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Reminder: This story is only for imagine, please don't compare this story with real life‼️


"Catch me if you can!!" The 7 year old girl is running to be chased by her cousin who is also 7 years old.

"I'll catch you!!" He ran as fast as possible so he could catch her.

And finally the boy caught his cousin. He catches her, but is like a hug from behind. "Gotcha!!"

"Akkhh!! Why can you run so fast??" And they giggled before their parents called them.

"Y/N, Sunghoon, come on in...It's time for Y/N to go home."

"Ahh, how come time flies so fast? I still want to play with her..." Sunghoon complained. His mother calmed him down, "It's okay, there's still another time. You can play with her again sometime. And now, it's time for Y/N to go home...she also wants to rest at her house."

Little Sunghoon answered innocently, "But she can live in our house. Then if she's sleepy, she can sleep in Hoonie's room, with Hoonie. Right, mom?"

His mother chuckled as she stroked his head, "She should go back to her house and rest, Hoonie. You guys will definitely play together again. Right Y/N?"

She nodded cheerfully as she said, "Yes, your mom is right, Hoonie. I'll go home first, see ya!!"

"Bye Y/N!!" He said as he hugged Y/N tight, and so did her. And she got in the car.


You who are still in elementary school, still often play with Sunghoon. Your father took you and Sunghoon to the same school.

"It's arrive, kids. Study hard, okay??"

"Okay dad!!! BYEE!!!" You two said in unison, and you guys go into the school.

You saw Sunghoon who was walking while lowering his head, you were worried about him. "Hoonie, why are you like that? What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid I don't have friends, Y/N..." He replied.

"Hey, don't say that!! You will have lots of friends, one of them is me. Let's go!" You walked and dragged Sunghoon's hand, without you knowing it, Sunghoon became smiling after hearing what you said and became excited again.

But that smile faded again after a group of boys laughed at Sunghoon for no apparent reason.

"Hahahahaha, look at that boy!!!" He said, pointing at Sunghoon.

"HEY!! You guys can't say that to my friend!! He will feel hurt if you treat him like that!! Do you also want to be treated like that?? If not, then shut your mouths and don't laugh at him anymore." Obviously you're angry, how come? That boys had laughed at Sunghoon for no reason. They have gone crazy.

"Hoonie, sit next to me." You said while taking his hand, and sitting on the chair.

"Thanks Y/N.." He said suddenly.

"For what?"

"Because you saved me from that boys." He said with a smile. "Well, it's okay...you are my beloved cousin!!" You said while hugging him tight. And then you guys are chuckled.

But one day, the day that Sunghoon didn't want the most was, Y/N moved house...and not only that, she also transferred schools. And it could be that today is their last day together.

"So...how are you feeling today? Is it happy...or vice versa?" The little Sunghoon asked Y/N with a sad face.

"I'm just happy...but--" You hasn't finished the sentence yet, Sunghoon immediately interrupted your conversation.

"Ooohh, I see...so you're happy to be apart from me? While I'm sad here thinking about you..." He said.

"No..that's not what I mean. I mean, I'm happy to finally be able to move house..but I'm also not happy because I have to move schools. And with that, I rarely see you. I will really miss you..." You explained.

"I will really miss you too.."

They hugged before her parents called her.

"Sweetiee, time to get in the car!!"

"Oh my God, I think this is my last chance with her." Sunghoon thought.

Then Sunghoon called Y/N before she really leave. "Y/N.."

"Yes, why?"

"I..." He paused for a moment then he kissed Y/N on the cheek quickly.

Y/N who felt it was very shocked by this incident. "What's that for?" She asked in confusion.

"I love you." He answered. She was very shocked, but her parents had already called her a second time.

"Sweetie, hurry up!!" Her mother shouted once again from the car.

"Okay mom, I'm coming!! Hoonie, I'm leaving...bye!!"

"Bye Y/N!!"

They waved their hands, and the car started to move.

Y/N who was pure, still don't understand what Sunghoon meant in the park earlier. But, she also felt the same way after a few years later.

"I'll always miss you, Y/N."


Hii!! This is my ENHYPEN's first story!!! And I hope you like it!!!
Thank you😊😊❤❤

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