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The pub down the street was pooling with people when you and Wilbur arrived, but you didn't mind - you found yourselves a table for two, tucked away in a corner where you could nurse your drinks in peace. Normally, you would have hated this - the air in the pub was hot and sticky, and the beer was lukewarm, but you didn't care because you were finally with Wilbur, talking about nothing and playing with his fingers between yours. 

Wilbur watched you turn his hand over on the table. "What are you doing?"

"You have nice hands." You said simply, rolling each of his fingers so that he was making a fist. "They look nice when you play the guitar, and I like the callouses." You ran your fingers over one, feeling the rough skin that you were finally allowed to touch.

"Is that what we're doing?" Wilbur asked, grinning. "Well then..." His free hand reached across the table to pull at a lock of your hair. "I like this."

You tilted your head so that he was cradling your cheek with his hand and smiled. 

Wilbur made a choked sort of sound, and his eyes softened. "This should be illegal. Someone isn't legally allowed to be this cute."

"You're right." You said, uncurling his fist on the table and instead lacing your fingers together. "You're under arrest, sir."

Wilbur laughed, and laid his forehead down on the table. You could see the tips of his ears turn pink though, and he squeezed your hand lightly. "Stop."

 You just laughed and downed another sip of your drink. 

One beer turned into two, turned into three, and before you knew it the hours of the night were flying away. You and Wilbur talked about everything and nothing - his streaming, and the intense story line he was writing for this Minecraft server (he explained the whole thing in detail, and you were enraptured by the story - who knew a video game could be so full of betrayal and intrigue?), your writing, and your dream to publish a novel some day - until you were struggling to keep your eyes open and the words were turning to gummy in your mouth. 

You didn't want the night to end though. It was one of those magical nights that made you feel like you could live forever.

Eventually though, Wilbur began to notice. 

"You alright?" He asked. "You look kind of tired."

You yawned, resting your cheek against the table and looking up at him. "I am kind of tired. But you look tired too."

Wilbur smiled. "I guess... we should maybe call it a night then."

There was a moment of silence, where you just looked at each other. It was clear that neither of you really wanted tonight to end - there was a certain sort of electricity in the air that you didn't want to lose, and the novelty of being allowed to touch, and allowed to feel was still fresh and new. 

You pouted. "I really don't want to though." 

"It probably wouldn't be safe for you to try and drive home either." Wilbur added. "Um, if you wanted, my place isn't that far from here. I wouldn't mind if you crashed for the night-"

"That sounds wonderful." You said sleepily. 

"Alright then." Wilbur smiled.

You stumbled out of the pub together, leaving the crowded space and instead finding yourself surrounded by the cold night air. Your breath left little puffs of smoke as you looked up to the sky - it was clear tonight, and the stars twinkled down at you. Wilbur draped an arm over your shoulder and guided you away from the pub, following the sidewalks back to his place. 

"It's really nice out tonight." You said, leaning into the touch. "I'm so glad it stopped raining."

"Mmm." Wilbur hummed in agreement. "This is the kind of night they write songs about."

You glanced up at him to see a twinkle in his eye. "You should write a song about tonight." You said. "I would listen to it."

"Maybe I should." Wilbur mused, pausing as you came to a corner. You stopped as well, even though there was no traffic you would have to wait to cross for. The arm on your shoulder turned you so that you were facing him, and Wilbur took a step forward, forcing you to take a step back.

"I think it would be a good song." He said, taking another step. "A nice change from all the sad ones." 

Another step.

"The clear night sky," He gestured up to the stars. "Someone you didn't think you'd see here."

Another step.

"A hurried confession of affection." Wilbur said, leaning down slightly. "A kiss in the shadows on the road."

Your back hit the wall of a building, and Wilbur trailed a hand up your side. There was a lamppost nearby, that cast his face in deep shadow, accentuating the slope of his nose and the curve of his jaw. He looked absolutely breathtaking - and indeed, it took your breath.

"We haven't got a kiss on the road yet." You breathed as Wilbur began to close the gap between you. 

Wilbur hummed and sealed your lips together. You could taste the beer on his tongue, but you didn't care, melting into him and winding your arms around his shoulders as he kissed your breathless. 

You might have spent an hour underneath that lamppost, but a shiver ran up Wilbur's spine, interrupting you. You pulled back, and took his hands in yours, feeling the cold in his fingertips. 

"How far did you say it was?" You asked.

"Just another block." Wilbur said. 

You rubbed his hands between yours, trying to bring some warmth back. "Your hands are cold."

"It's fine." He said, leaning down to kiss along your jaw. You sighed, and tilted your head away, pinning him with a look. 

"We can kiss back at your place, where it's warm, too you know." You said. "C'mon."

Wilbur sighed, but led the way down the road, still holding onto your hand. You smiled to yourself, and looked up to the sky, letting yourself be dragged along, happy.

KEEP A PLACE FOR ME // Wilbur Soot X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now