s i x

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word count: 1275


third person

after the movie ended, the boys went to a nearby ice cream shop.  san was still a bit shaken up by wooyoung's previous actions but luckily, he had yeosang there to reassure him that everything was fine.  

as they walked in, jongho told yeosang to go with him to place the orders while san and wooyoung go find a table to sit in.  welp, there goes yeosang.  yeosang shot san a concerned glance while san waved his hand dismissively as a way to tell yeosang that he would be fine.  he didn't want yeosang to worry about him.

"what would you guys like us to order for you?", jongho asked as he opened his notes app on his phone, ready to type out the orders.  

"chocolate.", wooyoung said before picking his phone up and going through it.

"mint chocolate chip for me please." san quietly demanded as he looked towards the floor.  

there he was, replaying the way wooyoung's hand felt on him.  it was different from all the other times wooyoung has held him and he didn't get why.  it was just wooyoung so why did it feel so threatening. 

yeosang shot san one more look of concern before walking towards the counter with jongho.  it was now just san and wooyoung as they ventured to find an empty table.  there was a table at the corner of the shop, near a window and kind of isolated from everyone else.  on another day, san would have considered this to be the perfect table but on a day like today, where he didn't particularly feel like being alone with wooyoung for too long, he absolutely hated it.

he looked around to see if there were any more free tables but it seemed like he was out of luck.  other than the corner table, there were no other free tables. he gulped and decided to point the table out to wooyoung who was still browsing on his phone.

with a a shaky hand, san reached over and tapped wooyoung's shoulder.  wooyoung looked up at san and then glanced around him. once he noticed jongho and yeosang were gone, he gave san the sweetest smile he could muster.

"hey sannie! we haven't spoken to each other all day. why's that?", he pouted. san was a bit shocked. first, wooyoung basically glared down a half asleep yeosang. next, he refused to talk to anyone and would only dish out glares and odd stares. then, that thing he pulled at the movie theater and now, this. he's acting like nothing ever happened.

"well," san started hesitantly. "you've been pretty silent all day. i just wanted to give you some space.  sorry if it came out as rude.  i didn't mean to not speak with you."

"have i?", wooyoung tilts his head slightly to the side, coming off as innocent. "sorry.  it seems i haven't been able to get a grip on my emotions today. anyways let's go find a table, yes?" wooyoung successfully manages to change the topic of the conversation. 

san is a bit confused by wooyoung's big mood change and what he said about not being able to control his emotions but ignores it and chalks it up to him not wanting to dwell on his past, odd, behavior. he tries to act like he normally would around wooyoung. "actually, there's a table back there.", san points towards the table he spotted earlier.  

as they walk to the table, wooyoung takes hold of san's hand and starts to massage his palm. "so, you and yeosang, huh?", he says as he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. "how long has that been going on?"

the pretties shade of pink makes it's way to san's face and ears. san, then, remembers that he and yeosang weren't official. yet.  he couldn't tell wooyoung that, though, because yeosang called san his boyfriend in front of wooyoung earlier that day.  san internally panicked for a second before muttering a shy "yesterday". 

wooyoung then leaned back, released san's hand and put a hand on his heart. "you got over me that quickly? i am offended.", wooyoung said teasingly as he acted offended. 

san started feeling comfortable again and responded with, "of course. why would someone as awesome and amazing ever be hung up on you? you, my dear, are a rat", he joked.

"choi san you asshole!", wooyoung shouted as he reached for the napkin dispenser and yanked out a bunch of napkins. he then threw them at san and laughed victoriously as san tried to shield himself from them.

when jongho and yeosang finally found the table wooyoung and san had picked, they were met with the sight of san hiding under the table, giggling, as wooyoung threw napkins at him.  there were napkins everywhere. 

"stop you baboons!", jongho screeched. "you're going to get us kicked out", yeosang continued.

san and wooyoung looked up and tried to keep a straight face. "we're sorry", they say at the same time, trying to actually mean it but end up bursting out in laughter. jongho and yeosang shake their heads in disappointment and make them both clean up after themselves.

once everything was clean and everyone was calm, jongho handed san his mint chocolate chip, yeosang handed wooyoung his chocolate and yeosang and jongho swapped their ice creams so that yeosang now had vanilla with rainbow sprinkles and jongho now had cookies and cream. 

once the ice cream exchange was done, jongho and yeosang sat down. yeosang next to san and jongho next to wooyoung.

"i see you're in a better mood now.", jongho pointed out brushing wooyoung's long hair behind his ear.  wooyoung leaned into his touch and smiled. "yeah, sorry about that. i didn't mean to make any of you concerned about me.", he frowned.

"it's okay, you don't always have to force yourself to be happy. there's nothing wrong with being sad.", yeosang reassured as he reached over to pat wooyoung's shoulder. wooyoung smiled and quietly mumbled a thank you.

instead of talking, the four continued to dig into their ice creams until they were done.  they had priorities and talking was clearly not one of them.  it was time for them to bid farewell and go their separate ways.  it had now gotten dark and yeosang and san decide against heading back with jongho and wooyoung.  they insisted on taking the bus because according to yeosang, taking the bus at night is "fun".

after a series of hugs and good nights, jongho leans in to hug san once more and whispers, "i heard about you and yeosang.  you bitch how could you not tell me first.", he then pulls away and has a silly smile plastered on his face which is enough to make san burst into laughter.  "you better text me and fill me in later or i'll personally kill you.", jongho threatens adding a wink at the end.

san rolls his eyes, playfully, ignoring the confused stares he's receiving from wooyoung and yeosang. "of course, señor. nothing shall be kept from you." jongho and san giggle like hysterical children and are then pulled apart by yeosang and wooyoung before they wake up the whole town.

yeosang and san begin their walk to the bus stop.  as they walked, san swiftly captured yeosang's hand in his own. when yeosang turned to look over at san, he quickly looked away, successfully avoiding yeosang's gaze.

yeosang have san's hand a light squeeze, making san turn to face him. once, he did, he leaned in to give him a small peck which left both san and yeosang grinning like fools. the rest of the walk and the bus ride consisted of them whispering sweet nothings to each other, small pecks and delirious giggles.


oof this seemed kinda rushed sorry :(

it took so long cause i kept getting distracted i feel bad hgrfekjwhrs💀

anyways not at hongjoong expressing his dislike for mint chocolate chip and breaking my heart in the process ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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