O mo chreach!

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I returned to the Cullens home the next day after school, in the guise of a project I had to do with Alice. This was really to keep Charlie happy, it worked well because there were a couple of classes Rhona and I have separately. It turns out Edward wasn't the only one needing training; Carlisle had been so busy playing at being a family, that his coven knows nothing much about being vampires. I was seriously annoyed with him for that, he was old enough to know better. Any one of them, except Jasper, of course, could have been killed by rogue nomads at any time. I told him

"It's alright to pretend to be a family for the human's sake, but to pretend to yourself and your coven is untenable and stupid!". I know he was hurt, but he also knew I wasn't saying this to belittle him, just to be the voice of reason.

"Why have you never asked Jasper to give you all fight training?" I asked. "After all who better?"

"We've never needed it! We've never been attacked!" he said rather pompously.

"Of course you haven't! Carlisle, you've got the strongest fighter known to the vampire world at this time, in your coven!" I state. "He's the only reason you have survived this long, without an attack," I inform him.

"O mo chreach Carlisle! Wake up and smell the shite you're shovelling! Everyone in our world knows 'The Major' is part of the Olympic coven. His reputation alone has held back any cocky nomad from taking down 'The Veggiepires', Yes that's what they call you" I ranted at him.

"I just didn't know you were the coven leader, but I've heard all the gossip. Nobody gossip's like a bored vampire, you know this" I tirade rather loudly.

He was rather taken aback at these revelations and I then mentioned that when meeting Jasper at lunch yesterday, how I'd given him respect and deference, even though I was hundreds of years his senior. How astounded I was that Edward and Alice had looked at me as if I had two heads and that Edward had actually snorted at me.

So obviously he the coven leader had also not given Jasper the respect he deserved, or they would have known why I did. Now he was hanging his head and looked ashamed. Everyone else had slowly entered the room as we had been talking, I could feel Jasper's embarrassment but also his thanks, it was rolling off him. Emmett suddenly said,

"I knew you were covered in scars man, but I thought you were just crap at protecting yourself!"

"Oh dear God in heaven!" I exclaimed, "Every one of those bites means another vampire failed to kill 'The Major' and assuredly died trying!" There were gasps around the room, when I heard Edward's grunt of disgust, at my defence of Jasper I rounded on him.

"But you knew that Edward didn't you? Because you've read his mind. But you didn't say anything or stand up for your brother? Even knowing that while you've been doing nothing but be a drain on your coven for the last ninety years" I hiss at him.

"That he's been helping 'The Volturi' by not only retraining the Elite Guard but twice to my knowledge going on missions on their behalf with 'The Captain' and 'The Patriot' since he joined this sorry excuse for a coven," I said,

everyone else turned to stare at Jasper, including his mate, Emmett had his mouth hanging open till Rose shut it for him.

"Carlisle my old friend, I'm slowly losing all respect for you, this coven is a joke! You allow a boy to openly show disrespect to not only me but to the other members of his coven. You do know at any time both Jasper and I, as high ranked vampires, can call you to task in front of 'The Volturi' and Edward would be put to death immediately, no questions asked?" I reminded him forcefully.

Edward gasped and stepped back as if to hide in the shadow.

"What happened to that strong determined idealistic young vampire I once knew Carlisle?" I said sadly. "Well, it looks like not only fight training but Vampire 101 lessons too," I say to Jasper.

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