Chapter 11

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"I'm going to Cedric's, bye mum!" Sage called through the house, before exiting out of the front door. She hadn't seen Cedric in a couple of days, and he had not responded to her owls, so she decided she would visit him in person.

"Hello Amos." She smiled as Amos, Cedric's father, answered the door, looking rather pale, and ill. "Good morning, Sage." He smiled kindly, welcoming her inside. "Is something wrong?" She frowned.

"Yes, I assume Cedric's been unresponsive?" He asked, and Sage nodded. "Cedric's mother passed away on Thursday. He's not taking it very well." Amos sighed. Sage could tell he was trying to stay strong for his son, but he had loves his wife very much.

"Oh no. Amos, I am so sorry, if I had of known-"

"Nonsense, child. You're always welcome here, and Cedric could do with some company. He only leaves his room at mealtimes." Amos led her upstairs. "He might not want to see me." Sage smiled sadly, but Amos shook his head. 

"If he doesn't, then come and have a cup of tea with me. It's been a long time since we've had a chat." Amos smiled at her, before leaving her in front of Cedric's door. She brought her knuckles up to it, knocking twice. 

"Not right now, father." Cedric's voice sounded through the wood. "Cedric? It's me." She bit her lip. At first there was no movement, but after a few seconds she heard shuffling, and the door opened. "Sage?" 

Cedric was as pale and thin as his father. "Cedric.." She frowned. "I am so sorry.." She swallowed, waiting for his response, she did not want to hug him if he wasn't feeling up to it. "It's okay." He smiled sadly, and Sage took that as her opportunity to hug him.

"Come in." He stepped aside, and she entered. She normally would have pointed out the mess, seeing as Cedric was quite a tidy person, but instead she decided against it. He didn't need that. Cedric watched her as she wandered around the room, picking up bits of rubbish and cleaning up after him. 

"You don't have to do that." He kept his eyes on her. "I want to." She smiled. "Are you okay? You don't have to talk about it, if you're not feeling up to it." She finished tidying the rest of his room. "I don't really want to talk about it." He smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm good." She sat on his bed, leaning into his pillows. "I had to sneak past Athena to get here." She laughed. "Is she dating Blaise?" He went on. "No. She said he was just an 'experience.'" Sage scoffed. 

They talked a little while longer, never bringing up Cedric's mother, but it was what he wanted, and Sage wouldn't push him. She didn't mind. "And so February and August get along very well." Sage continued. 

"Cedric." She hesitated. "When was the last time you ate?" She swallowed. "I ate breakfast, don't worry." He smiled. "Okay, sorry for asking." 

"No, don't be." He laughed. There was a moment of silence between them, before Cedric got up from his spot at the end of the bed. He crawled up to where she laid, laying his body across hers, resting his head on her stomach. "I'm tired." He whispered.

"I know." She brought her hands down to his hair, combing through it, and playing with the strands, as Cedric laid there silently, and she assumed, he was probably on the verge of sleeping. "Sorry." He muttered. "No. It's okay, rest." She smiled, playing with his hair as he drifted off to sleep.


Sage awoke the next morning in a different room than her own. She squinted, straining to make out her location through the faint sunlight, that shone through the sides of the curtains. Beside her, someone stirred, and she realised that she was in Cedric's room.

Cedric had his arms around her waist, and his head resting a little above her chest. Their legs were tangled together, and her arms were wrapped around his neck. "Cedric?" Sage mumbled tiredly, and the boy opened his eyes. 

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