Information Super Highway

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After a quick explanation to Carlisle about Rose's gift, how important it would be for their coven. Much better than Edward's mind-reading, as she will know if strangers are going to be dangerous and also if they are lying to them at all. I left them to absorb all this new information and headed home. Rhona had made the dinner tonight and Charlie was home for once and had invited Kelly to join us. She always commented on how alike we looked and I just said the Swans had a strong gene pool and left it at that.

It was very obvious how close Kelly and Charlie were becoming and she mothered Rhona easily and I just pretended that I needed her too. So my hopes for the future of the Swan name could well be a possibility. As I lay in bed that night I thought about the Cullens and how I could help them. That was also a side effect of being a hybrid, I only needed a few hours sleep and I was good to go once more. Thankfully I had my own room so no one knew how little sleep I had.

The next day at school I decided to have a little chat with Alice, she seemed to always be on the go and barely controlled her vampire tendencies when not in Jasper's sight. This could be a problem if she wasn't careful. With a little encouragement, she told me her story and how she came into this life. So she really had never had any formal training from her sire as she didn't know who it was.

She didn't know a lot about her human life either, so that's where we'll start I thought. Her computer skills were the bare minimum, just enough to let her do on-line shopping really. So I decided to give her a crash course on vampire and human genealogy. I explained to her that even though humans lost records through fire, war, natural catastrophes etc, vampires didn't. I also explained that when any major events happened in the human world, a group of vampires would arrive and retrieve any important relics, documents and artefacts.

The vampires vary but the task is always the same, save and preserve. I have participated in the event several times, the last being the horrendous book burnings during Hitler's regime. So chances are someone in the vampire world would know who her sire was and in the human one why she was in that asylum. I gave Marcus a call to ask him to scan the vampire database and then to my computer friend, to do the same for the human ones to see if anything cropped up. Hopefully, by the end of the day, she would know a lot more about herself.

Then we turned our talks between classes, to what she liked and what she would like to do with her very long future. Fashion was undeniably her passion. So we discussed what she could do to enhance the fashion industry. Turns out she can see trends before they appear on the catwalk and although she has never done anything about it, she often sketched designs for future collections. So this was another avenue for her, fashion designer and guru.

I told her the vintage clothing line 'Cia'Dora' was actually Aro and Caius' wives. They had started with their own stuff and branched out from there, buying from or trading with other older vampires. So now even filmmakers seek them out for period clothing.

"Do you think Jasper would mind? Me having my own business, I mean?" she posed the question, more to herself than me.

"Would it make you happy Alice?" I countered.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Then, No your mate won't mind at all, your joy will be his too" I affirmed just as the lunch bell sounded.

"No time like the present to run it by him" I smiled at her barely controlled enthusiasm as she danced off to tell him.

I went to join Rhona and our classmates but could hear Alice talking at high speed to Jasper and he was smiling at her pleased she was so happy. He looked over at me and nodded, saying thank you quietly to me. Edward, unfortunately, appeared just then, telling Alice to shut up and stop wittering on about crap that nobody was interested in.

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