"Oh I'm so excited to meet your family, Sage. Especially Athena!" Olive gushed as the Hogwarts Express set off for London. "She can be a bit annoying, so be wary." Sage giggled, yawning as she rested her head on Cedric shoulder.
"Have you got a dog?" Olive gasped. "No, but I've got August." Sage smiled, stroking her cat which laid in Cedric's lap. "Are you tired?" Cedric whispered. "A little." She shrugged. "You can sleep, if you want."
"Thanks." Sage yawned again, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep on Cedric's shoulder. A few minutes passed, and once everyone was positive she was sleeping, Rowan spoke up. "She's very pretty when she sleeps, you're lucky Cedric."
"Why am I lucky?" Asked Cedric. "I wish Sage would fall asleep on my shoulder." Rowan sighed. "Oh, yeah.." Cedric chuckled, resting his head on the top of Sage's head, protectively. He didn't like how Sage had spoken so much with Rowan this year, he was her best friend, not Rowan.
"Sage.. Cedric. We're here." Olive nudged her two friends gently, as they slowly awoke from their nap. "Come on, we're in London." She whispered. "Oh.. London?" Sage blinked, squinting her eyes as the bright light.
"Yes, Sage. We're not at Hogwarts anymore. It's Christmas, remember." Jill giggled as they helped Cedric and Sage off the train, they were both very sleepy. "Sage!" Athena ran forward at the sight of her sister, pulling her into a big hug.
"Hi, Thea." Sage smiled tiredly at her younger sister, introducing her family to her friends before they made their way home. "My mothers here, got to go, bye!" Jill waved her friends goodbye as they set off in opposite directions.
"And then I'm going to decorate my whole dorm room! Sage told me you have birds in your common-room, I hope i'm in Hufflepuff, I do love birds." She rambled to Olive, who was very willing to listen to her whole plan for when she came to school.
"Your sister talks a lot." Harper laughed as they reached the outside of Sage's house. "We'll be over in a bit." Cedric, Harper and Rowan departed from the small group, making their way into Cedric's home.
"And then in the backyard we have two chickens!" Athena enthused, leading Olive into the garden, where two chickens wandered around. "This is Jill, my chicken, and there's Noel, Sage's chicken, Sage loves Christmas. Did you know that?" Continued Athena.
"Didn't your chicken Jill die?" Olive asked. "The first one dies after two days, yes." Athena pouted. "So I named another chicken after her." Athena continued to give Olive a tour of the house, while Sage took their belongings upstairs.
"Hello, again." Olive and Sage greeted the four boys who had entered through the front door. "Amos, Cedric, Harper and Rowan.
"Cedric, where's your mother?" Olive suddenly asked. "Oh, mother is working in America." Cedric's smile faltered for a moment, he rarely saw his mother. "What's her job?" Asked Rowan. "She teaches Muggle studies at Ilvermorny." He explained.
"How awkward would it have been if his mother was dead." Athena whispered to Sage. "Athena, don't say that." She stepped on her sisters toe, trying not to laugh. "I'm just saying." She giggled as Sage rolled her eyes.
Sage had only seen Cedric's mother a few times. Sage's parents would keep her and Athena away from the Diggory manor whenever she was visiting, not wanting to draw Cedric's attention off his mother.
(I know I'm moving through the school years pretty fast, i'm trying to get onto where they're a bit older, sorry.)
"I hate Pre-Quidditch games." Sage sighed as she and Cedric wandered down the hall, heading for lunch. "Everyone always gets so aggressive." She frowned as a pair of Slytherins jinxed an unsuspecting Hufflepuff boy.