Chapter 21

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Sage had just turned a corner when Professor Moody appeared at the end of the corridor, he appeared to be holding a large blue trophy cup. Could that be the triwizard cup? Sage asked herself. If Moody had the cup, he must be going, or just come from the tournament. Perhaps Cedric was there, so Sage decided she would ask him.

Sage set after Moody, following him around another corner, trying to catch up to him so she wouldn't have to yell across the hall. As she turned into the next corridor, Moody disappeared into his office, leaving the door slightly ajar. Sage acknowledged that his behaviour was rather suspicious.

He seemed far too excited over being in possession of the cup, and he even left the door open. Something that a paranoid auror like himself, would never do, but Sage decided that Moody, himself, was an odd person. So she brushed it aside, and approached the door.

Upon entrance, Sage noticed Moody had the triwizard trophy set up rather strangely. He appeared to be casting a spell on the cup, one that she recognised to be a portkey enchantment. "Professor Moody?" Sage called into the room hesitantly, and Moody dropped his wand in shock, spinning around to face his intruder.

"Forgive me for interrupting, but are you turning that into a portkey?" She asked. "You should know better than to sneak up on a professional auror, miss Fawley." He grumbled. Sage waited for him to continue, but soon realised he didn't want to share what he was doing. "Well I was just wondering if-"

Moody's skin began to bubble and blister, and he let out an annoyed groan. The Professor dragged his fingertips down his cheeks that appeared to be sinking in, and his appearance altered significantly.

"P-Professor Moody?" Sage took a step back, in awe of the scene before her. Suddenly, Professor Moody dropped to the ground, snatching his wand up, but Sage's instincts were too fast, and she caught on to his intentions.

"Levicorpus!" She thrusted her wand forwards, and the man before her flipped upside down, dropping his wand. Sage dashed forward, retrieving the wand off the floor before he could steal it back.

"I don't understand.." Sage kept distance between herself and the man. "Who are you?" She gasped as his tongue flickered to the corner of his mouth, his appearance returning to its true state.

"But.. But you're Barry Crouch jr?" She stared at him. "I am. And I always carry a spare wand." He shoved his hand into his pocket, retrieving his wand before Sage could react. "Stupefy!" He called, and Sage was knocked unconscious.


When Sage awoke, she realised that she was laying on the stone cold floor of Professor Moodys office. She shot up, remembering the events from before she'd been knocked unconscious. Moody was nowhere in sight and Sage dashed over to the door, flinging it open.

Barty Crouch jr hadn't even bothered to lock it. Perhaps he believed that by the time she'd wake up, it'd be too late.

Sage ran down the hall, as fast as her legs could take her. The school appeared to be empty and she could hear the cheers from outside, near the Quidditch pitch. If the tournament had not already started, it would soon.

Sage continued out of the school, desperate to reach Dumbledore, Professor Sprout, or McGonagall. Something told her Barry Crouch's intentions with that cup weren't pure.

"HELLO?! ANYONE?!" She yelled, dashing across the grass towards the stadium. "ANYONE, PLEASE!" Sage continued. She tried to focus on running as fast as she could, but she found herself slowing down as she remembered Cedric. If that man truly was a Death Eater, and he had been in possession of the cup, Cedric was in danger.

Sage couldn't bare the thought of Cedric being hurt in this tournament. Death Eaters weren't harmless, if he'd put in this much effort in, pretending to be a Professor for what may have been all year.. He must of had a plan, Death Eaters were killers. They aimed to kill, and Harry Potter was in this tournament. It could be no coincidence.

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