Big brother (Secret child series)

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Harry wanted to quickly check up on his newborn daughters before he was heading to bed- it had become a daily routine since they had been delivered to the world two days ago- when something drew his attention. Some light came through the door gap of the nursery. He tried recalling his memories, wondering if he had forgotten to turn off the lights, however, he couldn't remember. Maybe his fiancée Y/N had gone in there to feed the twins, but that wasn't possible because first, the last time he saw her, she was tightly snuggled against their bedsheets and sleeping peacefully, and second, if the babies cried, Harry was the first one to hear it, immediately on his way to satisfy their needs. This left him with one last option- namely Robin. His firstborn.

He really hoped it was him. The famous musician couldn't bare the thought that some stranger might have broken into their million dollar mansion, even though it was perfectly guarded with men and a brilliant surveillance system. However, there were crazy people who somehow managed to break in. People, most likely the fans had gone crazy when the Styles' family revealed that they were going to add two more members into their family, and he was certain to say that some of them were still acting bitter towards Y/N. He tried to ignore the hate being thrown at her-because that's what his love did-, however, it didn't mean that the issue didn't tug at his heart. Besides, he feared for his family's life. He couldn't ever forgive himself if something happened to them.

With slowly steps, Harry tried to reach the nursery as quietly as possible. He peeked through the door gap, and felt a sense of relief.

Indeed. He found Robin in the nursery.

He released a quick breath he didn't notice he was keeping in.

When he glanced back at his children, a wide smile adorned his pink lips.

He had caught the young boy in Iron-man pajamas standing on his tiptoes, his tiny figure hovering over his sisters' crib, watching over them like a bodyguard. The four-year-old had his arm reached out to the newborns, each of his pointer fingers were wrapped around each twin's mini hand. Harry didn't miss to see the affectionate gaze his little son was throwing at his daughters. The way the young boy was giving reassuring promises to his sisters felt like music in Harry's ears. His heart literally swelled at this cuteness. What a shame that he hadn't had his phone with him- he would've loved to capture this moment.

As much as he enjoyed observing them like this, he still had to interrupt the precious brother-sister interaction.

"Hey buddy." He whispered and walked into the room, keeping his voice in a minimum volume to not disturb his babies' sleep. "Shouldn't you be in bed right now? Why are you up?"

Robin -very startled by his father's sudden appearance- flinched, nearly losing his balance and falling to the ground, but he managed to steady himself last minute. He shamefully looked at the floor- as if he was caught at doing something illegal, even though he wasn't- not daring to face the young father. His chubby cheeks had probably turned completely red.

"I'm sorry, daddy." Robin apologized almost immediately, "I just wanted to look after them. Maybe they need me." Pride filled Harry's body at Robin's answer. His boy was merely four years old, and yet was developing a sense of responsibility at this young age.

He knelt down, one hand resting on Robin's shoulder while the other tilted the child's chin up to create eye contact.

"I'm happy you take good care of your sisters buddy, but it is past bedtime, and you won't be able to wake up in the morning if you stay up any longer. I don't think mummy will like it when you oversleep and miss kindergarten, right?"

Robin nodded his head, then turning back to his sisters. "There so tiny." He noticed.

"Just like you, when you were born." Harry kissed his forehead gently.

"Why are they looking the same, daddy?"

"Because they are identical twins, munchkin. That's what identical twins do- looking the same." He ran his fingers through the younger one's soft hair.

Robin wasn't able to spend as much time with his sisters as his parents did; that's why he was very confused about his sisters' identities. Besides, he had never seen people who looked exactly the same before, which added even more weight to his confusion. 'Identical twins' was a foreign word to the little child.

"But how will I keep them apart? How can I tell who Ella and who Mila is? How did you?"

"It is simple, buddy: Ella has a birthmark under her left right eye whereas Mila doesn't. Sometimes, there is something that distinguishes identical twins from each other, making it easier for their families to tell who is who."

"And what if they can't?" The little child questioned curiously, a trait he had inherited from his mother. Just like her, he always asked many questions and tried to find an answer, which gave the impression that he thoroughly dealt with issues surrounding him. Robin was smart, and his father could tell that he was going to be even smarter in the future.

"Parents always know who their children are." Harry said. He picked Robin up from the floor and was about to exit the room when the child asked, "Can I please hold them and kiss them goodnight before I go back to sleep, daddy?"

If Harry's heart hadn't melted at this cuteness before, it had definitely now. He really wanted to kiss the life out Robin's short body. "Of course, you can." He agreed.

He placed his son on top of the rocking chair next to the crib and ordered him to sit still. Robin, of course, obeyed. Harry went to his daughters, slowly and carefully taking Ella into his arms first. His baby girl stirred in her sleep, a little whimper escaping her mouth. "Shh...It's okay, baby. Daddy is here." Ella instantly calmed down after hearing her father's soothing voice. He marched back to Robin, who was patiently waiting for them.

Harry positioned his daughter onto Robin's arms. "Be careful, love."

It was now the second time that the young boy was allowed to hold his sister. "She is very cute, daddy," Robin remarked, "and look- she has so much hair."

Harry chuckled. "Yes, she has. You, too, had so much hair on top of your head when you were a baby."

Robin brought his lips closer to Ella's cheek and gave her a gentle kiss. "Goodnight, baby sister." He murmured. "Rest well and sweet dreams."

The young father took the newborn out of his son's grab, and kissed her himself. The fragrance of the baby shampoo that Y/N used while washing her hit his nostrils. "Goodnight, princess." He wished, rocking her tiny body back and forth. After laying her back into her crib, father and brother repeated the same procedure on the other twin. Robin caressed and kissed Mila's cheek, wished her a goodnight, and Harry placed her back after saying, "Goodnight angel."

Robin was already rubbing his eyes, exhaustion conquering his body when Harry opened his arms so his son could rest against him. One last glance at the babies, Harry carried Robin out of the room, and quietly shut the door behind them.

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