Prologue (Part 2)

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A/n: now before we get this started I want to say that I want you guys to go to zFireStudios cuz this connects to his story, so go check that out otherwise it won't make scene, enjoy!

(Miraculous Spider-Man)

After the whole problem with Alix Turing into chronogirl and wanted to destroy time, Andrew gets to see another Spider-Man, He is soon meets up with Ayla.

Andrew: hey Ayla.

Ayla: huh? Hey Andrew, what's up?

Andrew: well, since I was giving you some old Spidey's photos, mind if I work for you as a photographer?

Ayla: REALLY?!

Andrew: yeah, because... I got nothing else better to do so... do you mind?

Ayla: Sure! I look forward to see to work with you.

Andrew: same, see you later.

After that he starts to walk back home but soon an strange portal opens above him and Andrew starts to fall.



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(Pretend he's falling)

He lands on top of a building, things have change, the building, places, and a lot of helicopters.

Spider-Man: Argh! Where I am I?!

Then looks at a giant tv and it shows J Jhona James but looks really different, old.

Spider-Man: is that JJ? And am I in a different world?

Jameson: That's is right, Folks, Spider-Man is in fact Peter Parker!

Jameson: That's is right, Folks, Spider-Man is in fact Peter Parker!

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Spider-Man: DAD?!?!?!?!

(The son of Ghost spider)

It's been two months since the death of Shadow, Jake has been depressed since he never got the chance to get to know his real father, now he is on top of a building seeing the best view of New York with his suit on, soon James comes up with Jakes and he sits next to him.

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