Same place new faces

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(Lavi POV)
I didn’t see Allen for the rest of the summer. I kept an eye on hospital admissions just in case. Nothing came up of a white-haired boy. Crying myself to sleep seeing that bastard beating him and all I did was walk away. Why didn’t I try to do something? What kind of boyfriend am I?
The first day of school was tomorrow. I check my phone one more time praying Allen would have responded to any of the multitude of messages I had sent him over the last few weeks. Flopping down on the bed I starred at the ceiling. Closing my eyes it took hours for me to fall asleep.
The next morning, I was waiting for Allen in front of the school. Others were milling around but there was no sign of the pale boy.  Sighing I flung myself against the wall to allow access for someone to go past. Then, there, was that… I shoved someone out of the way. Rushing down the steps my eyes darting around to find the white head again. There near the flag it vanished in the crowed.
“Can’t you watch where you're going?” a gruff voice said.
“Ss sorry.” Allen squeaked. A dark haired boy bent down.
“Are you ok?” he asked. Allen stood before this amazing sight long dark hair pulled back into a pony tail, icy eye boring into my Allen's. The handsome face was scowling. The muscles on display from the tank top he wore bulged as he helped fix Allen's arm.
“Allen!” I cried rushing to him. I froze when he turned to face me. His good eye was healing, purple bruising was fading to yellow. His left arm was in a sling. The man beside him had Allen's pack slung over his shoulder.
“Allen, I’m so sorry. I’ve been worried for weeks.” I hugged him Allen laughed.
“Sorry, Cross broke my phone.” A smile lit up his face as Allen hugged me with his good arm. I kissed him. “How can you look so happy?” I asked stepping back.
“Cross is missing. Two nights ago these guys came in and dragged him out. I stayed hidden afraid they would come back.” I ran a hand through my hair. What was happening to him?
“Look if you…” He laughed at me.
“This was taped to my door last night.” He held out a piece of paper.
“You are safe, have a life.” Was typed on the first paper. The second was a signed emancipation order declaring he was an emancipated minor. There was also a restraining order. Cross couldn’t come within fifty feet of him.
“You're free? He can't…” I hugged him kissing his face.
“I have until the end of the week to move out of the trailer though.” He sighed.
“Alright we just need to find you a place you can move to that you can afford without a job.” I sighed.
“I am looking for a roommate.” The dark-haired teen spoke. “I have a two bedroom down town. You can stay rent free until you get a job.” He offered Allen. He had out his hand.
“My name is Kanda. I’m eighteen.” He added as we looked at him. Allen grinned happy. He took the boys hand.
“I’m Allen, why would you offer when you don’t know me?” he asked Kanda cheed.
“At least I know where you go to school.” He said in a dry board tone.
“How about we meet here after school and you can show me where the apartment is.” Allen suggested.
“Sure, does he need to tag along?” Kanda asked pointing to me.
“Lavi's my boyfriend, and he has a car.” I smiled.
“Fine.” Allen’s bag was slammed into my chest as the man walked away.
“Incubus.” I hissed after him just to make Allen laugh. He did so. We walked into school together. I held his hand in mine happy to have him back relatively unharmed. With Cross out of the picture Allen and I could be happy finally. I smiled.
A tall dark shape peeled itself off of the wall as we were walking up to it. I startled Allen laughed. The teen had dark hair with white fringe.
“Are you Allen?” he asked in a slightly accented tone. Allen stated he was. The man held out his hand.
“I am Alistair Krory. They told me you would show me around today.” He stated. Allen scrunched up his nose as he tilted back his head to look up at him.
“Yeah they called me about that last night. So you knew Manna?” he asked as the teen fell into step with us. Those dark soul searching eyes had ready scanned Allen, now they fell to me, something in them made me shiver. It wasn’t in fear, although this kid could ooze it nearly as well as Kanda. No this was more, passionate. Like he wanted to eat me or something.
“No, not really. He knew my Grandfather. They did business.” He said answering Allen's question. “When I saw your name on a folder during my initial visit here I commented that I knew of your family.” Allen was nodding.
“I see, oh wait.” He laughed a bit nervously. “I am so bad, this is my boyfriend Lavi. Lavi this is Alistair.” He introduced us.
“Most people just call me Krory.” He said shaking my hand. Allen’s cute face was split into a smile. Anyone who could make him smile like that was fine with me. I grinned back.
“Nice to meet you.” Allen and I took Krory to the lockers. There we scrutinized our schedules. I was in all but three classes with Allen.  History, which I was in the advanced program, Gym and unfortunately lunch. Oddly we did have study hall together on non gym days. Alistair was in every single class with him. I groaned that was so not fair.
We walked into our first class. Math. I just want to know who the sadist is that thinks kids like math class first thing in the freaking morning. I groaned as I slipped into a seat.
“Oh, hey Kanda!” Allen cried. He introduced Krory to the smoldering teen. Kanda said nothing , made no move to welcome the kid or in any way show he even cared. He had glanced at Allen when he said his name but that was it. Allen sighed taking the seat beside mine. Krory ended up behind me as Kanda was in the seat behind Allen. Great a lovely square. I thought.
The day dragged. History was always my favorite class. I had it just before lunch. To my horror Kanda was seating at a table by himself when I walked into the cafeteria. With a sigh I decided it was best to play nice. Even if he wasn’t. I moved to sit with him.  Not even asking since I had seen him thoroughly distance himself from anyone who attempted to be friendly with him. Including Allen who was the nicest guy on the freaking planet.
“Go away you stupid rabbit.” He hissed at me.
“No.” I stated starting to eat. I hated silence. Maybe it was due to the fact that the night I was told I was an orphan it had been so quiet. Bookman was great, I loved my grandfather but silence and I were never on friendly terms. So, with Kanda stewing next to me I kept up a one sided conversation about the people in the room. Telling him things he really didn’t care about. I didn’t care that it was irritating him.
“Allen is mine and I will do anything to protect him.” I finally said just before the bell.
“Anything but stand up to the guy that busted him up.” Kanda snarled hitting me where it hurt the most. I gawked as he walked away. It was true, Cross scared me. But why? I never thought about it much. I just assumed it was because of what Allen told me about him. Yet now I thought about it, it was more than that. I was only six when my folks died, something in Cross reminded me about that night. I felt like the scared little kid hiding in the closet all over again whenever I saw that man.
I walked with my head down as I tried to think about it. “Hey Lavi, what’s wrong?” a chipper voice asked from beside me. I winked at the pretty girl who had come up to me.
“Kanda.” I started. She laughed.
“Oh, you met mister dark and mysterious.” We laughed together. I told her what he had said. She laid a hand on my arm.
“Allen wouldn’t have wanted you to get hurt too. He can take it only if he knows his friends are safe.” Her huge eyes watched me saddened. I hugged her.
“I know, Lenalee, it just still hurts.” She nodded. I then told her about Allen's freedom from Cross.
“Are you sure he is safe living with Kanda?” she asked as we reached the classroom where the two guys we were just talking about where studiously ignoring each other in the front row.
“He's better than Cross. The worst thing Kanda will do is bore Allen to death.” I muttered. We walked up to our friends laughing. That eye crinkling grin split Allen's face as he reached his good arm out to me telling me he saved me a seat. He greeted Lenalee who told him she would talk to her brother about helping him move. Allen thanked her.
The rest of the day dragged.  I was tired. “Can we get coffee after school?” I begged Allen as we walked toward our finale class.
“After we see Kanda's apartment.” He said squeezing my waist. Krory looked down at us. His expression was unreadable which sort of worried me. I was good at reading people. Only three people stumped me, Cross, Bookman and now him. OK maybe four. Still wasn’t sure about Kanda. I wanted his backstory. He was hot and I was planning on letting my love live with him. I sighed.
“Promise?” I dramatically draped myself over him as if I were dying. Maybe I was! Dying from his absolute cuteness! I couldn’t remember a time he smiled so easily, or laughed so often. He awkwardly patted my arm, as I clung to the side of his good arm.
“I promise, Kanda's then coffee.” He giggled at my dramatics. I kissed him.
“I love you more than the very air I breath!” I cried. He laughed.
“Do you love me more than coffee?” he asked with a teasing smirk on his face. I nodded solemnly.
“I do, I really do!” I pouted. “But I NEED coffee today!” I saw his face twist a little. Throwing my arms around him I gushed. “I need you every second of every hour of every day.” I punctuated my words with kisses all over his neck and face. He was laughing half heartedly pushing me away.
“OK, ok!” he giggled. “I get it you are a drama queen!” he laughed snagging my hand to pull me into the classroom.

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