Unexpected Imprint

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Well, this has been an eventful and exhausting day; after I signed off and left the Cullens to deal with the crazy aftermath of Edwards's re-initiation. I have just gone down into the kitchen as Billy Black's truck pulled up outside Charlie's house. Unusually it wasn't Jake driving, but Embry Call, one of the young men from the reservation.

"Hey, Billy, no Jake?" I queried. He shook his head and said

"No, he's feeling under the weather, running a little bit of a fever. Old Quill's mixing him something to help". By the look he was giving me I knew that it was more than a fever, was this, the pack starting.

"Anyone else, is it going round?" I ask.

"Yeah, Sam Uley and Paul Lahote as well," he says "Embry here is helping me out today, just came to drop off Harry's fish fry for Charlie".

At that Rhona came out the front door to see who'd arrived and I felt and saw the bottom drop out of my world. She took one look at Embry and he at her, the air sizzled between them.

"Shit!" said Billy "We always wondered, but never knew for sure, his mother would never say. Looks like prove positive he's either Harry Clearwater's or Joshua Uley's son".

"Did they? Have they? Was that Imprinting, Billy?" I babbled.

"Hell yeah! Never seen it before but had it explained, that sure seemed like it" he said his voice full of awe.

"Damn! Billy, he must be going to phase too and soon" I yelled "You've got to get him out of Forks and back on the rez quickly. Should I drive you?"

"No, he'll be fine but you need to talk to Rhona about this and bring her to the rez. As soon as he's got control of the shifting I'll let you know".

I was all over the place emotionally; mentally I knew that she wouldn't need me anymore. The tribe took care of their own, and didn't need my help; she now being imprinted on made her the new pack's responsibility. I could not believe it, fate was a funny and fickle thing. After all this time and she was the first to become involved with the supernatural, well besides me of course. If Charlie and Kelly didn't have any children, I'd be out of a job!

Hell's teeth! What would I do with myself? After all, this time, my family might end. I could go to an offshoot of the family, over the years I had to decide and so I stuck to the direct descendants of my brother, firstborn, then oldest son. I kept an eye on the others and made sure they had their health, good jobs and stepped in occasionally if times were tough. The odd scholarship here and there, inheritances, and medical insurance they didn't know they had anything to lessen financial problems for them.

Of course, Marcus Volturi once said I could start my own family but it didn't seem right or the time. I had never met my mate and didn't want to just do it for the sake of it. But the way things were looking now I would have time and if he was out there maybe I would be able to find him now. Well first things first, I needed to have a tête-à-tête with Rhona. So with a heavy heart, I took her arm and guided her into the house.

She was looking over her shoulder and saying, He was a very handsome boy and did I believe in love at first sight. Oh, this would be easier than I thought she was very amicable to the imprint. But how would she cope with the supernatural side of things? This too was a massive surprise to me. She listened intently and then shocked me by asking

"So they are different from you Bella? If you're not a shifter, what are you?"

"I didn't think you'd noticed, Rhona!" I stalled,

but knowing she was now involved in the supernatural world, it would be silly not to. So eventually I told her about myself and the family as well.

"Thank you, Bella, you've given your whole life to your family and I am thankful to you. Your dedication has brought me to the love of my life. I only wish you could be just as happy, you deserve it" she told me and I was overwhelmed by her love and kindness.

We were both in tears by now. When Charlie got home he was surprised to see Rhona sitting waiting for him with his meal and coffee all prepared. But he was even more shocked when she told him she'd met a nice boy from the rez today and was going to start dating him. This was a clearheaded and in charge Rhona that we had never seen before. She would be good for the pack and Embry if she stayed like this. She has obviously been hiding the real her in a fantasy world of books, but now the real world had come knocking she was prepared to put it aside.

That night lying in bed I had to think seriously about my future, for once. What would I do, I could become more involved with the Trust and Foundation! Maybe travel the world for my own pleasure! Visit all my old friends! Go to Volterra and help Caius cataloguing all the artefacts they had accumulated! Get involved in the reintroduction of some of them to the humans! How they always fell for the 'I just found it in my Great, Great Auntie Nellie's attic' crap, I'll never understand.

Thursday morning dawned wet and windy, pretty miserable all around. I had checked my e-mails during the night and found one from computer guy; he had some family info for Alice. Her real name (Mary Alice Brandon) and a list of living family descendants. This was good news as it might help her understand what happened and why she was in an asylum. Everyone just needed closure one way or another. I also had to speak with her because I think I may be blocking her visions, as she really hasn't mentioned any since telling Edward that I had no future, three days ago.

I phoned down to the rez to find out how the boys were doing and yes we now had four new wolves. Sam appeared to have the best control and was the oldest he became the Alpha, Embry had handled it all better than Paul who was very volatile, so he was now the Beta, Jake was the youngest and was unhappy about the whole thing. The mind sharing had scared the stuffing out of them all, but it too was helping now as they could calm Paul and Jake down so they could shift back to human quicker.

Embry was worried about Rhona and how she would take him being a wolf, so I told Billy that she was totally accepting and onboard with it all. He said he'd pass this along to Embry as soon as he could. So as everything was going well on the rez, I decided to phone the Cullens house. I was hoping everything here would also be good. Esme answered the phone and sounded far happier than she has been since I met her.

"Is everything okay with Edward then?" I quizzed

"Oh yes, he's a changed boy. Much more relaxed and helpful" she said going on to explain that Jasper had told him he was to help out around the house and grounds.

His memory was patchy and blurred so the family had spent the night going over all they knew about him and the time they had all been together. But the rigid attitude had gone and he was more chilled out than before, he even understood that Carlisle had been his sire but was no longer due to his inability to accept others as his equal and believed them all inferior to him. Jasper had assured him he didn't want him to be a slave but a contributing member of the coven. So he was instructed to find something he could share with the community and pursue it.

Even his piano playing was so much cheerier, he played what others requested instead of the solemn dirges he used to bore them with. This all sounded so much better and boded well for the family as long as they could let go of the past and give the new Edward a chance. I closed off our phone call by asking if Alice would be at school and was informed yes. Edward was staying off tomorrow and Friday and it would give him the weekend to come to grips with his new self. I'd speak to Jasper at lunch, about whether he did or did not want me to attempt to return his gift.

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