Chapstick challenge

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„Hey guys! It's me (Y/N) and welcome back to my channel." You greeted, waving at the camera. You were recording a new video for your YouTube channel that had achieved 200,000 subscribers the day before. So, you thought you created something special for your supportive community. "At first, I want to thank all of you for your support and for the positive feedbacks. Thanks to you, we reached up to 200,000 subscribers. Thank you very much. I wouldn't come this far without you." You blew a kiss to the camera.

"Secondly, I thought I make this Chapstick challenge everybody is talking about to celebrate the good news. My friends have done it already. From what I've heard, it's sounds like fun. And many of you have already requested to try it out with Harry." Your cheeks took a slight shade of red as you talked about your boyfriend. He was very supportive of your career online and helped you finding ideas to keep your channel in running. Without him, you would have been lost.

You leaned closer to the camera, putting a finger on your lips. "But psst, he has no clue about it yet." Then, you took three of your favorite lipsticks with different flavors, revealed them to the viewers and then put them into your jeans pocket. "So, guys", You went on. "Harry is downstairs and has probably nothing better to do than being busy with his smartphone. Let's call him." You stepped up and went to your bedroom door, paying attention that the camera was still focusing on you. "Harry!" You called.

"What?" His voice boomed back from the living room. "Can you please come upstairs? I need you to do something for me!" You went back to the spot you sat before and waited patiently for your boyfriend.

Harry reluctantly got up from the couch he was comfortably lying on, wondering what you might be needing while he stomped up the stairs to your room. When he arrived, he saw you sitting on the floor with your camera before you. He instantly knew you were working for YouTube again.

You turned to him, smiled and instructed him to sit down next to you. "Come here, babe." He obeyed without any hesitation, asking himself what kind of video you were recording today. His face showed a trace of uncertainty. You paid attention back to your camera and introduced your boyfriend. "For the people who are new to this channel and don't know who this handsome boy next to me is," You snuggled to his body, "this my boyfriend Harry. Say hello, Haz."

He grinned and winked at your followers. "Hey bitches. How are you doing?" You hit him on his arm, then burying your face into your hands and groaning annoyed.

"What?" He asked innocently, shrugging his shoulders.

"Was this really necessary?" You huffed. "And don't insult my community." Harry offered you a slight laugh, raising his arms in defeat and asking you to go on. You began to explain him what the two of you were planning to do next. "Okay babe, what we are doing in a few minutes is the Chapstick challenge. Have you heard about that before?"

He shook his head. "Nope, no idea." You slipped your arm around his waist and started to explain the rules. Taking the lipsticks out of your pocket you said, "I will apply these on my lips and your only job is to kiss me and find out what flavor they are." After you finished explaining, Harry grinned at you mischievously. "I never thought I would get this excited to kiss you." He commented.

You slightly slapped his arm again, laughing sheepishly at his remark.

"Are you ready?" You questioned.

"Whenever you are, darling."

"But you have to turn around and close your eyes." You reminded him. Harry obeyed. Then you grabbed the first lipstick with the strawberry flavor and applied it thoroughly on your lips. Once you were done, you gave Harry permission to face you. He gently put his hands on your cheeks as his face came closer to yours. It felt weird to do this on camera when thousands of people were going to watch this later on and witness the kisses you were sharing, however nothing else but you mattered in that moment. Looking lovingly into your eyes, he closed the gap between you by pressing his lips against yours and you both shared a very sweet kiss. Feeling his soft lips kissing you sent shivers down your spine and butterflies swarmed in your tummy. You could already hear your followers "aawing" in the back of your head. The curly haired boy pulled away after some time, his eyes still closed as his tongue licked over his lips to discover the flavor. "Hmm... Is it strawberry?" Your face lightened and you cheered. "Yes, that's right! Very good!"

Harry danced triumphantly on his spot.

The next lipstick you put on your lips tasted like pancakes and syrup. Harry grimaced when awful smell hit his nostrils. "Woah, that stinks! What the hell is that?" You leaned closer to him, but he slightly pushed you away. "Wait! Let me get ready for it!"

You expected him to kiss you again, but he licked your lower lip instead. "Eeew, Harry!" You shouted with disgust and punched on his chest lightly. "Don't do that!"

He laughed and kissed you seriously this time, not very amused of the taste on his tongue. "It tastes like grapes and feet." You giggled at his answer. "Grapes and feet. Is this your final answer?" He nodded and you pointed the stick into the camera. "It was pancakes and syrup."

"That shit is horrible." He whined, facing the camera and warning your followers not to buy this flavor. "Please girls, do your boyfriends a favor and don'tbuy pancakes and syrup. I'm telling you it's not very tasty, not at all."

"Okay, are you ready for the last one?" You asked your boyfriend. His face showed anything but delight, but he still nodded.

"Turn around." You ordered and applied the last lipstick to your lips. This time it tasted like cupcakes, and you knew how much Harry loved cupcakes. That's why he kissed you with so much vigor and passion, so that the lipstick was not only smeared all around your lips, but also his own were covered with it. You finally managed to pull away from him, otherwise you were sure you wouldn't resist and make out- which would be very inappropriate in front of the camera. Breathing heavily, you asked, "And?"

It took him a while with licking his lips, before he finally answered. "I'm not very sure but it kinda tastes like cupcakes?"

"It was velvet cupcake, but I'll let it pass." You both shared one final kiss because he deserved it after being such a good boy, before you slowly finished your video. "That's for today guys. I'm sorry for the short length of this video. Thank you so much for watching. And special thanks to my handsome Harry who was willing to participate in this challenge with me. Anything you want to say?" You looked at him, a smile was plastered on your face.

"Thanks for having me, (Y/N). If you liked the video, please leave some lovely comments down below. My beautiful queen would appreciate it. And you can also tell us what we should do in the next video."

You beamed at him, clearly happy about the fact that he wanted to do more stuff with you and put a kiss on his cheek, then cuddling against his side.

"Don't forget to subscribe and share!" You both simultaneously said, biding your viewers goodbye and ending the video.  

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