Happy birthday

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Your POV
« Hi love» you heard Harry, your best friend say. You guys had been friends since you are 2 years old. Your moms met at a park and became friends and so did you guys. Since high school, you always had a small crush on him but never admitted, scared to loose him.

Today was his 24 birthday anniversary. You were at your house while he was on tour. So you decided to Skype.

« Hi HazzaBear! Happy birthday » you said and he giggled, thanking you.
« So how was your day y/n » he asked after you sang happy birthday to him with your horrible voice.

« Oh it was great. I baked a cake with my mom! » you said exited because of your tiny surprise for him.

« Oh yeah that's great! I baked one to with Mitch.he really wanted to I don't know why » he confessed giggling.

You smiled knowing the reason why they baked a cake.
«  well Haz ima explain » you said and he gave you a confuse look.
«  so I asked Mitch to bake a cake with you and I made one with my mom because I know how much you loved to eat cake at your birthday when we were kids. That's why...I wanted us to eat cake together. » you said less confident than you were a while ago. He didn't say anything for a while and then, a grin appeared on his face.

«  oh babycake this is the sweetest thing you could've done. I love the idea let's eat these amazing cakes now. Thank you so much love! » he exclaimed and started eating his cake.

« You like the idea? » you asked, unsure of your idea

« Yeah! Y/n, this is the best thing you could've done for me. I get to eat cake and talk with the most amazing girl in the world. I couldn't be happier » he said and you blushed.

«  okay then. Thanks Haz and happy birthday! » you said, starting to eat your chocolate cake. He smiled at you and you guys ate and talked all night long

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