always be the one thing that never stopped amazing him.

"What would you like? I can order it for you" Roslyn hummed, eyeing the menu intently. "I think I'm going to order the strawberry scone" she said with a smile, not looking up.

Sweeney looked down, not realizing that he had also been handed a menu. Quickly scanning over the items that were available, his eyes landed on a large hot brownie with fudge. He had never had something so luxurious before, so this was the one.

"Ill have that" He said, "but- if you want i can order my own, I don't want you to feel like you're dating a childish man, i assure you I'm nothing like that" Sweeney stammered.

Roslyn hushed him, "Hey, its alright, I love how you are, i think its sweet" Her hand landed on his and he blushed deeply.
"I mean that".

The day had went better than planned, after returning home, Sweeney was ready for another night full of dreams, hopefully none in which he would wake up screaming and sweating.

Roslyn opened the door, swinging it open and strolling in, her heavy coat was thrown onto the rack by the door along with Sweeney's. They were both so tired, neither of them were used to getting out this much. It was rather nice. Sweeney would agree. Laying down heavily, Roslyn struggled to keep her eyes open, that was, until Sweeney plopped himself down beside her, he turned to face her and placed a long loving kiss on her forehead, his eyelids felt heavy and before he could even realize, he was fast asleep, contently dreaming of a life other than London with Roslyn. 

(I don't care about typos, no one reads these anyways lmao)

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