Chapter 01 - What is happening

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Hello everyone, everything good? I hope so, this is my first Evangelion Fanfic, in fact it is my first Fanfic of my life, so have mercy , English is not my native language (It is Portuguese by the way ), I wrote in Portuguese and translated in the best way I can say, if you have a lot of mistakes, let me know that I review, well have fun.

Don't forget to like the page on Facebook, the direct link can be found on my Fanfiction profile page, or if you prefer to search for "Calborghete" and find an image of Shinji and Asuka. On this page I will post updates and it will also be easier to get in touch with me.


So now without further ado, good reading.


- Thoughts -

Disclaimer of Liability:

Evangelion, its characters and scenery are property of Hideaki Anno. Any brand, series, film mentioned in this Fanfic is the property of its creators.

Chapter 01 - What is happening

A destroyed land, lifeless, only nothing as far as the vision can reach, only the color red stands out, red like blood, red like Asuka's hair, red like Rei's eyes, red like Kaworu's eyes.

- Kaworu -Shinji thought, - my only friend, the only person who treated me in a decent way in this destroyed and lifeless world, he died to stop another mistake of mine, I wish it were me. -

"Hey brat, look at me when I'm talking to you." Asuka snapped while tightening the collar of Shinji's costume, with his intense blue eye, Shinji could only look at the floor, he couldn't face her now.

"Are you listening to me? Brat "Asuka speaks again, a little louder this time and Shinji can only nod his head, shame and guilt is too much for him now.

- How can I look her in the eye when I only brought misfortune to everyone's life, Misato, Asuka, Kaworu, Kensuke, Toji ... Sakura. -Shinji thought sadly.

"So, look at me when I'm talking." Asuka speaks in a firm tone, Shinji could feel the hate in his words.

''Sorry." Shinji responds in a tearful voice. "Sorry Asuka" tears are streaming down his cheek as he speaks.

"Sorry? ... Sorry? ... Sorry!?" Asuka screams, she pushes Shinji every time she repeats his response, seeing that her anger is growing more and more with each step she takes towards Shinji, he doesn't defend himself, that's the least he thinks he deserves after everything you did.

"Is that all you can say brat !? She continues to scream as she stands inches from Shinji's face. "Do you think you can come back after destroying the world and almost destroying what's left of it and just saying 'sorry'?" Shinji can only cry and look at the floor.

Asuka sighs and starts walking again. "Come on brat, let's find a place to camp." she spoke in a firm tone.

"pathetic." She snorts and continues on her way.

"Asuka" Shinji's voice comes out almost as a whisper, but Asuka has always had a good hearing.

"What you want!?" Asuka snaps as she turns around.

Shinji doesn't have the courage to speak, he just looks at the floor where the tears fell on the red floor.

'Listen here, brat, just call me when it's important, I don't want to have to look at you with regret when I know you're not, you're selfish, self-centered and don't care about anything around you, just you' 'Asuka fires at Shinji, he can feel that every word hits his heart like daggers, but he can't hit.

Errors and SuccessesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora