Daddy ignores me

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Secret child series

"MUMMY!" The sudden shrill cry of her little son pervading the quietness of their idyllic home almost caused Y/N to drop the white porcelain plate of her new tableware onto the kitchen's granite floor. She immediately put it aside, but before she could even rush to see after him, the young boy had already beat her to it. And the picture presented in front of her simply pierced daggers through her delicate mummy heart. Big fat teardrops were flowing down Robin's apple cheeks, uncontrollable agonized sobs wrecking his tiny body, and he looked at his mother as if she were the last person who could help him. Y/N couldn't recall seeing him this dejected over something. With worry consuming her mind, she crouched down on his eye level, inspecting him from head to toe to find out whether he had hurt himself. But as she was going to find out later, her baby boy was dealing with emotional rather than physical pain.

"What's wrong, honey?" Y/N cooed, opening her arms, and inviting him into her embrace. Robin nuzzled his face into the crook of his mother's neck and clutched her shirt with intensity, seeking for her comfort. Running her hand up and down his back, the young mother waited until her son had somewhat calmed down.

"Daddy doesn't talk to me." Robin sniffed, lowering his tiny head in defeat.

Baffled at his answer, Y/N replied, "He won't what? Why is that?"

Her firstborn shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, mummy. I don't know what I did that he's upset with me. He would play with Ella and Mila the entire time, but shoo me away when I want to join them. And when I ask why he doesn't let me play, he doesn't answer and turns his back towards me." Another flow of tears was brimming his green eyes as he started to hiccup. "It makes me sad."

"Oh my poor baby boy." His mother pressed him lovingly against her chest, tangling her fingers into his hair.

It surprised her immensely to hear that Harry was upset over something their son apparently had done that it was enough to punish the little boy with disregard and indifference. Her partner and son rarely argued with each other because they loved and cherished each other with such intensity- they both worshipped the ground that the other one walked on. Of course, Robin did some things Harry got angry with, however, he would forgive him once Robin apologized and then everything was forgiven and forgotten. She was just as confused as the boy in front of her, who had no idea of where he was at fault. She wondered about the reason behind Harry's behavior.

"Daddy doesn't love me anymore..." Robin mumbled, causing his mother to shake her head in denial.

"You know that is not true, m'love. Don't you ever think like that. Daddy loves you with his entire heart. You're his pride, his big buddy, hm?" She bestowed his face with affectionate kisses, eliciting a giggle out of his rosy lips. "Why don't you tell me what you guys did before daddy stopped talking to you?"

Robin put his finger on his lower lip, his brain recapping the last happy interaction he had with his father. "We were playing cardboard games." He answered then. "He hasn't talked to me ever since we finished."

Knowing were this was going to lead, Y/N still pushed her son to continue. She already had her suspicions as to why Harry refused to acknowledge Robin.

"How many rounds did you play, honey?"

Robin pointed the number three with his fingers into the air. "Three times."

"May I ask who won?"

A proud expression flashed over his features. "Me. All rounds."

Y/N scoffed. She genuinely wanted to slap her partner in that moment, her hand was itching terribly to make contact with his cheek. If there was something that everybody knew about Harry, then it was his competitive nature and his strong will to win when it came to games. Nobody took games as seriously as Harry did. Losing against his own child had probably hurt his stupid ego. No wonder he behaved like this towards a child, who went to kindergarten. The young mother sighed. Not that she had enough to deal with, nope, now she had to handle a man child.

"I think I know what the problem is. Come on. Let's have a word with daddy." Y/N picked the little boy up and steadied him on her hip, then making her way to search for her lover. Ascending the stairs, she heard some noises coming from the girls' nursery, so she steered directly towards it.

She halted in front of the door, gesturing Robin to be quiet and through the slight door gap, she observed what the young father was doing with his daughters. Harry was sat on the ground while the girls were placed on top of their playmat. Their toys were scattered into different directions. Harry's voice rang through her ears.

"You can do it baby girl! Just a little bit more!" Harry cheered Ella on, who had grabbed onto the musician's fingers and tried to lift her body from the ground with his help. Her twin minded her own business by playing with her stuffed animals, babbling uncoherent sounds. Ella finally managed to stand on her legs, earning lots of praises from her father. Although Y/N didn't want to disrupt their interaction, she had a problem to solve.

Therefore, she entered the nursery.

"Harry Edward Styles!" Her voice boomed through the living room, making Ella plop down on her little bum and grabbing the other twin's attention also, who started to wail. "Don't tell me you're ignoring your child just because he beat you at a game!" The smile that had adorned Harry's face vanished from his lips.

She pointed at Robin, who had hidden his face on her shoulder, avoiding eye contact with his daddy.

"What are you, five?" She reprimanded him. "This is ridiculous. Don't you think you're overreacting?"

Harry only shrugged his shoulders, reaching for Mila, who seemed to sense the tension in the room and hence became restless. He picked her up and made silly faces to soothe her.

"Jesus Christ, Harry. Would you please look at me or rather your son, who thinks you don't love him anymore because you refuse to talk to him? Because you lost a game? What the hell is wrong with you?" Slight anger was boiling in the pit of her stomach, even more when she felt Robin's tiny body trembling against hers.

According to the British man's reaction, Y/N knew she stroke a particular nerve. "What do you think you were doing, Harry?" She asked. "You can act like this towards somebody else but not your son. Get your shit together, will ya?"

"I wanted to win..." She heard him mumble under his breath. "One game, okay. But all three? It's not fair."

Y/N retorted, "You know what's not fair? The way you treat Robin! You hurt his feelings. Now, apologize!"


"I said apologize! And don't you dare to ignore my boy again, you hear me? Is a stupid game more important than your family? One more time and you can search another place to live your life." Okay, the last statement was a bit exaggerating but at least it worked. Fear appeared in his eyes and he immediately rose from the ground, walking towards them. If there was somebody who could threaten him with his family, then it was the one and only woman her loved.

"Hey buddy." Harry murmured sheepishly after Y/N had handed the boy over, watching them sternly with her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm sorry I was mad at you for stupid reasons and made you feel like I don't love you. I'm not going to do it again, I promise."

Robin glanced at his father with glossy eyes and pledged, "I won't play any games with you anymore. You were being a meanie. And I don't like meanies."

"Fair enough." Harry chuckled, kissing his temple.

"Have we come back to our senses?" The young mother questioned.

"Yes, madam!"

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