Do You Trust Me?

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Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

My Child,

Please place your trust in Me.  I know there are things you are going through that you don’t understand, but I want you to know I have everything under control.  Don’t you know I saw this day coming? I have all things in My hand, and there is nothing for you to fear.  I am here, and I am aware of all that concerns you. I see the thing which troubles your mind, and I want you to release those things to Me, and cease struggling. I need your complete surrender, and My child; I need it now.  Oh, I know it’s hard, especially for you when you are used to trying to do everything yourself.

Now you must trust Me, really trust Me to take care of it all. Do you trust Me? Can you trust Me? You know that I trust you.  Yes, I trust you.  I can say that because I made you, and I know all about you.  So I need you to put your trust in Me. Trust Me in the midst of the storm.  Trust Me when you can’t see your way, turn it all over to Me. I know you can’t see what I am doing, but you should trust Me enough to know that I do.  I am moving things behind the scene getting things ready for you.

Don’t be dismayed just because it doesn’t happen the way you want it to happen.  After all My ways are much different from your ways. That is why you must trust Me to work things out for you. Remember the last trial you went through when you didn’t think you were going to make it through, and out of nowhere a door opened up for you?  That was Me.  Ah yes, you remember. Now can you trust Me?   It’s going to work out.


My Prayer Confession,

Father, I make this my declaration. I will lean and depend upon You. I won’t be dismayed whenever trials and tribulations try to make me doubt Your word. You have taught me to leave things in Your hands and know that You are working things out for me. Because all things work for the good of those who love the Lord are all according to Your purpose. I know that You love me and want only the best for me.  I will trust in You.

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