f i v e

361 23 24

word count: 2252


dear wooyoung, 

i wonder what's wrong with you.  so far, you've been pretty quiet.  we've all tried to start conversations with you but you haven't been responding.  all you've been doing is driving in silence for the past 20 minutes.

i wonder if you and jongho fought or something.  i figured that that couldn't possibly be the case because jongho, himself, seemed pretty concerned.

what's going on, woo? why do you keep ignoring us? you were fine yesterday so what's different now?

i know you won't see this but|

i stop tying as i feel yeosang start to poke me.  "whatcha doin'?", he asked, laying his head on my shoulder, trying to see what was on my phone.  

i panicked quickly exited my 'wooyoung' file and turned off my phone, trying not to act suspicious but failing. terribly.

yeosang turned to me and gave me a horrified expression and moves close to me until he was at my ear. "you weren't watching porn, were you?", he whispers accusingly, trying to be discreet.

i felt my face heat up, not being able to tell if it was because of the accusation or the fact that yeosang was currently whispering in my ear.  probably both.

"no!", i yelled, mortified, causing jongho to turn around and wooyoung to peek at us through the rear view mirror for a second.  jongho looked at us quizzically for a few seconds before turning around again, trying, but once again failing, to start up a conversation with wooyoung.

"woah, no need to get so defensive", yeosang whispered. "unless...you actually were.", he wiggled his eyebrows.  

"yeosang, i swear to god i was not watching...that.", i whispered back, trying to end the conversation as soon as possible.  my heart was too weak for these types of topics.    

"yeah...sure.  i believe you.", he gave me a silly smile.

still whispering, i began to explain to him the notes in order to prove my innocence. i knew that i could trust yeosang to talk about these kinds of things.

"so, ever since wooyoung rejected me, i've been writing entries to him.  i'll never let him read them, though.  they're sort of my way of coping.  they're basically just me complaining how unfair life is cause he doesn't like me and me talking about what i did on the day i wrote them.  so far, i've written four.", i explain. he nods his head, showing that he understands. 

"would you mind if i read them?", he asked as he fiddled with my hands and looked up at me, seeing as he was now resting his head on my shoulder. 

i know i probably shouldn't have but i felt entranced by such simple actions. i absentmindedly nodded my head and unlocked my phone, handing it to him.  he began reading through the entries while holding my hand this time instead of playing with it.  my heart began to beat faster, scaring me.  why do i feel this way just because of him.  i was so sure i liked wooyoung. i was lost in thought for what seemed to be forever, having a mental breakdown.

and then it hit me.

i wrote about my possible crush on yeosang in one of those entries.  i was about to take my phone away but felt him slightly squeeze my hand.  i looked down at yeosang and panicked a bit.  he looked pretty calm. no scratch that. actually, he looked cocky. 

he removed his head from my shoulder and looked at me. "so, choi san", he said, still whispering, and a sly smirk plastered onto his face. "i apparently make you question your crush on wooyoung?" he wiggled his eyebrows and bumped my shoulder with his playfully.

[HIATUS]dear wooyoung |woosan & sansang|Where stories live. Discover now