Day at Gracefield House

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The day at Grace Field starts sharp at 6 am. 




"Everyone! Wake up or you'll be miss breakfast." Emma cheered. And everyone woke up as they rubbed away the slight sleep that remained in their eyes. Except for one. "[Y/N]! Wake up!!"

"Please leave me alone." [Y/N] mumbled as she buried her face into her pillow.

"You know what I'm going to say." Emma

"'You can sleep as much as you want.' oh Em, you're such a kind heart!"

"No! Now get up!" Emma pulled the other girl out of her bed "How come you're so lazy?!"

"How come you're so active?!" [Y/N] asked as she stumbled by the rough pull.

"Get ready!" Emma said and pushed her towards the sink. [Y/N] yawned and went through her daily routine.



"Good Morning, Don, Connie and little bunny" she heard Emma say 'God, this girl is fast! Or maybe I'm just too slow. Or maybe both? I prefer the first one.' [Y/N] thought to herself as she brushed her hair. {Pick any style, color and length, I won't be descriptive about her appearance, it's up to you to imagine her.}

"Morning, Connie and little bunny." [Y/N] said with a smile.

"Good Morning! Even Little bunny is saying it!" Connie said and [Y/N] chuckled. She's not bothered by their cuteness... it's more like she can't handle it when the weight of conversation is loaded onto her. Especially when they start to bombard her with questions. She's not much of a... well she's not good at keeping up a conversation... so it dies out pretty soon in her case. 

"Where's Don? He was with you, right?" 

"Yeah! He's right over there, helping Mark to get ready."

"I'll help Mark, you and Don can go ahead. Hey Don! Join Connie, I'll help out Mark."

"Really?!" Don asked


"Thanks! Let's go Connie!"

"Hurry up, okay?"Connie said

"Mhm... Now, Mark, sit while i help you with your boots."

"Thank you, [Y/N]."




"[Y/N]! You're late as always! I thought i woke you up in time!" Emma said

"Well, I'm sorry that i was helping our sibling here." [Y/N] said as sarcasm laced in voice.

"I'm sorry." Emma apologized

"Be sorry about waking me up!" [Y/N] whined

"Why are you so lazy?" Ray asked

"Why are you so smug?" [Y/N] asked

"Why don't you two not fight in morning?" Norman asked

"Oh we're not fighting." [Y/N] said

"It's called a friendly argument." Ray said

"Last time your friendly argument turned into a fight!" Emma said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Not my fault." Ray and [Y/N] said in unison and then glared at each other.

"C'mon guys you two are best friends, right?" Norman said

"It's only natural for us to have an argument." [Y/N] said

"People have different opinions..." Ray said

"and our's totally don't match." both said in unison.

"Yeah, whatever you two say." Emma said while the two huffed and headed towards the table for breakfast. They are close and respect each other but they are just kids and can have arguments and fights. After all, best friends do fight, right?




After test

"Emma, Norman and Ray, you all got perfect scores again. Good job!" Mama cheered.

"Those three are something else, aren't they? {A/N: I'm sorry but I'll skip the part about the trio's skills cuz you already know it} Lastly Y/N, she's not far behind them. Her head is always up in the clouds somewhere and she's just too lazy but if she put in effort, she'll be at par with them."

'Jeez, kid, I'm sorry that i don't meet your expectations.' [Y/N] thought as she yawned.

"Norman! Let's play tag! You'll be it!" Don yelled

'Calm down, Hot-head, I'm trying to relax here.' she thought.

[Y/N] yawned and grabbed her sketchbook, walking towards the forest and kept walking until she reached the fence. She stared at it for a moment before leaping over it and sitting on top of a nearby tree 'Don't feel like walking much.' she thought as she made herself comfortable.

After 30 minutes or so

"Don't go near the gate or the fence near the back of the forest." Emma said

"That's what Mama always says." Norman said and Emma reached for the fence.

"It's an obvious lie." Ray said

"Ray!" They flinched 

"I agree." [Y/N] said

"[Y/N]!" they flinched and turned to see the girl jump off the branch of tree that was on the other side of fence. "You shouldn't go beyond the fence!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." she leapt over the fence and leaned on it "What's so dangerous anyways? I've been walking around in area beyond the fence but couldn't find anything that is the said 'dangerous'."

"Walking around?!" Emma asked 

"I just said that, I really don't get your logic, Em." [Y/N] said with a frown

"But Mama said--" Emma was cut off

"You really love mama, huh?" Ray said

They complain about their sibling not writing letters and then Gilda talks about wanting to wear different clothes and everyone joins the conversation by stating their dream 'Such pure dreams, I'd hate it if they don't come true...'

"I wanna date a cute girl." Don said

'Ooh that's gonna hurt a certain someone~' [Y/N] thought

"That's rude!" Gilda complained 

"Eh? I didn't mean it that way." Don said in defense but they were interrupted

"I want to ride a train!" Phil said 

"That's a good one." Don complimented and everyone's attention turns to Phil

'Ah... I was expecting more of drama but oh well.' [Y/N] thought

Norman states his wish to explore the world 'Oh yeah, he didn't say anything back then, right? But I would love to see his dream come true.' yes, [Y/N] is a softy but doesn't show it that much.

Ray states his wish of surviving 'Wisely stated, as expected from Mr. Know-It-All.'

"You're such a downer." Don complains 'Sure.' 

"What do you wanna do once you go outside, [Y/N]?" Gilda asked

"Wanna see the ocean." Ray answered for her

"Nope. There's a change of plans, once i go outside, i want to do nothing." [Y/N] said as she smiled.

"Double downer, as expected by the two best friends." Don complains 'Disappointed? You're free to leave us.'

"Thank you." [Y/N] said, the smile never leaving her face. Unknown to her, Ray had been staring at her.

They turn to Emma and they discuss her wish before Conny said "I promise that i'll write many letters!" a sweet smile plastered on her face which made [Y/N]'s smile falter. Her heart ached at the thought of saying goodbye to yet another sibling.

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