Battle front

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Kanda POV
As soon as Allen ignited his innocence the black on his arm turned red. The moment Cross began to fall his subordinates came out from their hiding places. Once Allen's lips left mine, I swung in front of him.  The first attack was fire. It never reached us. Lavi's fire stamp lit up the beach.
Cross was charging through it right at Allen. He didn't bother looking to see who was protecting his adopted son. Satan was ready. I felt him surge forward in me. My sword came up, cutting the side of Cross's face. The blood slashed out blending with his flowing red hair. Only then did he draw up short.
Eyes round with astonishment, he looked at me. “You're not human!” he growled out. The smirk was cold on my lips.
“Never was.” I commented. He turned his full attention on me. Pushing the thought of Allen out of my head I focused on my one job, killing this demon. Satan's strength flowed into my arms, my body surged with it. Even so Cross didn’t need a demon in him to match me, he was a demon. Satan recognized him instantly. Spinning I engaged in the fight of my life.
(Allen POV)
My body responded with fear at seeing my former Master come charging out of the fire at me. It wanted to run. Then he was there. A flash of light and his sword cut the thing that had raised me. No one I had ever known had managed to hurt the man. Kanda exchanged words. I wasn’t able to focus on him.
Keeping him in my peripheral vision, I turned to engage the half human half skeletal creatures came rushing at us. My arm turned to a sword. Working in Kanda's shadow I kept his back clear of them so that his attention only needed to be on my master.
We were surrounded. The others were fighting, as I saw,  multiple creatures at once. Then I saw more horror approaching. Over the top of the mountain large round balls appeared. Each had a face on the front, and cannons, many, many cannons covering the bodies.
“Lavi!” I screamed. He saw it too. His hammer grew as he swung through the air to reach me. Krory flew out, then out of the sky came flashes of light. Looking up I gasped as I saw Lenalee falling down toward them. Tyki and Alma right behind her.
“Where did they come from?” I cried.
“My guess, the arc.” Lavi said. Lenalee landed on one of the creatures. Her foot smashed through it as it exploded. Krory was tearing at them with his teeth. It looked like he was sucking the blood out of metal. I slammed the sword back onto my shoulder. It turned into the cannon again.
I shot three of the things Noise, Alma, Tyki and all the others continued to fight around me. My eyes dropped to where Kanda was in the center of an open clearing. He circled Cross. It looked like Cross was keeping those monsters away from them.
As I watched his head tipped back. Mad insane eyes looked up to me. He raised his arm. I saw the gun. Kanda would be too… Mugen sang through the air. Before the gun could go off, the arm holding it fell to the ground. Blue black hair swirled around as Kanda spun between Cross and I.
His dark grey eyes locked on to mine. His body soared through the air, landing next to Cross. My former Master was on the ground. He howled with pain and fury. Kanda turned away from me to face my master. Something sharp tugged across my cheek.
“Allen, focus.” Lavi shouted at me. Focus. My eyes dropped to the spires. Black mist covered the land. I couldn’t see through it. What else was… My brain stopped. My left eye swirled in its socket. Dizziness the world spun below me. I snagged a hand into Lavi's jacket.
My right eye still showed the swirling mist. It showed me my friends fighting for their lives. The world was as normal as this insane landscape could be. Then my left eye stopped spinning. A maroon colored haze covered everything. The maker of Eden glittered like fallen stars from the ground. A safe harbor in a mass of confusion.
Lenalee's feet flashed green light as she attacked the round demon balls. The trails coming from them slicing the sky in brilliant waves. Alma wasn’t far from her as he attacked with a long sword that arced white in the darkened sky. Noise’s wires cut sliver streaks through the darkness. Krory shone red as he dashed across the sky.
I took this all in, in a second. Then the haze of color dissipated from around my vision. What I saw next had my stomach churning. The balls weren’t just metal. Human souls were trapped inside them. They were chained to the controls. Their bodies swirling mists of agony. Mouths elongated holes screaming in pain. When someone with innocence slashed through them, a white light freed the souls.
I watched as the souls changed. They became human like once more. Most glowed a calming white, or light gold. Then their tortured mouths turned to smiles. Their vacant eyes filled with color as they were raised to the clouds above them. Lifting they went up through the dark clouds to the waiting light above. A peace like nothing I had ever seen filling them.
When I turned my head downward, I saw a hell like no other could imagine. The very ground rippled like a living boil. Scared red slashes rolled over the blackened ground. They folded together erupting in pulsing pus fountains. Waiting on top of this were demons of every shape size and horror filled nightmare. This was what Cross wanted to free.
Corporal demons pounded on the door. They were large dark bodies. Horns as long as a humans bodies jutted from thick misshapen skulls. I swallowed the bile clawing up my throat. I tore my eye from the haunting sight. Searching I found him.
Bathed in a calming blue white light, Kanda fought on. A golden yellow core shinned inside him. Was that the demon prince he defeated? My eyes went to Mugen. The blue white light shimmered around the sword. Its core was a darker blue. The color swirling mixing with the white. Something in the sight was peaceful.
Kanda danced out of the way of Cross's attack. How had the man regrown his arm? I wondered. I blinked. No, that wasn’t his arm. It was larger, muscled. The demon’s arm that tore at his blackened soul. Kanda fell to his knees as the clawed hand swiped at him. Blood covered his chest.
He didn’t stay down long. He leapt to his feet. Creatures erupted from the sword. They surrounded Cross. It looked like they were trying to eat him. Some flew away with chunks of his flesh. They didn’t get far before exploding. What was he made of?
As I was distracted, a wave of heat hit us. Lavi had to catch my hand as I flew off of his handle. “Allen!” he cried. I got my feet back up with him. I needed to focus. Needed to make sure those creatures didn’t get through the doorway. If they came into this world, I doubted even Kanda would survive.
My stomach boiled at the thought of his demise. I shot at more of the human metal ball things. Each time the cannon light exploded them, the souls rose up into the heavens. I felt lighter, like I was making a difference for them. Leaping off of Lavi’s hammer I set out to get more of them.
Turning my arm back into the white sword, I bounded over them. As I landed on one, I slashed at another. Once I my feet left the one I was on, I cut the soul free. Running across the sky like this I freed many more souls.
(Kanda POV)
Allen was running across the sky. His white gold light combating the darkness that throbbed around us. It was hard to look at. For me it was almost impossible to pull my eyes away from him. Cross made sure I paid for that mistake, or so he thought. Mugen reacted to his movement. The sword pulled my arm upwards.
Satan hissed at me for being a fool to look away. Yet there was something under that command. Something he was trying to hide from me. Cross saw me as the strongest here, that’s why he was fighting me. But that wasn’t all.
I shoved my mind at Satan's thoughts peeling back the layers to reach just what it was he was trying to figure out. I pressed but he didn’t fully understand what it was he was seeing. It felt off to him as well. Like we were only seeing a part of the picture.
“I think he may be toying with us.” Satan said. “He is a low human/ demon half-blood. Some of us use them to get bodies in this world. We will mate with a human to get our blood across the barrier.”
It looked like Satan wasn’t trying to hold back on me. He just wanted to figure it out before he bothered me with what he was thinking.  A puzzle piece was missing. I sprang up once more from the ground. Slicing at the beast before me. Who could have fathered such a creature? I wanted to scream at the devil in me, but now wasn’t the time.
A second before I struck, Cross was looking up at the flying star of his adopted son. A smile touched his lips. Was he proud of the boy? Or was Allen some how falling into a trap that none of us could see?
His mutated demon arm came up. The pinkish red armor had so far defeated Mugen's bite. I did see a chunk in it. Continuing to strike at that one spot I hoped to break through to the flesh beneath it. “My boy.” Cross laughed just as Mugen tasted his foul blood. Those words sent chills through my body. My feet hit the dirt.
Blood, black as oil, dripped from the tip of my sword. The demon’s arm dropped the blood as well. Where the droplets hit the ground, they soaked into the soil. I backed away as I saw the ground breathing, rolling around these drops. Calling the neither world creatures I cleaned the blood from the sword. But the arm gash grew larger.  He had wanted me to strike him, to cut him.
Something was growing from his blood. It rose up, a creature of blackened soil. One name was on its hideous lips. They looked like sores blistered and bleeding as he yelled out into the night. “Allen Walker!” it screamed.
My body moved. The sword, always so light in my hands, weighed my arm down as I forced it to cut through the air. The heaviness slowed my swing. The rock creatures toned hands were reaching for the white light of my star. I howled with the fear and anger surging in me.
My sword was closing in on his neck. My eyes grew round as the balls surrounded Allen, keeping him in one place. Lavi's hammer was growing up toward the teen, he was still so far away. As Mugen began to cut into the thick soiled neck, the creatures hands cut at Allen.
Blood blossomed over the white. Mugen cut through the neck severing it from the body. The thing began to crumble to the earth it had risen from. It was too late. Allen’s body was falling. Red spilling from it. I watched in horror as Lavi caught the body.
“Noooo!” the scream tore from my throat. Everything around me stilled. Allen. Was the only thought in my head.

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