Demons kiss

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Yu, you're looking well.” Tidal greeted me. I snorted. His smile never wavered. It was always like that.
“Tidal.” I acknowledged. He beamed. What a fool! Tidal went around greeting everyone. The maker of Eden safely tucked away once more. The day was growing dark. I frowned up at the sky. It had been early morning when we left.
“Stupid Rabbit.” I yelled. He turned from a conversation with Krory. Seeing me watching the sky, he too looked up. The moon was out, it was full in the sky above us.
“Uh, that’s weird. It should only be a crescent.” Lavi stated stepping up to me.
“Time maybe different on the island.” Tidal said.
“The kiss works best under a full moon. I never told short stack that.” I stated. Lavi's green eye slipped down from the heavens to look at me.
“You don’t think…” he trailed off.
“We told him it had to be done at night. Plus we also stated we were going to do it as soon as we landed.” I shrugged.
“You are going to go through with it.” Tidal frowned.
“I see no other way.” I stated. His eyes roved over me.
“Keep that sword close at hand when you call upon the demon. Hopefully the one who is imprisoned in it will be the one to answer you.” He turned away.
“How will that help?” I called. “I already have his strength.” Tidal looked back at me.
“You're blood line is tied to it's. Since he was defeated once before, others would jump at the chance to free him, so they can wreck their own form a vengeance on him.” Tidal cautioned. “He was a strong demon. Stronger ones will come to defeat your great grandfathers bloodline.”  With that he left Lavi and I to plan.
“Tidal will protect the others while we do our thing.” The red haired fighter explained.
“You know there isn’t another way to defeat Cross and protect Allen.” I told him.
“I’ve been thinking about one.” He said rubbing at the back of his head. A gesture I found he did when he was truly perplexed, or when he was about to say something I wouldn’t like.
“You are not taking my place.” I told him. Laughing he shook his head.
“No, well not completely.” I glared at him.
“If we both preform the kiss on the same demon…” his voice trailed away as my eyes hardened.
“Then there would be no one to protect Allen from either of us!” I nearly shouted.
“Tidal, Noise, Alma…” he ticked off their names as if it was a list of invites to a party. I turned to fully face him.
“Lavi, none of them are strong enough to stop me as myself. You add demon blood to the mix and I fear the failure of this mission.” The thought stuck me that I didn’t add it was more than that I feared. If Allen fell back into Cross's hands…
“You trust me, right?” He didn’t look at me as he asked this. His head was bowed, one hand running over the handle of his hammer, the other laying quiet on the back of his head. I reached out, placing my hand over the one on the hammer.
“With Allen's life.” The red head jerked up, emerald eye glistening in the fast waning light.
“Then I will stand by you, Kanda. There is no other warrior I would trust to watch my back like you can.” Pressure squeezed my fingers. He was gone before I could say anything more.
“Land ho!” Someone shouted. Moving forward I stood at Allen's back. Sure enough there was a small strip of blackened beach could be seen. It would be too shallow for the ship to go all the way in. Tidal could take some on the maker of Eden. The rest would row ashore in one of the life boats.
We prepared to disembark. Tidal moved to speak to the captain of the ship. I wondered if he was going to have him stay close by, or just return in a few days for whatever was left of us? It didn’t matter to me. As long as Allen survived this. Reaching out I squeezed his thin shoulder. He looked backwards. His eyes searching mine. I gave him a rare smile. His face paled.
“Is it really that bad?” he asked worry darkening his velvet eyes.
“Afraid so.” Lavi stated. “You know your heading to hell when Yu Kanda smiles.”
“Stupid rabbit!” I growled dragging Allen toward the boat.
“Yu, Allen, you're coming with me.” Tidal called.
“Lavi too?” Allen insisted. Tidal nodded. Together we walked over to him. After he opened up his innocence shaping it into a boat, we climbed aboard. Tidal guided us to shore, after linking the Eden to the row boat.
There was a short strip of beach, then dark spires ascended up from it. We eyed these.
“I don’t know if doing this on the beach is a good idea, but what will we face on the other side of that?” Lavi asked.
Searching up and down the beach with my eyes, I saw no way but to climb up over the spires. “What if they are the walls around the gate?” I said.
“Like if we follow the beach we will find the gate?” Lavi asked.
“More like Allen dropped us off in front of it.” I stated. “If he activates his innocence here, I fear that the gate will open before us.” I stated.
“I will protect them under the Maker of Eden here then. The two of you go somewhere else and prepare.” Tidal dismissed us with that advice.
“Fang boy?” I called. Krory turned to look at me. I shoved Allen toward him. Then paused. “Noise. The two of you, keep him safe.” I said.
“Kanda, return.” Noise said as his large hand cupped Allen's shoulder.
“Stay safe, Yu.” Tidal stated. A shimmering curtain cut them off from us. The maker of Eden was erected. Looking over to Lavi we didn’t say anything as we turned to walk along the beach.
When we were out of sight of the others, the darkness intensified. Lavi used his fire stamp to create a ring of fire around us. He stood just inside it. His hammer taller than him as he watched me. My turn. I thought.
Drawing Mugen from its sheath, I chanted the words as I drew the protection of the pentagram. Inside it I drew the symbols of the higher demon I wished to call. I hadn’t told them I had a certain demon in mind for this. Satan, prince of wrath. Finishing up the ancient symbols of his name, I stuck Mugen in the forward spot. The sword would call to the demon, while also protecting me from it.
Stepping forward I began the chant to call forth the demon. Putting in his given name. A name only demons could speak, one I had known since birth. I called to him. I swore I heard Lavi mutter something about only you would! I shut him out. This would take all of my concentration.
The ground began to shake. Where the lines of the pentagram were etched he tried to break the seal I had created. The lines held. My voice rose higher demanding him to come forth. Offering him my soul if he did. The mist shifted out of each point of the pentagram. He was coming.
At first it was white, but as it blended together with itself it turned darker. Going though all the shades of grey until it was as dark as the night around it. I could only see the red charred lined of its form, that Mugen identified for me.
“Who calls me from my slumber!” the voice boomed out louder than any thunder.
“I do, Yu Kanda, child of Hiroto, grandson of Eisen, great grandson of Ginji…” when I spoke my great grandfathers name red blasted through his form like an erupting volcano.
“You dare speak that name to me!” he bellowed. I smirked. His son was trapped in Mugen.
“Tonight I ask for the demons kiss. If I shall fail to master you, your son will be freed, and I will give you my soul this night.!” The gasp from the dumb bunny nearly ended the exchange. I drew Mugen from its place upon the pentagram. Holding the sword flatly on my palm I offered it up to him.
“On my family's honor, there will be no interruptions. Grant me your strength this night.!” I called to him. His giant charred head with horns larger than my body, swung around to face me. The face appeared before me. I didn’t back down.
“Your family's honor dishonored my kin.” He told me.
“Well now you can remedy that. Defeat me my lord.” I bowed my head not taking my eyes from him. It was not a sign of defeat, or giving in. It was a challenge.  His laugh echoed from the spires around us.
“Granted!” he bellowed his foul breath washing over me. His head swooped down once more, but as it did he shifted. Now standing in the pentagram was the form of a man. His white blonde hair swirled around his pale face. Golden eyes gleamed at me. The green suit he wore matched Lavi's eye as he strolled up to the point of the pentagram I stood at.
“Defeat me warrior, and I grant you my abilities. Fail to do so, and you become mine for eternity .”
“If I win, when I defeat you, you will be under my control until the die my soul leaves my body. I will not keep you enslaved the way my grandfather did your son.” His hand came up to press against his chest. If a demon had a heart it would be covering it.
“You truly are a warrior of honor. It will be fun to fight you.” He bowed his head to me in the same manor as I had to him.
“Shall we seal this deal?” he asked quirking his head to the side. I stepped forward, entering the pentagram.
Mugen glowed a brilliant blue white. Its protection enveloping me. I saw the fury flash in those golden orbs. His own son protecting a mortal against his father, how infuriating was that going to be.
“Tell me, human, why do you enter this bargain? Why my pwer?” I stopped.
“There are forces upon this land I wish to eradicate.” I stated. It was as close to the truth as I wanted to get with him. He stepped back.
“The whole truth, or I leave here.” He countered. We stood locked in a staring contest for what felt like forever. If I walked any further into the symbol I created it could shatter. Or he would gain more of my power than I wanted him. I needed him to come to me. In order to do that I had to answer him.
Allen. The name leapt into my mind unbidden
I locked it away from him. A flash in those eyes told me he had sensed something, but I had stopped him from seeing the name, or the boy it belonged to. He was the keeper of the gate. The very gate that would free all nine princes of hell to roam unhindered in this world.
If this monster found out who he was, the battle for my soul would only be the beginning. If he defeated me, he would go after him. The world would be lost if Allen falls. I pressed all thought from my mind. He didn’t need to know what was at stake here. He wanted the truth, I would give it to him.
“Love.” I told him. He shifted his weight. “I call for your power to protect the man I love.” I said this loud enough that I knew the stupid rabbit heard me. Satan's head swung to look at where Lavi stood.
“The one that protects you, although there is a bond, it is not true love.” He looked back at me. “Are you ready to fight, warrior?” Before I could answer he moved to stand before me. Without blinking I locked eyes with him.
“Commit to the deal.” He spoke softly. I tilted my head. One hand gripping the hilt on my sword, I leaned forward. Pressing my lips to the dried charred ones of the demon.  The heat draped around me like a suffocating blanket.

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