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"Thank you so much, London! You've been an incredible audience tonight!" Harry speaks to the cheering mass in front of him. "Thanks for having me here and I hope to see you again very soon! Goodbye!" He waves and throws kisses at the crowd before he runs off stage.

A guy from his team hands him over a towel and Harry wipes off the sweat dropping from his forehead. Someone claps him proudly on the shoulder and tells him how great he has done on stage which Harry returns with a sheepish smile, then heading down to his dressing room. Before he can even reach the door where his name has been printed in capital letters on a huge poster, he hears Jeff calling after him. His manager and also friend of many years hurries towards him with his phone in his hand. Worry is written all across his face.

"What's going on, mate?" Harry asks with a confused expression.

"That was Shaila a minute ago." Jeff tells, pointing at his cellphone. "She says that little one wouldn't stop crying and fussing for about an hour and she doesn't know what to do. Poor girl sounded very desperate on the other line."

"Has she checked up if bub was hungry? Her diapers?"

"Sure, she did everything but apparently it didn't help much."

Harry sighs. "Princess is making trouble, you say?"

"You better hurry, man." Jeff answered, laying his hand on Harry's shoulder and wishing him good luck.

Harry enters his dressing room and changes in rocket speed into his daily clothes. His bodyguards are already waiting for him as he makes his way to his car. Slight regret swims through his veins when he thinks about what a stupid idea it was to leave his four months old daughter with her nanny so he could perform a show tonight. She is still so young and needs her daddy, and what does Harry do? Entertaining people.

After a tragic event that has changed his life forever, he has disappeared from the surface for a very long time and now that he is slowly recovering from the trauma he has been going through, he thought he devotes himself back to what he loves. Music.

Not that his fans would ever blame him for his absence, but Harry didn't want them to wait for him any longer. He has felt like he owed them a return. Besides, being away from the suffocating walls of his home, even for a few hours, brings him a little bit back to sanity.

Fortunately without being mobbed by fans or paparazzi, Harry manages to jump into his car and drives straight off to the place his house is located.

There is no traffic at this late hour, for Harry's luck, and there is also barely anyone driving so he has no difficulties on his way back home.

When he arrives, the gates to his million dollar estate are opened by one of his hired men who are supposed to guard him and his little one. Harry stops his car near the entrance before he gets out and is greeted by his trusted man called Kyle who wishes him a good evening and then places himself behind the wheel to park Harry's car into his garage.

With hasty steps, Harry runs up the stairs to his front door and immediately halts in his tracks as he perceives his daughter's cries from the other side of the building. His heart breaks. He hates hearing her crying. If there is anything in the world that he despises with his entire being, then it is hearing or seeing his loved ones in pain.

He unlocks the front door and stumbles across his nanny with his daughter in her arms in the living room. The infant's little face is drowned in tears and she is kicking and tossing in discomfort. Shaila, the young nanny, tries to shush her and lull her to sleep while pacing back and forth but no avail, the little baby just won't stop wailing and whining. The woman herself looks like she is going to burst into tears right here and now.

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