Trailer 1

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In the MCU universe Peter and MJ are on top of a build relaxing.

MJ: (reading a news paper) oh look at this, it's a good one. It says "some suggested Peter Parker's spider powers have the ability to control females mind".

Peter: stop that.

MJ: yes my spider lord. (Peter and MJ laugh)

Peter: can we just say up here forever? It's so crazy down there.

Next is Peter and MJ swinging fast.

Jameson: that right folks, Spider-Man is in fact Peter Parker.

A build board show haft of Peter and Spider-Man's face saying "public enemy number one". Next is Peter in a interrogation room handcuffs to a table as two detective walk in.

Peter: listen I did not kill mysterio, the drones did.

Detective: the drones that are yours.

Soon someone with sunglasses and hold a Caine walk In.

???: Peter Parker, stop talking.

Peter: um, who are you?

???: my name is Matthew Murdock, I'll be your attorney.

Then it shows a school, and Peter and MJ talking on the phone

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Then it shows a school, and Peter and MJ talking on the phone.

MJ: does a part of you feel relief about this?

Peter: what do you mean?

Then it show Peter, Mj and Ned walking to school and People are angry Peter and have signs with Peter as a devil.

MJ: now that everyone knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, you don't have to lie or hide from people.

Peter: for the record I never wanted to lie to you. Or tell someone that your Spider-Man, now everybody knows. But this isn't about me this is hurting a lot of people.

It's shows Ned and Aunt may also in a interrogation room.

Peter: i was just keeping thinking about how to fix this.

Marvel studios

Peter walks up to doctor strange place. (I forgot the name, can someone tell me what it is?)

Doctor strange: so Peter, what do I own the pleasure?

Peter walks in and see the room is fulled with snow and doctor strange has a jacket on.

Peter: I'm sorry to bother you sir.

Strange: please we save have the universe together, I think we are beyond you calling me sir.

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