The game of outwitting each other has begun

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The oldest of the house were cleaning and it has been 3 days now. Emma was freaking out on the inside. She talked to her friend about it.

"This is bad. This means she suspects us, right?! Do you think she knows something?" Emma whispered

"Chill out. Think of it from the enemy's point of view. None of the kids are reacting so it is only natural that she'll be suspicious of the oldest in the house. So there's no need to get spooked." Ray whispered

"We still have to be on guard more than ever but don't worry. She doesn't know about us yet." Norman added

"Don't panic. That's what mom wants."

"But you don't want to be like  someone who is way too much relaxed, Emma." Ray said out loud as he landed his gaze upon [Y/N] who was taking a nap while leaning over a broom.

[Y/N] flinched at the sudden loud voice and let go of the broom before catching it when it was almost about to hit the ground. Emma and Norman chuckled a bit as the girl stared daggers at the ravenette. 

"What was that for?!" [Y/N] asked as she fumed with anger.

"Could you be at least a bit worried?! You might slip up and blow you're own cover if you're not careful!" Ray whispered yelled at her

"Awww, you care!" [Y/N] grinned but before Ray could retort in any way she started "C'mon, a carefree attitude only lessens the suspicion and don't you remember that I haven't blown my cover in all these years?" she had a point "And you guys must have already deduced that we don't have to worry about this situation which we are in." she waved her hand "You guys are genius after all."

'These three are really amazing. How can they be so smart? They've always been like this... Yeah, these powers... Strategy... Observation... Analysis... Reading the enemy's moves... I want those abilities. I want to be like them. I want to catch up to them. So that no one will die.' Emma thought to herself as she stared at the three who were walking out of the room while Ray and [Y/N] kept bickering.

It wasn't long before [Y/N] noticed the girl spacing out but the determined look on her face said otherwise.

"Lets go, Em." [Y/N] smiled at her friend and waited her join them.



"But this really annoying. This our third day. Organizing pantry. Inspecting spare linens. Cleaning the vacant rooms." Ray said 'Giving us meaningless tasks and not even giving us free time during the day, eh?' he thought

'Time is limited. Is it to make us impatient and reveal our plan...? But if that was it then there's something that's not quite right.' Norman pondered

'Either way I'm glad that [Y/N] stole table cloths instead of bedsheets or shirts.' Emma was relieved as she thought

'Thank god I used table cloths! Come to think of it, why did I choose tablecloths? I don't seem to remember why...? Shut up [Y/N]! that's a topic to think about later on!'

"DANM IT! I WANT TO PLAY!" Don shouted which made everyone flinch and turn their heads to the boy. "Why is it just us?! Is this some sort of punishment?! Did we do something?" he continued to whine

'If Mama was aiming to traumatize us, she definitely got Don cuz' damn that's some mental breakdown.' [Y/N] thought as she looked at the pathetic boy throwing a tantrum who was later dragged downstairs by Gilda to help her with some chores.



"We have to do something about that  or our escape will be impossible." Norman said as he referred to the tracking device.

Emma explained how she hasn't found anything like a scar on her body while Norman added that there's nothing such as a tracker in their clothing. Ray when asked what he has to say in the matter said that the trackers use radio waves and such kind of trackers didn't have a battery that lasts as long as 12 years, technology of the tracker that they had on them was way ahead of what they had in 2015 which means that this technology might have been developed by the demons themselves which would make it harder to locate the tracker and break it.

"So... checkmate?" Emma asked

"Yup." Ray replied casually

That's terrible!! 

"It would be nice if we had an X-Ray." Ray said

"Yeah, like we have an X-Ray machine right around the corner." [Y/N] mumbled

"Huh? What did you say?!" Ray asked 'God, this guy pisses me off.'

"I said that they won't just give us the chance to find out where the trackers are!" then she turned to Emma "Stop having breakdown right now, Em!"

but before they could continue to bicker anymore Norman started to talk "Even if we can't figure out the mechanism, we can still anticipate things. If we think there should be a way." he pondered upon the topic 'Mom is alone and if we outmaneuver her--which is risky in its own way--we can manage to escape... Think what the enemy would do. How would I logically control us? What kind of tracking device would I use and where would I implant it...?' he realized "We need more information." he mumbled loud enough for his friends to hear him.

'Where indeed...' [Y/N] thought as she tuned out what the trio was saying about Mama not being in a hurry to find them out.

'Let's draw some conclusions on the basis of the knowledge that I poses at the moment... One, the trackers can't specify the individual. Two, Mama has to have tracker on herself that means, if we tried to kill her, the demons will be notified. It's only logical that they'd do something like that. Three, Mama has to check in order to know where we are which mean it doesn't notify her and this will be a really important asset to our escape. Four, if we don't have a scar then it should be really small... now that I think about it, the demons wouldn't want to eat trackers, right? So shouldn't be it somewhere easy to get out from? Only way to find out the location is to search a newly arrived baby... Ooh-' her thought were cut off by a certain tan boy.

"Hey stop slacking off!" Don yelled

"Oh sorry!" Emma apologized

"I hope we don't have to this again tomorrow!" Don whined again

'Yup, Mama totally got him.' [Y/N] thought as she helped the boys out as they moved the bed.




Next day morning,


She got us !!

Mama was standing in the dining hall with a baby in her hands while a women who looked intimidating stood right beside her. As the introduction went on, the trio had a look of despair over their faces which [Y/N] knew was very noticeable and hence she took it upon herself to draw attention. This is the very reason why she walked towards the adults as she pondered as to what she should do to keep their eyes off the trio and then she saw Carol yawn "Dear lord, you even beat me in yawning! And that's saying something, ya' know." [Y/N] said as if she was astound while kids started laughing along with the adults at her little joke. She glanced back at her friends and they had received her message.

"Smile if you don't want to die."

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