'S e seo mo

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It's another overcast and dull day in Forks, Washington. This little city is one of the many places I've lived over the many years as I have followed the Swan family on its winding journey through time. Across oceans and landmass', until finally, we arrived here in the new world, known now as 'The United States of America'.

Who am I, you might ask? Ah, I have been known by various names, but at present, it's Isabella Marie Swan, but I prefer to be called Bella. But I was born Iseabail Mhairi Cycnus or Beileag, like I said I prefer it, in Caledonia, as the Romans called it, in approximately 75 AD, this now would be modern-day Scotland, part of the British Isles.

My father Carolus Cycnus was posing as a roman officer and my mother Muireen, Reen, to her friends and family, Rene to my father, later to take his surname of Cycnus, was the youngest daughter of a fairly important, but very well respected Celtic tribesman, they were part of the Venicones tribe who were all living in and around north Fib at, that time.

They had met during a tension-filled conflab, between the Romans and Celts, fell in love and ran away together. Very romantic, except or in spite of the fact that he was a Vampire and she a human, so really they met, he realised they were mates and convinced her they should run away together.

That lead unexpectedly to my birth, not easy by any manner of means for my parents who until then had been unaware of the possibility, but as my mother was a gifted young healer and herbs woman and my father, a learned man for this time and the previous several centuries. So they easily surmised that blood would be a feature in my development and growth, thus they were as ready as they could be.

Deciding to use animal, rather than human blood, as it was plentiful and accessible in the surrounding areas. The main complication came at my birth which happened after about four and a half months, they had no way of knowing if this was normal or not, as they had nothing to base it on. This was when they found out I was a twin and he was fully human unlike me, I was much more vampire-like.

I later learned through research that had I been venomous I would have most likely killed and absorbed him while in the womb and also would have arrived a lot sooner, probably killing my mother in the process. She refused to become a vampire when Eòghan Cathal was a baby as she needed to breastfeed him.

She still held off in his infant years, always saying soon to my father. I had grown quickly and was able to help my mother in our home and my father on the small piece of land we had. By the time we were both six years old, I was fully grown, ageing three years to every one of Eòghan's, which made me look as I do now. It was at this time our beloved mother fell ill with a sudden virulent fever and she succumbed quickly to it.

Our father was so devastated and distraught that he begged me to care for Eòghan as my own and then he threw himself onto our mother's funeral pyre, which he had built with his own two hands. Thus began my journey with the Cycnus, later to become Swan family. I have been their Watcher throughout these many centuries.

I never age, can eat human food as well as drink blood, be it animal or human, but the blood gives me added strength. I never get sick and I'm about as strong as any normal vampire, stronger than some too. But unlike them, I have a beating heart and warmer body temperature. Over the centuries I have met many vampires, a few dhampirs like myself and seen the ruling body change hands once.

I got in touch with first The Romanians to explain who and what I was and to tell them where I could be found and again later with The Volturi. Who control, from their castle in Volterra Italy, even though the three leaders are of Greek descent. They both tried to recruit me and I always declined, unfortunately, I am a shield and it's a much sought after gift.

So I explained my life's purpose and eventually, they left me in peace, well, when they worked out my shield was impervious to their guard's gifts and I gave my assurances that in a time of great need I would help them out. It was at this time I made friends with Marcus Volturi, he is a brilliant scholar and historian. What no one knows is I am also a sponge, soaking up all gifts I come in contact with through the slightest touch.

This can be a curse as well as a blessing; some gifts are volatile and hard to control. I also have had the misfortune to kill a few nomadic vampires who tried to hurt my family throughout this long journey with the family, Swan. At the moment I'm living with Charlie Swan and his daughter Rhona Helene Swan, this has been worrying me, as it could be the end of the Swan name, not the line because of Rhona, but the name itself.

But Charlie is a widower and he has lately been dating a lovely woman called Kelly, who works at the Police station with him as a dispatcher, so hope springs eternal. I usually pose as a distant cousin, who's been orphaned and then I live with each generation for a time, or nearby to be able to keep watch. It was easier in the beginning when humans knew of and accepted the supernatural. But with the rise of Christianity, came the demise of the supernatural.

Not that it ended, just disappeared from plain sight, slowly slipping from the forefront of humans minds, relegated to the realm of fantasy and fairytales. With so much time on my hands, I have amassed many Degrees', Doctorates and certificates in a vast amount of varying fields. I am also an accomplished forger, as I have often needed new documents and records quickly. But this time around I'm back at high school and it's definitely different.

I had forgotten how immature young people could be, it's been at least two generations since I attended school and woman didn't have as much schooling then. We are often thought to be twins by strangers Rhona and me, as we look so very much alike, the only real difference is, her eyes are brown and mine are gold, due to the animal blood I consume of course. Otherwise, we are almost identical.

Unlike full vampires I have never had to deal with bloodlust, it's just as well because some of the humans over the years have smelt pretty wonderful even to me. I have never found my mate, but I've enjoyed the companionship of a few single vampires and humans throughout the ages but nothing permanent, as I have to keep moving on and reinventing myself.

So, back to the present and here we are the first day of the junior year at Forks High School. Rhona and I are attending together as we are both meant to be approximately the same age. Well, we will be if she ever hurries up. Oh yes, I forgot that difference, Rhona is a daydreamer.

A/N: I referenced Wikipedia for my historical facts. Making sure they worked with the Twilight timeline. All translations at the end of the chapters, are via Google, so if they are wrong, please feel free to blame them.

'S e seo mo - This Is Me (Scots Gaelic)

Eòghan Cathal - Ewan Charles (Scots Gaelic)

Carolus Cycnus - Charles Swan (Latin)

Muireen Cycnus - Renee Swan (Irish Gaelic/Latin)

Fib - Fife (Latin)

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