Periods and stained bedsheets

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It's in the middle of the night as Harry's sleep is interrupted by desperate pleas of his girlfriend. She is shaking his shoulder constantly in order to wake him up.

"Harry..." Her hers her whimpering his name. "Wake up, please..." A big, fat lump develops in her throat that she finds hard to swallow. Shame and remorse consume her.


"What?" He mumbles drunkenly, and then finally opens his eyes, rubbing over them to get a clear sight of his surroundings. Looking at her direction, he discovers that she has turned on the light on her nightstand.

"I-...Harry, I-" Her voice shakes and breaks when she tries to speak.

"Love, what's wrong?" He inquires with worry in his eyes as he spots his girlfriend in a crouching position in front of him. She has her arms tightly pressed against her lower stomach, followed by recurring whimpering. Her shoulders are shaking, and when she faces him, he can see that her cheeks are completely drained with her tears. A few strands of hair are clinging onto her beautiful face.

He supports himself on his elbows, then propping himself up to a sitting position.

"I'm s-sorry, Harry. I didn't know this was going to happen. I'm so sorry."

"What are you talking about?"

Without answering his question, she backs away a few centimeters only to reveal a dark spot underneath. It isn't too large but too small either. Harry observes it with furrowed eyebrows before he understands what's going on. Y/N is on her periods.

"I'm so sorry..." He hears her crying. "I messed up your sheets."

According to her calculations, Y/N has usually expected the bleeding to occur the following day but apparently her period had other plans and did not want to play along, resulting her now sitting here in front of her boyfriend, having his sheets stained with her blood and her head hanging low in shame because she has been completely unprepared. She compares her situation to a little child having wetted its bed but instead of her own bed, she has ruined the one that belongs to Harry. She is not even making attempts to meet his eyes by now because she feels entirely embarrassed and humiliated. She wants to be swallowed by a large hole and not come back ever again. Never has such a situation happened in the many times she has already slept over, especially when she had been on her periods. Just look at what one miscalculation has led her into. Harry must be completely disgusted with her which Y/N can understand. She is already disgusted with herself. The tears continue to flow down her cheeks. The worse thing also is that her period cramps have kicked in and the more intense her cramps become the shallower her breaths leave her mouth.

"Darling, look at me." Harry says gently, scurrying closer to her and cupping her cheeks with his hands. His heart wrenches between his chest at seeing his poor love blaming herself over something she has absolutely no control over. "It's okay, hun. I'm not mad at you, I promise. Accidents happen and it's totally normal. There is nothing you have to be ashamed of. It's woman's nature, huh? Don't bust your head over this, alright?"

He kisses her forehead and catches her tears with his thumps. "Listen, I'm gonna prepare you a shower right now and then I'll change the sheets while you're going to take as much as time as you need to get clean, how does that sound? And then we can have a nice cuddle afterwards."

Y/N nods her head appreciatively. A huge stone falls from her heart. He is not mad at her and he reacts so considerate and understanding, it makes her heart want to flutter out of her chest. Other boyfriends would have probably acted awkwardly because to many young men, periods are still a topic they would like to avoid, Harry however, embraces them.

"Thank you, Harry."

"No problem, darling. Hang on."

Harry orders her to wait for him and instinctively jumps out of the bed. He walks towards his large wardrobe in which he has not only his, but also a few of Y/N's items stored that she can use in case she decides to stay over. Grabbing some fresh clothes, he directs himself quickly to the bathroom. Arriving there, he places Y/N clothes on top of the toilet lid, then searches for the pads and tampons that he keeps in his bathroom closet for emergencies like this, and once finding them, he pulls them out and adds them to the rest. After adjusting the right temperature in the shower, he comes back and helps Y/N to get up.

"Careful, love." He holds her one hand while his left arm sneaks around her lower back, then leading the way back to the bathroom.

"Ouch!" Y/N suddenly moans loudly, another shot of tears brimming her eyes. Fucking period cramps! She cannot remember them being so extremely painful. It really feels like somebody tries to tear off her uterus from her vagina. Everything down there feels numb.

"Are you okay?"

"It hurts..." She can only gasp, pointing at her lower part.

"Hold on baby, I'll see if I have any painkillers and I'm sure the shower will do you well also."

Harry helps her to strip off her dirty clothes before she settles down under the shower. He immediately leaves to let her do her own thing privately. Not that he wouldn't mind watching her or helping her out, but he knows that at moments like this, every woman would become very uncomfortable and rather do their business on their own.

He hastes back to his bedroom to take care of his stained bedsheets. Luckily, as he discovers later on, his mattress underneath has been left untouched by the blood. He immediately replaces the sheets with new ones and after he's done, he collects everything and throws them into the washing machine.

Entering his kitchen afterwards, he takes a bottle of milk out of the fridge and a little package of cocoa powder. "Nothing suits best than a nice cuppa of hot chocolate when your lady is in need." He smiles. Mixing the ingredients along with a bit of sugar, he puts the cup into the microwave and waits until the device indicates that its done and ready to be drunk.

He also prepares water in the boiler to pour it into a hot-water bottle. He knows exactly that nothing can save a woman's life while being on her period more than a hot-water bottle.

Placing everything on a tray, he walks into his bedroom and places it on her nightstand.

Meanwhile, Y/N steps out of the shower. She feels slightly better and freshened up than before, however, the numb feeling in her lower still remains. At least, her cramps have lessened at bit. Slipping into her underwear and pajamas, after using a pad of course, she dries her wet hair and then exits the bathroom.

"How're you feeling?" Harry questions as he sees his girlfriend. He has some painkillers in his hand at a cup of water which he hands over to her. The worry in his eyes is still present.

"A bit better, I guess. I still feel uncomfortable, especially after-"

"It's okay." Harry interrupts her, "Really. I love taking care of you and like I've said before, it is nothing that you have to feel ashamed about. I grew up with two ladies, so I know what I'm dealing with. Now drink your water."

Y/N complies his order.

The young man gently drags her back into his bed. "Here is your delicious hot chocolate. I've heard it has its wonder on people who don't feel quite well."

Y//N offers him a wide smile. "Thank you. You didn't have to."

"No problem. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Thanks, you've already done more than I could ever ask for."

The rest of the remaining night, the young lovers are wrapped in each other's arms with Harry rubbing soft circles along her belly to ease the pain until both of their eyes are too heavy to keep open and they fall into a deep slumber. And no more accidents happen after that night. 

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