Sleeping beauty

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You're POV

After three months of hard work, you're boyfriend was suppose to come back from tour. You had been waiting for him on the couch the whole day. You were tired of waiting, but you missed him so much.

It was getting late when you fell a vibration from your phone. You opened it and saw a text from the boy that stole your heart.

From Bae💕
« Hey princess I don't know when I'll get home. The plane took longer to leave the airport and their is a lot of traffic. I love you go to sleep my love 💖I'm sorry xx »

You didn't even bother to answer and went in the bed that you usually share with boyfriend.

You fell tears running down your cheeks while putting some music on your phone to keep you calm and fell asleep to the sound of your boyfriends voice.


Harry's POV
It has been about two hours since I texted y/n that I was going to be late. We finally arrived in front of my block. There was so many fans that i wanted to cry. I was so tired and I just wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend. I missed her so much.

I got out of the car and said goodbye to the boys. I took a few picture and tried to go in, but they didn't let me pass.
« Guys! » I screamed the loudest I could. All the faces looked at me and they stopped talking.

« I love you all but I'm really tired right now and I just want to see my girlfriend. I haven't seen her for the past three months! Please let me pass. I love you but right now I just want to go to sleep » I said with the nicest voice I could use. A young shy girl looked at me and said she understood. She then invited all the fans to go to McDonald's with her. Some accepted and some left on their own. I smiled to the shy girl and ran to my apartment. I loved how our fans were so kind to each other and loved each other as much as they loved us.

I unlocked the door and went to the bedroom to find y/n in our bed. I closed her phone who was playing music and slowly took her into my arms.
«  hi my love, I'm home » I whispered while one of my hand was playing in her hair. «  hey sleepy beauty, I love you so much...I'm sorry I was late. I misses you so much. » I whispered in her ear after kissing her cheek. I then kissed her other cheek and her forehead. She moved a little and I let her go. I took of my pants and my shirt and went under the blankets. I fell her legs intertwined with mine while one of my hands brought her closer to me. She putted her head on my torso while my other hand played with her hair.

«  I missed you Haz » she said with a sleepy voice, her eyes still closed.
I smiled and kissed her temple. «  I missed you too my princess. Now go to sleep baby, you must be tired. » I said and brought her even closer to me. She whispered « I love you » and she fell asleep. I whispered the same three meaningful words, closed the lights and fell asleep with the love of my life, my sleeping beauty in my arms.

Hope you liked it. This was my first imagine ever so if you have comments or ideas please tell me.

Treat people with kindness everyone!
-L xxx

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