Bean sprout

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(Allen POV)
Friday morning I woke earlier than usual. Today, after school, Kanda was going to take me to get my permit. We had been studying every night. I hadn’t told Lavi about it yet. I wanted to surprise him when I saw him Sunday. We had a whole day planned. I smiled as I finished up in the bathroom.
Walking out I could smell the bacon. No matter how early I awoke, Kanda was already up.
“I swear you don’t sleep!” I chided him a frown touching my face. The sword was once more strapped to his back. Everywhere he went recently, that sword went. He couldn’t carry it in school but I know he smuggled it into his locker.
“I sleep, I’m just not lazy like you.” He retorted in his bored tone. I chuckled. I had begun to get to know his moods. Most people only saw him as grumpy or irritable. Many saw him as intimidating. Not me. I could see the layers he fought hard to hide. Maybe it was because he was an orphan, more like it was because he didn’t want people to see his weaknesses.
“You still on for tonight?” he asked. I nodded vigorously as I munched on a piece of toast. Kanda always had something ready for me to eat right away. No one else had ever been that thoughtful before. I smiled.
“You sure you don’t mind doing this?” I asked for the millionth time. He held out a plate with pancakes, sausage, eggs, and bacon on it.
“Short stack!” he growled. Glaring at me.
“Names Allen, I know you are not so stupid you forget it every morning!” I yelled back. To others this might seem like we are fighting, possibly even dislike each other. I have come to learn this was more or less our way of saying we care. I went to eat. Coffee and Juice was sat down in front of me along with some yogurt with fruit and granola in it.
After eating I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen while Kanda got ready. Since Lavi has been working, Kanda has given me rides to school. We walked down to his car silently. He quizzed me on the way to school about the permit test. Once we pulled in I hopped out scanning the parking lot for Lavi's car.
“Over there.” Kanda pointed with the sword. I saw it, flashed him a smile and a wave as the sword vanished. I rushed to Lavi. Only to stop short when I saw Krory get out of the passenger side. He walked around the car, taking Lavi's chin in his hand. I couldn’t hear what they said but it looked like they were going to kiss. I froze, my heart racing. Lavi wasn’t even trying to push the taller boy away.
Sound dulled all I could hear was the pounding of my heart. Krory moved in closer to Lavi's face. The love of my life quirked that sexy half smile of his. Their noses touched. Lavi's hand pressed against Krory's chest.
“STUPID RABBIT!!” I heard bellowed out from behind me. Kanda jumped over me knocking the dark teen away from my boyfriend. His fist hit Lavi square in the face. The red head banged backward almost hitting the top of the car. I saw blood but still couldn’t move.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” Kanda screamed in his face. “DON’T YOU THINK HE'S BEEN HURT ENOUGH!” Lavi’s green eye blinked then his face turned red as he turned to see me watching him.
“Allen.” His voice sounded muffled through his hand and broken nose. I shook my head. What was I saying no too? Seeing my boyfriend getting ready to make out with another guy? Hearing my name on his lips? Or just everything? It felt like the world was collapsing down on me. The weight of which I just couldn’t hold up.
My knees buckled. I began to fall, but I never touched the pavement. Strong arms held me up. I was whisked away. All I could do was stare at Lavi over the shower of my savior. He looked pale, shocked and scared. The only eye I could see was round in shock. Krory was at his side once more.
I was pushed into the seat of a car. Quickly the belt held me down. No this just couldn’t be happening! I told myself. Lavi was loyal, trusting, he loved me. I screamed as loud as I could clutching at my hair. Why? Why did everything have to hurt? Why couldn’t I have one thing good in my life? I screamed and hit myself.
“Stop that!” Hands grabbed mine holding them fast. I began to kick at the car, screaming out my pain. Arma closed around me as I was lifted from the seat. I was dragged out of the car. I tried to bite the person holding me. Instead I was thrown to the ground.
“If you want to act like a wild animal then go do it!” A sharp voice yelled at me. “You're being stupid bean sprout!” he screeched. I stop yelling, fighting instantly all energy left me. I curled up in a ball on my side. Right there in the grass of God knows where the hell he dumped me.
For a long time I just laid there feeling the pain of my broken heart, my ripped soul. I rocked myself back and forth something I hadn’t done since I was a child. I had gotten used to physical pain. I would take a beating from Cross any day over this. This pain was too much. I felt myself shattering.
Closing my eyes I shut out the bright morning son. I guess I fell asleep. Maybe I just slipped into another universe. Who knows. The next thing I recalled was not the scratchy ground beneath my cheek, but something soft. A hand was stroking my hair. Lavi used to play with it while we snuggled together watching movies.
The pain cam flooding back at the thought of my pirate. The image of Krory leaning over him. Lavi looked eager for those lips to touch his. I shivered. Hearing the soft humming above me, I opened my eyes just a crack.
I was beyond shocked at where I was. Curled up still on the ground, my head in Kanda's lap. He was stroking my hair and humming a song. I knew he could sing. He often did so when he thought I couldn’t hear him. He had such a beautiful voice. The sun was higher in the sky. Had he been singing to me the entire time? It could be why he hummed now. His voice may be going on him. I sat up wiping the crust from my eyes.
“Tell me it didn’t really happen?” I begged him.
“I cannot lie to you, Allen.” Was his soft response. The tears leaked out once more unbidden.
“I knew I could never be happy. Cross was right, I am tainted. I can never be loved.” I doubled over clutching my stomach and chest as loud gut wrenching sobs tore from me. It must have been my delusion but I swore I heard Kanda whisper softer than the wind, I love you. I shook my head denying it.
Instead he sat beside me until I was done crying. “Want me to take you home?” he asked. I nodded feeling more empty than I ever had before.
“Moyisha?” he asked. I blinked up at him. “Do you still want to go for the test today?” his voice was so gentle. I thought about it. Learning to drive, being able to fend for myself. I gave him a nod. He helped me up. We headed to the car. At home I went straight to bed. Kanda left me alone for a few hours.
I woke to yelling. “You can’t keep me from seeing him!” Oh my God, Lavi.
“Like he matters to you!” Kanda yelled back. I could picture the scene. Kanda standing before my door like a sentinel,  Mugen in his hand barring Lavi entry to me. The thought brought a thin smile to my lips.
“I didn’t do anything!” Lavi yelled.
“Yeah well you didn’t stop it either.”
“I was there for him through Cross's beatings, not you!”
“You let him get beaten!” Kanda screamed.
“I, I had too…” Lavi's voice cracked. “Don’t you think it kills me every time?” his voice was low.
“Not as much as it did him.” Kanda snarled. Ok I had to end this. I got up. The clock on my phone said it was just after one. Lavi must have left school during his lunch. I opened my door. No sentinel. Stepping out I peered around the corner into the living room. There they were facing each other. Kanda's back was to me. He stood in a defensive stance. He was close to the corner. I could have reached out and touched him.
Lavi was in the middle of the living room, shoulders curled in head down he looked so small. Neither spoke for a moment. Lavi lifted his head saying at the same time. “I know.” Then his green eye saw me.
It widened. “Allen!” he cried. Kanda didn’t turn. Instead he held an arm out as if to block either of us from going to the other. He turned his head only slightly waiting.
“What time were we leaving?” I asked him.
“Two.” He responded. I turned away toward the bathroom.
“I should get ready.” I said ignoring Lavi altogether.
“Allen please let me explain.” I froze at the pleading in his voice.
“I can’t even look at you right now. Just go away.” I rushed into the bathroom before I began to cry again.
“You heard him.” Kanda said softly.
“Allen.” My name was nearly a wail on his lips. A few seconds later I heard the front door close. The bathroom door shifted inward as a body pressed against it.
“He's gone.” Kanda said from the other side. He stood there a moment before walking away. Twenty minutes later I sat beside him in the car. I felt a bit awkward being this close to him after everything he did for me today.
“Thank you.”
“Che.” I snickered leaning my head on the window I watched the world go by.
We pulled into the DMV I went in paid for the test and set to work on it. Thanks to Kanda it was really easy. Still I was a bit anxious while the lady graded it. She smiled handed me my paper took my picture and let me go. Hanging my head I walked out to Kanda.
He was leaning on the front fender of the car. I kept my head low.
“Don’t tell me you blew it you stupid bean sprout!” he growled. I raised my head to look at him, a wide smile on my face. He tsked at me slapping the back of my head telling me to get in the car. We went out to eat as a congratulations. This was what I liked about Kanda. He was low key but nice.

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