Chronicles of B06-32

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I just realized this first one has to take place in Norman's hideout so it ain't a chronicle of B06-32 but oh well,


Emma: you two sound like an old married couple.

Ray and y/n: we're not a couple!!!

Norman: but that's what everyone's talking about, you guys make the perfect couple.

Ray: shut up-

Y/N: Whitey!

*New nickname for Norman unlocked*

Gilda: aw, look at them completing eachother's -

Don: Sandwiches.

*Gilda frowns*

Y/N: *mumbles to herself* my ship has a whole lot room for development *facepalms* Don, you can't do one thing right now can you?

Don: *confused* I just wanted sandwiches.

*Norman and Emma laughing in the background*

Y/N: *looks at the two* at least one of my ships is making progress.

Watching from afar the group of y/n X Ray shippers,

Violet: how long do you think it'll take for the emo and crackhead to get together?

Nigel: as in start dating...? Hmm... I don't know, a few more months?

Gillian: that's too long, how about I go straight up to the two and get them together this very moment?

Violet: you can't do that.

Gillian: Oh yes I can with power of friendship, anything is possible!!!!!!

Nigel and Violet: Gillian NO-!!!


Lanni: I think y/n likes Ray as in- Ray and y/n sitting under a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!!!!

Thoma: Ray totally blushes a lot when we tease him about her!

Lanni: We should do something to get them dating!

*Thoma nods in agreement*

Yuugo pops out of nowhere,

Yuugo: Aren't you two too young to be shippers?

Thoma: Dad! You scared us!

Yuugo: listen here kid, I'm not your da-

Lanni: Dad!

Yuugo: whaddya' want!?

Thoma: for your daughter to be engaged with our brother Ray.

Lanni: they're a perfect match! Ray would keep y/n happy all the time!!!

Dad instincts kick in and Yuugo actually considers marriage between the two,

Yuugo: hey, I still gotta know what kind of a guy Ray is, I barely know him

Thoma and Lani: take your time but be sure to bestow your blessings upon the couple!!

Yuugo: I'll keep a keen eye on that boy and decide for myself if he is worthy of-

Ray: Why are you guys doing talking about y/n and my marriage?! And you too, Yuugo?!

Thoma and Lani: we know you like her!!!

Ray glares at them menacingly.

*Thoma and Lani scared to death*

Yuugo takes the two and leaves before Ray could kill someone.

*sighing to himself softly* Ray: *whispers* we haven't even started dating yet.


Chris was knitting up a scarf,

Sonya: hm? Nice scarf, is it for someone?

Chris: Yes! I'm making it for Ray and y/n! They both lost theirs back when we had just escaped. *Making exaggerated hand signs and waving his arms around childishly* It'll be really long so that the three of us will bundle up together!!!

Gillian: Aw, that's so cute! Let me know if you need any help!

Chris: *smiles cutely*

Gillian, Nigel, Sonya, Don: Take my love!!!


Don, Nat and y/n watching from the sidelines as Paula works,

Don: *frowns* I don't get it.

Y/N: neither do I...

Don: Ray's cooking really is delicious.

Y/N: yeah..- wait what?! I was talking about Paula!

Don: oh...! - but what do you not get about her?

Y/N: look at her she always has this scarf to mask her face and I've never seen her without it.

Nat: I'm sure she removes it before she sleeps. Why don't you-

Y/N: sneak a peek? Well you see, Ray practically locks me in the infirmary so that I won't go cookie hunting at night. *Whines uncontrollably* And before you ask- the infirmary has its own washroom.

Nat: he really is taking the 'do not feed' thing to another level now, isn't he?

Y/N: yeah- and if I die, write on my tombstone, "Y/N, died due to only eating soup and being deprived of her cookies and everything in general."

Nat: 'if'?

Y/N: I know that everyone is gonna and that all is future but before that we'll become CEOs~

Don: then we'll get married!

Nat: living our lives with our partners!

Y/N: then our partners will die~

Don and Nat sending judgemental stares at the girl, silently doubting her rationality and mental stability

Y/N: then we'll live in those old age homes, say whatever we want because things were different back then! And then we'll post our pictures on social media with tag um... #recycleteenagers!!!!!

Don and Nat: wha-

Y/N giggling around not caring about the two's reactions at all.

This was Y/N, Don and Nat's most intellectual talk.


So... Hi, here I am again because one, happy pride month! And two the haitus may prolong because of postponement of my exam dates due to the grieve covid conditions in my country.

I thought that I should take a but of a break and so I came up with this! I might write some more of these but am not sure.

Stay safe!

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