Kanda, a love story?

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Lavi POV
Kanda had walked away leaving me alone with Allen. I watched the fragility of this kid. His body shook whenever someone came too close to him. Had I added to that? I frowned feeling the ache in my chest. What happened between Krory and I neither of us meant it to be the way it ended up, but that’s how life works. Allen was lost without someone stronger to guide him. For some reason he had latched on to Kanda.
Yu Kanda, there was mystery. I remembered the first time I saw him. He had just defeated a demon named Akabar. A low level nothing of a demon, but one skilled with a sword. I had rushed out with my hammer only to see him. He wasn’t tall. In fact he was a head shorter than me. I saw him dispel the demon. The smoke swirled around, for a moment I saw nothing of who had dispelled it. Then it cleared, or maybe he just walked out of it.
He stood there. His chest bare, the scratches still oozing blood. The talons had come very close to his heart. Those intense eyes found me. He gazed at me, measuring what I might do. I couldn’t look away. The sword gleamed in his hand not a trace of the demons blood marred it. I could see the red splotches all over his face and chest that would become brushes. Yet I couldn’t look away.
“You're the bookman's apprentice, aren’t you?” he asked in his lazy board way. I could only nod.
“Then tell me apprentice, do you know how to stop demon poison from killing someone?” I gasped. His knees buckled. I didn’t even know I had moved until I caught his weight in my arms.
“As a matter of fact I do.” I told him replacing the hammer in my hand. I knelt on the rocky shore, flipping him over I forced the thick dark liquid down his throat while reciting a chant that would activate the ingredients inside to absorb the poison.
“It’s just not going to be pretty for you.” I smirked. I had seen how this racked the body. This devilish hot guy was going to have a very rough night. I sheathed his sword back onto his body. Lifting him, I knew I had little time to get him to the nurse before the anti venom took affect. I rushed him inside. Leaving him to the nurses.
It was three days later before I saw him again. I had introduced myself then. He acted like he didn’t even hear me. That was Kanda. I forced my presence on him until he finally spoke to me. I smirked at the memory. I guessed we were friends then. I knew he was loyal. He always helped me out. Not this time. Not where Allen Walker was involved.
“What the hell are you smirking at, you stupid rabbit?” Kanda had returned.
“Just thinking about the first time we met. I had to save your life.” I reminded him.
“That was only after I saved your since you were so stupid.” He growled. Folding his arms he leaned against the wall. Glancing at Allen I saw he visibly relaxed with the warrior in the room. Kanda the protector of the innocent and weak. How he would hate it if people thought of him that way.
Walking over to him I gripped his shoulder. His muscles tightened under my hand but he didn’t flinch or move away. Our eyes met. There, that was what I was looking for. Although not forgiveness, I doubt he had it in him to forgive me for hurting Allen, but acceptance. Had I not hurt him, had I not left him to the samurai, there would be no opening for him.
“Just do what I couldn’t…” I murmured. “Take care of him.”
“No.” Kanda stated. I flinched. “He needs to realize he can take care of himself.” I sighed that was Kanda. In his own way he knew what was best for people.
“I will help you train him, if he let’s me.” I said. It was then that I noted he hadn’t shaken my hand off. All those late night talks when the nightmares got too bad for each of us. I knew we had grown close then, yet in the daylight he acted like Kanda. I smiled a sad smile. It had been along time since we met up in the dark tunnels to talk or just be beside another living being.
“Care to meet me tonight?” I asked. Surprise flooded my body and mind as I saw his head nod. He agreed! I took my hand away. Looking back over my shoulder I saw Johnny and Allen laughing about something. I smirked, before walking away.
Slipping my hands into my pockets I didn’t really pay attention to where I was going. So when I walked into something it took me by surprise. Blinking I stepped back only to have hands grip my arms.
“Lavi!” Krory cried. He hauled me into his arms hugging me tightly. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” He squealed.
“I took Allen to Johnny. Then Kanda had to go see Komui so I stayed to watch over the kid. Once Kanda returned I left.” I said. My stomach growled. Did I eat today? I couldn’t remember.
“How about a picnic?” I asked him cheery. It was easy to fool Krory. A smile, a wink a mild distraction. He was navie, but wasn’t that what I liked about him. He was highly intelligent too. He understood most of what I said. I never had to dumb down my words around him. Kanda I never could tell. He would stop me if I didn’t need to explain something to him. Allen had just liked listening to me talk I think.
The picnic was nice. I spent the afternoon and evening with Krory. We swam in the water around headquarters. It was beginning to get chilly. We went back to my room to shower and warm up. One regret I had was that I took thing so slow with Allen. I knew he was still a virgin. I would have to make sure Kanda knows. Krory was adventurous. After we had finished a few hours of indulgence he was snoring like a baby.
Watching him sleep, after I got dressed, I felt envious of him. I could hardly ever shut my brain down long enough to sleep a full night. Even after sex I felt wired. Maybe it was because my first liver had agreed to met me tonight. Yu Kanda. My first sexual partner, yet we never dated. My first love actually. I knew I still loved him, just not like that. We would hook up from time to time if we were both alone. No one ever knew or suspected.
I walked down the stairs into the tunnels with the boats. Jumping across to the far shore I threaded my way along the bank. There was a small cave here. Slipping inside, I saw the fire blazing already. No matter how hard I tried, he always got here first. I slide down the wall to sit beside him. He passed me the stick he had been using to poke the fire.
“I’m worried, Kanda.” I spoke looking into the flames. “The demon's kiss…” I whispered.
“It will be a last resort, I promise, Lavi.” He said. Still the fact he was even thinking about it…
I lifted my head to study his profile. “It will destroy him if you do it. He has taken a liking to you that unnerves even me.” I spoke trying to get my point hammered into that thick skull of his.
“I took him to the temple today.” He stated. Laughing I shook my head. To Kanda the temple was the work out room. He put him through some activities I was sure.
“How'd he hold up?”  I inquired. Finally those deep grey eyes flicked to me.
“He cowered in a corner when I tried hand to hand.” A branch snapped. I looked down at his white knuckles hands. “I never want to kill someone more in my life, Lavi. Cross was one us once!” the pain, the torment of him breaking his vow to protect the order. It was there dripping from his words.
“He left us a long time ago. Killing him you will be saving Allen.”
“Will I?” he asked eyes turning back to the flames. It frightened me to see them reflecting in his flat gaze.
“I know the prophecy that Komui talked about. The one that states that the protector of the gate, will have never given his heart away. The owner of his heart will be the gatekeeper. I never knew it spoke of you.” I looked away.
“Are you sad that I never loved you?” he growled out.
“No.” I whispered. “I’m sad because you have never known love. Neither has Allen. Kanda he is still a virgin.” I whispered. His head slammed around eyes narrowed he glared at me.
“I never touched him. Cross or Allen stopped before it went that far.” Kanda looked away. His frown deepening. Yeah, I had to tell him, now he had one more thing to worry over.
“Can we defeat the skulls?” I asked. His shoulders slumped. The pride, the anger, whatever it was that kept his Kanadness is check vanished. Here was the person under that stone cold façade.
“Not alone, I don’t think we can.” He muttered. His shoulders slumped. Reaching over I pulled him down against me. His head fell into my lap. I felt special, because I was the only one he ever let his guard down around. Pulling the hair tie out of his long silken locks, I began to run my fingers through it. Humming, I found a tone I had heard somewhere in my travels. I couldn’t remember all of the words, instead I hummed the melody. Kanda's fingers gripped my legs. I could feel the warmth from his tears against my thighs. I continued to hum, to stroke his hair until his breathing evened out. Once he was asleep I sat guard over him, starring into the fire.
I loved Kanda's hair. He never appears to take extreme care of it, but it is always perfect. I let my mind wander as I stroked my fingers through the silky waves. The fire drew my attention. I starred into it. The calm of this place pulling my eyes lids closed. I awoke to shouting.
“I can’t find him any where!” the wail came from out by the boats. I knew that voice immediately, as did the warrior who was already refastening his hair. He stood blocking me from view of the cave entrance. Few knew about this place.
“Stay here until you hear us leave.” He ordered.
“Lavi's missing too.” Kory. Oh no.
“He's probably wondering down by the beach. He likes the sunrise.” Kanda announced his presence by releasing Krory of his worry, odd. Well I knew where I had to go. Good thing I could get there before my lover. I heard Kanda's feet gently land on the other bank.
“Come on, we should go get breakfast.” His voice was fading.
“Why were you do….” Allen's voice was cut off as they got in the elevator. Making sure the coals were extinguished I rushed out. Along the river there was a sloped bank that lead down to a small cove. One I liked to sit in often. I had only showed Kanda and Lenalee where it was at.
Sliding down the smooth path I leapt up over the rocks at the bottom. Sprinting along the narrow walk way I reached the cove in less than five minutes. It would take Krory another ten to get around the end of the island. I drew in deep breathes to slow my heartbeat back down.
Lounging back against the rocks, I saw the tall boy walk by on the beach. “Oi, Krory!” I called he looked around. I jumped out from the rocks to land just behind him. Wrapping my arms around him from behind I kissed the back of his neck.
“Good morning.” I whispered into his ear.
“I was worried about you, you weren’t in bed when I woke.” He cooed. Stepping away I took his hand.
“I woke early decided to come watch the sunrise.” I smirked.
“How did Kanda know where to find you?” He asked.
“Because Kanda has his own hiding places. He found me out here about a year ago.” Walking into the cafeteria, Kanda didn’t even look up or acknowledge my presence. This was my life with him. I chuckled to myself as Krory and I gathered our food.
“Lavi, Krory, come sit with us!” To my utter shock it was Allen who called out. My eye darted to Kanda, a subital shrug. We took seats beside them. Well a new life begins. I thought.

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