Happy New Year!

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Happy new year to my beautiful readers! Hope your year is filled with joy and love! Take care of  your loved ones and stay safe. May happiness be by your side <3

I've reached 200 votes! *Squeals intensify*


A new year's special it is, I guess.

9 years old

"Hey, Emma, are you sure about this?" The pure albino boy asked the ginger head

"Yes, and stop with asking this over and over again." The girl replied

The two were at the moment walking through the halls and over to the raven haired boy. They had a certain plan in mind.

You see, [Y/N] hasn't joined them for the game of tag for about 4 days in a row now, she said that she doesn't feel like playing and wants to spend some time on her sketches but Emma was already missing her beloved friend. And Norman agreed with her, he missed the girl's slip ups, jokes and that mischievous glint of hers which never failed to surprise him.

"Ray!" Emma flung the doors of the library open, receiving a visible flinch from the said boy.

"What is it, Emma?" He asked in annoyance

"We need your help!" Emma walked and... Basically tackled him so he won't escape. "We need you to help us get our [Y/N] back!"

"Emma, keep your voice down, this is a library!" He hissed

"You're the only one here in this dusty library, it's no use keeping our voices hushed!" Emma rolled her eyes

He sighed before pushing her away "So...?"

"So... what?" Emma tilted her head in confusion, not knowing why Ray was asking that

The boy made an annoyed expression, annoyed at her idiotic tendencies.

"We want you to help us in convincing [Y/N] to join us in playing once again." Norman interrupted before Ray could shoot an insult at the ginger head.

"Why should I help you with that? It's better this way, now that she's not pestering me." Ray went back to the book in his hand.

"Because we already have had our fill with you denying to play along with us. We don't want another one of our friends to start acting like you." Emma said

"In short, we don't want [Y/N] to turn into an emo like you." Norman added

"Then you should ask for someone else's help because I'm the emo, right?" He snarled at them

"Come on, it won't hurt to show that you care for her, once in a while." Norman said

"I -" Ray was about to counter Norman's statement before getting cut off by Emma

"You're helping us and that's it!" Emma dragged him out of the dusty library, ignoring his complaints and struggles all together.




They peaked from behind a bush, their eyes fixed upon the female who was humming a tune unknown to them, her hand scribbling down on the sketch-book of hers

{A/N: I do not own the music. But I love it.}

The three widen their eyes at the melody, the innocent smile on her lips and how her eyes showed the happiness inside. It was all too obvious that she was having fun. It seemed almost unfair to take away this moment from her.

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