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3rd POV

(Few hours ago)

After the release of Peters identify, Peter was in shocked, while the whole world is confused.

Jamesons: That's right folks, Spider-Man is in fact Peter Parker!!!

Guy: are you Spider-Man's girlfriend?

As Peter turned around he sees MJ surrounded by a ton of people so he flys down and comes in the crowd.

Spider-Man: please don't touch her!

Guy: your just a kid!

Woman: did you murder mysterio?

Spider-Man: uhh...

Woman: did stark tech murder mysterio?

Spider-Man: uhh...no uhh...

Fat bitch: come on kid let me see you face! (Try's to take his mask off)

Then Spider-Man grabs MJ and they started to swing again as some try to catch him.

Jameson: all this time people looked up to Spider-Man and called him hero, I'll tell you what I call him... PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER #1!!!


Spider-Man: (MJ covers his face) MJ!!! I'm so sorry but can't see anything when you had is...

MJ: sorry, sorry. where can we go?

Peter: Uhh, maybe to your place?

MJ: No! No! My dad will kill you!

Spider-Man: What?!?! You said your dad liked me?!?!

MJ: Well not anymore!

Soon Peter and MJ land on top of Bridge and Ned calls Peter, so Peter answers the phone.

Peter: dude!!!

Ned: dude!!!

Peter: Dude!!!

Ned: Dude!!!

Peter: DUDE!!!!

Ned: DUDE!!!!


Soon Peter realized that he left MJ on a bridge and starts going back to her.

Peter: I'm so sorry, are you okay?

MJ: not really.

Soon they heard people calling Peters names, soon there were news choppers all around them and they had no idea where to go.

MJ: we gotta go, swing me agin.

Peter: but you just said you didn't want to.

MJ: I know but we need to leave.

Peter: (grabs MJ) okay, we're going to take the subways.

They start to free fall closed to the ground, then we see flash as he see the news about Peter Parker being Spider-Man, soon Peter webs the underground gate and flew past flash, Peter and MJ are swinging through the subway until they see the train light close to them but they doge it in time. Soon the sewer was open and Peter head popes out looking to see if anyone followed him, he gets up and pulls MJ up.

Peter: you okay?

MJ: yeah. (Peter close the sewer lid)

Peter: (looks at a guy) have a good day.

Peter grabs MJ again and starts to swing again all the way to Peters home, soon they return to Peters home and sicks to the wall as they both try to open the window and they both entire the room.

(Guys I don't know if I should put happy and May breaking up, cuz I didn't like that scene but don't worry This will be the only scene I'll skip but if you want me to do the scene I'll do it now back to the chapter)

Soon Peter we're trying to take his suit off and MJ was helping, the door opens and Aunt may and Happy was there and this was a very awkward moment. (Well I'm going to skip the conversation cuz there was like a lot and my brain couldn't handle it so.... Skip!) As Peter try to get May and Happy to sit and calm before telling them what happened, as for MJ she close the door and blinds on people.

MJ: uhh Peter. (Points to the tv)

Peter looks at the tv to see helicopters at there apartment soon Peter gave up, opens the curtains to see there were three helicopters and a whole crowd of people at Peters place, this shocked May and happy and Peter scratch his head.

Peter: maybe this won't be a big deal?


To be continued....

A/n: okay guys the opening scene of the movie is finally here, sorry if I skip some parts but don't worry no more skipping will be happening and I'm ready to finish this story. I really Need someone to draw like the spider team in their final suits in there stands in the movie here and all of them hugging each other, that will be all, see you all soon on "spider upside down".

Heres the suits:

Heres the suits:

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